The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Playoff contenders in the West with remaining games versus the Pelicans are probably going to rest their guys that game. GS can afford to do it for example, rather see N.O get that # 8 than OKC if you're a W.C playoff team.

I've been saying this for a while. #Tank4NOP

Gotta give Starbury credit for trying to stop the big guy in a late postseason game.

Just read an article about Brook Lopez building a Disney-themed house in Orlando.
How did MJ, and the rest of those guys play 82 games and then at an even higher level come playoff time?

Strictly in a basketball sense, the two-way nature of today's game is more demanding than any point in NBA history. I'm not talking about the hard fouls and cheap shots, I'm talking about more complex offenses, defenses, etc. That plays a significant role. Players, as a whole, are in better shape now than at any point in the league's history. They have to be. But that also leads to over training. The human body wasn't meant to handle all this stress.
Gotta give Starbury credit for trying to stop the big guy in a late postseason game.

Just read an article about Brook Lopez building a Disney-themed house in Orlando.
he's building a house on Disney property, as part of a subdivision Disney owns 

dude is literally living in Disney World 
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