The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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What's up with the grizz lately? Its like they haven't been trying hard at all. I wonder if it's fatigue or if it's them just coasting until the postseason start

Its both.

They had a lot of games over the last two weeks, but Conley said it himself..they are use to being the underdog and playing to move up during the 2nd half of the season. Now, they are just on cruise control. They have been playing .500 basketball since the all-star break and still in the 2nd seed :lol: . That's fine and all, but I would like to see them get back on the hot track before the playoffs come.
OKC, SAS, LAL fans of teams that have been high seeds before in the this normal for teams to go on cruise mode during March? I'm not use to this at all. The Grizz are either losing a lot because they are a lottery team or winning a lot during the 2nd half of the season to become dark horse contenders. This is the first season they are legitimately being considered contenders and they look disinterested.

They play their best game against good teams and their worst against average to below average teams.:smh:
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OKC, SAS, LAL fans of teams that have been high seeds before in the this normal for teams to go on cruise mode during March? I'm not use to this at all. The Grizz are either losing a lot because they are a lottery team or winning a lot during the 2nd half of the season to become dark horse contenders. This is the first season they are legitimately being considered contenders and they look disinterested.

They play their best game against good teams and their worst against average to below average teams.
Thunder's worst time for malaise is historically right after the All-Star break.

However, they do tend to let off the gas wee bit towards season's end.

Didn't come out with intensity etc...
Especially since they weren't foolish enough to acquire Dion Waiters for a first.

At this rate we won't be giving up that 1st this year..
Might be best for franchise.

Somehow get Waiters gone during the offseason, move Perry and Lamb...

see if Phil is gettin' senile and swap Kanter for the Knicks' first (since he's more interested in rebuilding the Knicks through free agency and not the draft)
You guys know the NBA is not going to let OKC miss the playoffs. They will somehow make it. The Pelicans seem to be letting a lot of games slip away and they got really lucky tonight. Let's see if the theory of WC playoff teams dropping games against NOP holds some truth, though. :nerd:
I say move waiters, lamb and perry..

Go into next season with everyone fully healthy.. Start: westbrook, roberson, kd, ibaka and kanter

Retain the guys we traded for.. So we have dj, adams, mcgary, collison and singler off the bench
Might be best for franchise.

Somehow get Waiters gone during the offseason, move Perry and Lamb...

see if Phil is gettin' senile and swap Kanter for the Knicks' first (since he's more interested in rebuilding the Knicks through free agency and not the draft)
You guys know the NBA is not going to let OKC miss the playoffs. They will somehow make it. The Pelicans seem to be letting a lot of games slip away and they got really lucky tonight. Let's see if the theory of WC playoff teams dropping games against NOP holds some truth, though.
I don't see the point of makin' the playoffs only to get waxed by the Warriors.

Winning that series on the road is highly improbable even with KD back,

they'd have no chemistry and continuity.

...and Waiters would be playin' 30+ minutes a night...

If I'm any top 5 team playin' the Pelicans, I'm restin' players that game.
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