The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Strictly in a basketball sense, the two-way nature of today's game is more demanding than any point in NBA history. I'm not talking about the hard fouls and cheap shots, I'm talking about more complex offenses, defenses, etc. That plays a significant role. Players, as a whole, are in better shape now than at any point in the league's history. They have to be. But that also leads to over training. The human body wasn't meant to handle all this stress.


I don't understand the comparison guys 20-30yrs ago bodies weren't under the same kind of stress as today.
I just caught the replay of First Take this morning and Steven A Smith let Divac have it for his Shaq slander. Ha ha ha

Reggie Jackson turned into Scott Skiles last night with the AST.
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Man miss me with all that resting madness.

Do they play too many games, back to backs, etc.? Probably. They should look to change that.

But as it stands now, it is what it is. You knew what the nba life was like when you signed on to be a professional basketball player. So do your damn job. If you're healthy, play. Basketball players are entertainers too, and the people you entertain shouldn't have to suffer because idiots dont know how to create a schedule thats more adequate for the human body of today.

If you're healthy you play. Simple. You knew of your job description before you signed on to be a pro, so its really a moot point to discuss. You agreed to this ****, now own up to your end of the deal.

as long as fans and organizations care more about playoffs and championships than the regular season what your saying doesn't make sense.

You gain a competitive advantage by resting, you make it seem like the owners and teams are doing this because they are being kind to players, they are doing it because they want to be better deeper in the playoffs.

this aint european soccer in north america people only care about what happens in the playoffs becuase of that teams will always want to rest guys. It has nothing to do with "suffering".
More alpha blood than HGH. But really they soft.
Straight "resting" is a coaching or organizational decision almost all of the time. So blaming players is misplaced. Yeah, they signed a contract but their employer doesn't want them to play 82 games and get worn out. When your boss gives you the day off or a vacation, no one expects you to show up to work still. No one blames you for not fulfilling your contract when your boss told you to stay home.

Love asked for rest because of his back. LBJ asked for rest because of lingering injuries - back, knees, etc. KG asks for rest because he's 40 and he's been playing since he was 18. Outside of that, no one is resting on their own.
Man miss me with all that resting madness.

Do they play too many games, back to backs, etc.? Probably. They should look to change that.

But as it stands now, it is what it is. You knew what the nba life was like when you signed on to be a professional basketball player. So do your damn job. If you're healthy, play. Basketball players are entertainers too, and the people you entertain shouldn't have to suffer because idiots dont know how to create a schedule thats more adequate for the human body of today.

If you're healthy you play. Simple. You knew of your job description before you signed on to be a pro, so its really a moot point to discuss. You agreed to this ****, now own up to your end of the deal.
i thought their job was to help their team succeed and hopefully win the championship. If they feel like resting up will help them do that, why blame them? As a professional basketball player, do you care more about potentially winning it all or entertaining casual fans? Probably the same fans who will give you no respect if you don't have a ring. Like dude said above, most of times it's not even their decisions to rest up.
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I'm starting to see why Courtney Lee bounced around the league so much.

Dude is ******** up a storm as it gets closer to the playoffs. He ******* up a storm last year in the playoffs. He just seem to be unreliable in big games. Defensively, he's been pretty good. Its his shooting that's killing us. Hopefully, VC can step up when needed.

Just noticed this with Lee. At the best time when Memphis needs people to knock down shots going into the playoffs Courtney Lee gets in a shooting slump. Luckily you guys have VC though.
Just noticed this with Lee. At the best time when Memphis needs people to knock down shots going into the playoffs Courtney Lee gets in a shooting slump. Luckily you guys have VC though.

That's reassuring...Que the Magic gif.

