The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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I always thought bled was a lil bit overrated on the clips. Couldn't shoot for **** and would just casually toss it up with so much swag reminiscent of marcus camby. Neither him or brandon knight are real pgs. Where does phx go from here? They goofed
I always thought bled was a lil bit overrated on the clips. Couldn't shoot for **** and would just casually toss it up with so much swag reminiscent of marcus camby. Neither him or brandon knight are real pgs. Where does phx go from here? They goofed
Build around Len and the twins.
Suns put up like  30    35pts in the second half.

Lord Jesus, I can already hear Scott Brooks post game presser....."we just concentrated on defense, executed, and stuck to the defensive game plan"
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Bledsoe definitely got overpaid but who was expecting to "build around him"? That's foolish 

He's still a nice piece, on the level of Teague, Dragic IMO etc. above guys like Kemba, Knight but obviously below the top tier PG's
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Morrow's release is stupid man.

Dude doesn't even get set if he needs to shoot quick, just a catch and release.

It's like he tells the mates, "pass it to me above my head, so I can just let it fly"
oh yeah thats def a upgrade, i was thinking most good teams have good PGs. but harden is essentially the point guard in houston. 
Give Dallas the choice of Rondo or Bledsoe and I think they go Bledsoe. Chicago would love him

But yeah most of the top teams already have GREAT point guards
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I will not stand for any Bledsoe libel.

If I see someone call him Rand Foye again I'll report them.
either way the thread would be in shambles
I think Paul is the thing I'm watching for most once the playoffs roll around. Followed by how Atlanta fares 
Clippers are seeing the WCF, maybe the Finals depending on who they draw in the 3rd.

I'll put big dollars on them if they make it to the Playoffs healthy.

Must have Crawford.
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