The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Just informing lawdog that somebody else picked them for the Finals. Calm your feels.

That was before the season started though. We're talking about them being overrated now. Even Stephen A isn't sticking with that prediction now.
To my knowledge Screaming A. hasn't switched his pick, neither has Skip with the Spurs.
Those championship Celtics squads did wonders for Doc's rep. Not a shot at him either because its not like coaches with championships are a dime a dozen.

- Didn't have much to work with at all in Orlando but managed to get make the playoffs the majority of time. Had one HORRENDOUS season.

- Was on the brink of getting the boot in Boston until The Big 3.

- Now has what a lot of us considered a high level treadmill squad with the Clippers AND has control over player personnel.
To my knowledge Screaming A. hasn't switched his pick, neither has Skip with the Spurs.

Fair enough. But I think we all know what weight Stephen A's opinions deserves. Regardless, I stick by my statement that the Clippers team is not overrated.
Only if they didn't lose those 3 games at the end. Up all 3 games and blew it. Wouldve been 2.5 back from the 5th seed
clippers are a weird team when it comes to how people rate the team and players

no one thinks they are a finals team but people think:

chris paul is a top 5 all time pg

blake is the best pf in the league (and best passing big man)

dj is a top 5 center

doc is a top 5 coach

crawford is one of the best 6th men in the league

so either for some strange reason 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 3

or the pieces to this team are not worth as much as people think they're worth 
Dj is only a top 5 center because there are only 5 centers in the league.

I think the clippers biggest issue is lack of composure and discipline, which puts into question the top 5 coach.
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clippers are a weird team when it comes to how people rate the team and players

no one thinks they are a finals team but people think:

chris paul is a top 5 all time pg

blake is the best pf in the league (and best passing big man)

dj is a top 5 center

doc is a top 5 coach

crawford is one of the best 6th men in the league

so either for some strange reason 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 3

or the pieces to this team are not worth as much as people think they're worth 

Zo gif.

But their best players have to outplay the oppositions best players. That's always the issue.
clippers are a weird team when it comes to how people rate the team and players

no one thinks they are a finals team but people think:

chris paul is a top 5 all time pg

blake is the best pf in the league (and best passing big man)

dj is a top 5 center

doc is a top 5 coach

crawford is one of the best 6th men in the league

so either for some strange reason 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 3

or the pieces to this team are not worth as much as people think they're worth 
Zo gif.

But their best players have to outplay the oppositions best players. That's always the issue.
nah man these days its all about having better TO ratios and PERs, doesnt matter if you outplay your opponent and actually win the basketball game 
Dj is only a top 5 center because there are only 5 centers in the league.

I think the clippers biggest issue is lack of composure and discipline, which puts into question the top 5 coach.

Cant agree enough with this
I had the Clippers missing the playoffs before the season started. I may still be right but I think theymve overachiever so far.

You can't succeed without a single player who is top 5 at their position.
Westbrook is just an undersized 2 guard, he's just a ball hog who hurts his team and will hold them back.
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