Lee probably has nightmares of that missed layup in the Finals everytime the playoffs approach.
Not to get into this discussion AGAIN but there's also the thought that players play a lot harder on defense nowadays. 38 minutes today is a lot more intense than 38 minutes 20 years ago.
Exactly. Despite what these '80s and '90s-worshipping weirdos on here think, players could rest to an extent on defense with the illegal defense rule and the amount of straight post-ups/isos they ran. Michael Jordan himself has talked about how he picked his spots to buy some rest on the floor during his second stint with the Bulls. That's impossible nowadays with modern defensive schemes unless you want to look like James Harden last year.
I think players today either more mentally soft or more educated, it depends on how you look at it

Back in the day, I would say guys could play throwaway games

Today's NBA should be better due to complexity but I think the level of play evens out with the past because currently about half of NBA is purposely trying to tank
Exactly. Despite what these '80s and '90s-worshipping weirdos on here think, players could rest to an extent on defense with the illegal defense rule and the amount of straight post-ups/isos they ran. Michael Jordan himself has talked about how he picked his spots to buy some rest on the floor during his second stint with the Bulls. That's impossible nowadays with modern defensive schemes unless you want to look like James Harden last year.

Unless somebody tells me otherwise, to this day I'm convinced Gary Payton didn't dunk in order to save his legs on the defensive side. Also, when people talk about Kobe as a great defender, he was really more of an opportunistic defender and could ramp it up when he needed to (similar to Westbrook today).
I think players today either more mentally soft or more educated, it depends on how you look at it

Back in the day, I would say guys could play throwaway games

Today's NBA should be better due to complexity but I think the level of play evens out with the past because currently about half of NBA is purposely trying to tank

That's not even true fam, level of talent in the NBA now far supersedes in any other era.
I think players today either more mentally soft or more educated, it depends on how you look at it

Back in the day, I would say guys could play throwaway games

Today's NBA should be better due to complexity but I think the level of play evens out with the past because currently about half of NBA is purposely trying to tank

I have no idea what you're even trying to say here.
Exactly. Despite what these '80s and '90s-worshipping weirdos on here think, players could rest to an extent on defense with the illegal defense rule and the amount of straight post-ups/isos they ran. Michael Jordan himself has talked about how he picked his spots to buy some rest on the floor during his second stint with the Bulls. That's impossible nowadays with modern defensive schemes unless you want to look like James Harden last year.
But you had hand checking back then too...which had to make it harder on offense.
Anyone who's played a lot of ball knows that its always possible to pick your spots on defense. You don't have to go balls out for the whole game. You can also get "rest" by switching off on to a guy who is less of a threat on offense. Those same techniques are just as available now as they ever were. So, personally, I don't buy that there that much more of a need to rest players than there was in past periods. That said, if it gives teams a competitive advantage to rest guys, I have no problem with it. But it does suck for fans who buy tickets to see certain players who end up sitting out that night for rest.
Anyone who's played a lot of ball knows that its always possible to pick your spots on defense. You don't have to go balls out for the whole game. You can also get "rest" by switching off on to a guy who is less of a threat on offense. Those same techniques are just as available now as they ever were. So, personally, I don't buy that there that much more of a need to rest players than there was in past periods. That said, if it gives teams a competitive advantage to rest guys, I have no problem with it. But it does suck for fans who buy tickets to see certain players who end up sitting out that night for rest.
idk bout u but i rather go 100% for 78 games than 80% for 82 games
So, good luck tonight nelson999 nelson999 and rck3sactown rck3sactown . If the Clippers play anything close to the way they did in the second half last night, the Kings may get a win tonight. I also fully expect Boogie to single handedly cause problems for DeAndre Jordan's DPOY campaign in this game.
So, good luck tonight @Nelson999 and @rck3sactown . If the Clippers play anything close to the way they did in the second half last night, the Kings may get a win tonight. I also fully expect Boogie to single handedly cause problems for DeAndre Jordan's DPOY campaign in this game.
good luck to you my friend. You have nothing to worry about. 

plus, Cousins might not play tonight.
good luck to you my friend. You have nothing to worry about. 

plus, Cousins might not play tonight.

I don't know. If you guys almost beat the might Hawks, clearly the much inferior Clippers have something to worry about.
tbh hopefully the Kings put up a nice fights sans Rudy and Cousins and the Clips have a nice 6 point victory and Chris Paul looks like an idiot.
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