The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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*starts something with someone else who wasn't talking to you*

*gets called out*

*asks "Why are you trying to start something?"*


Want to be left alone? Leave people alone. Simple. He thinks Bron is b made.

Whatever. You want to be left alone? Leave that alone. "Would you say that to his face?" Don't worry about it, just like I'm not worried if you would run up on him and ask him "Would you say that to his face?" to HIS face.

NOT ONE PERSON ON HERE TOOK THE TIME TO READ SO DEEPLY INTO MY POST BUT YOU. One guy laughed and the dude I quoted didn't take it as personal as you are. He doesn't need you to have his back. You've been literally quoting every post I make recently and take offense to every word I say. Pathetic

Your a mod too. I probably do more for this site than you do. Ha ha ha. I have mods who are friends that would agree.
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Your a mod too. I probably do more for this site than you do. Ha ha ha. I have mods who are friends that would agree.
*starts something with someone else who wasn't talking to you*

*gets called out*

*asks "Why are you trying to start something?"*


Want to be left alone? Leave people alone. Simple. He thinks Bron is b made.

Whatever. You want to be left alone? Leave that alone. "Would you say that to his face?" Don't worry about it, just like I'm not worried if you would run up on him and ask him "Would you say that to his face?" to HIS face.
NOT ONE PERSON ON HERE TOOK THE TIME TO READ SO DEEPLY INTO MY POST BUT YOU. One guy laughed and the dude I quoted didn't take it as personal as you are. He doesn't need you to have his back. You've been literally quoting every post I make recently and take offense to every word I say. Pathetic
"Not one person quoted me." And not one person asked him if he would say that to Bron's face, but you.

Not one person asked him if that makes him soft, but you.

Not one person looked that deeply into it.

"You don't need to have his back." And Bron DAMN sure doesn't need you to have his.

(this is where you realize that you should have just left his post alone if you were going to just play e-police. "Would you say that to his face?" Don't worry about it if that's all you have to ask. Bron don't need you to have his back, and not one other person asked that.)

And I quote you a lot because you post a lot of immaturity that other people ignore.

I don't.


*waits for more frustration, all caps, dismissing, just to save face and make sure you get a response in instead of just realizing you were out of line and having a tough time accepting it now that I've called it out*

G'on ahead. I know you need to.

Last word: all yours. Enough people on here already know who you are anyways.
Playoffs need to start today this thread is :lol: :smh: at the same time

I can't say anything in this thread without someone taking my words personal. Dudes claim they don't care but stay quoting my so called "nonsense". I asked where my Rockets fans at and homeboy comes out the blue with a word by word breakdown of my previous post. Smh
Your a mod too. I probably do more for this site than you do. Ha ha ha. I have mods who are friends that would agree.
Thing is, that's behind closed doors.

There are PLENTY of people who have openly expressed wishing you were banned.

Not behind closed doors. Not in secret.

They're reading this right now like, "PLEASE do it. Ska, just... c'mon, man. DO IT."
"Not one person quoted me." And not one person asked him if he would say that to Bron's face, but you.

Not one person asked him if that makes him soft, but you.

Not one person looked that deeply into it.

"You don't need to have his back." And Bron DAMN sure doesn't need you to have his.

(this is where you realize that you should have just left his post alone if you were going to just play e-police. "Would you say that to his face?" Don't worry about it if that's all you have to ask. Bron don't need you to have his back, and not one other person asked that.)

And I quote you a lot because you post a lot of immaturity that other people ignore.

I don't.


*waits for more frustration, all caps, dismissing, just to save face and make sure you get a response in instead of just realizing you were out of line and having a tough time accepting it now that I've called it out*

G'on ahead. I know you need to.

Last word: all yours. Enough people on here already know who you are anyways.

Know who I am? So you and other members sit around discussing me? The only place on NT I get flack is in this thread. I've passed out so many oops with discounts, sneaker sales and info my rep is good. Me and Meth went back and forth before. Where most would get banned I didn't. It's called respect. The main man knows my rep is good. That's all that matters. Ask Meth. Let weak members keep asking for bans. I don't break rules so to bad.
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Thing is, that's behind closed doors.

There are PLENTY of people who have openly expressed wishing you were banned.

Not behind closed doors. Not in secret.

They're reading this right now like, "PLEASE do it. Ska, just... c'mon, man. DO IT."

Weakest thing I ever read on NT. All my post are nonsense and no one cares but dudes meet up to cry for me to get banned. Smh

If you don't like me then PM me. Tell me what issue you have. MAN UP. Why can't anyone do this instead?
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I wanted to talk about Wizards Rockets but it's all good. I'll step. If my post are that big a issue then so be it. It's been fun NBA thread. I don't dislike anyone in the thread regardless of how they feel about me. It was never that serious.
I wanted to talk about Wizards Rockets but it's all good. I'll step. If my post are that big a issue then so be it. It's been fun NBA thread. I don't dislike anyone in the thread regardless of how they feel about me. It was never that serious.
Who the hell are you ?
Lebrons peers know he's soft. Been said countless times. Let me know when he bucks on another dude the same size as him during a game or anywhere for that matter. Too busy flopping around everytime he gets any contact like he just got hit with a 2 ton brick.
Lebrons peers know he's soft. Been said countless times. Let me know when he bucks on another dude the same size as him during a game or anywhere for that matter. Too busy flopping around everytime he gets any contact like he just got hit with a 2 ton brick.
why you think mj said what he said"kobe >lj".. lj b made demeanor is well known..... 
Thing is, that's behind closed doors.

There are PLENTY of people who have openly expressed wishing you were banned.

Not behind closed doors. Not in secret.

They're reading this right now like, "PLEASE do it. Ska, just... c'mon, man. DO IT."
Weakest thing I ever read on NT. All my post are nonsense and no one cares but dudes meet up to cry for me to get banned. Smh

If you don't like me then PM me. Tell me what issue you have. MAN UP. Why can't anyone do this instead?
You mean like how you PMed me? And PMed ol' boy about saying that to Bron's face?

Oh wait, that's just ANOTHER of MAAANY examples where you want people to do things...

... that YOU.


Don't do.

Keep on, tho. 

- "He don't need you to have his back."

- Bron don't need you to have his.

- "PM me if you got a problem."

- And you didn't PM him. And you're not PMing me. *checks PM* Nope.

- "Nobody had a problem with my post. You're the only one who quoted it."

- And you're the only one who quoted his and asked him if he would say to Bron's face.

No matter what, it's all coming back to what you don't do.

"I do more for the site than you." Yet people want you banned.

"Well they're weak." 

Never, EVER take accountability. Don't do that. 

Or just move on; don't do that, either. No, no... don't do that. Keep blaming. Keep saying people need to do things you don't do your damn self.

All that. Just keep doing it. Because you give oops. 
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