The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Warrior fans annoy the hell out of me. Cocky as hell. Only 1 hawks fan. I'm enough to deal with tho :lol:. Spurs fans dont bother me here really. What would this thread do without me? Wouldn't have anybody to speak for the #1 team in the east. :lol:
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Has there ever been a team as hated as the clippers? People hate lebron and kobe teams mostly because of the fans. Clipper fans are great but no one likes the team because of the players. Never seen that happen before

Stuff like this:


Makes people hate them. :lol:
I'd say the hawks are pretty hated can't even go clubbing in the city that never sleeps without having the local police force break one of your players legs.
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[quote name="rck3sactown"][QUOTE name="Mister Friendly"]
[QUOTE name="rck3sactown"]
[QUOTE name="Silverbackhoney"]I think out of the three most annoying teams in this thread I like the Warriors the most.[/QUOTE]whom are the other 2 :nerd: [/QUOTE]Hawks and Spurs

Id throw the Lakers in there too if you are paying attention[/QUOTE]I have ADD.... attention paying isn't my forte [/quote]Man, look...

... actually, let me be quiet and not go on this rant. :lol:
Brooks isn't burying the talent. They all get a shot. Truthfully, there aren't many minutes for the bigs. The scapegoat has become Scott Brooks in OKC. Dude isn't THAT bad, it's just the popular opinion right now so everyone rolls with it.
You love Scott Brooks, I see this now.

Dude is awful, period.
Brooks buries talent on the bench.
Such a good problem to have, but he'll never get another head coaching job unless KD owns the team or, he wins a Chip.

And Freeze, I'm going to pretend you didn't say "Russ is a better scorer at this point"

Nobody is a better scorer than KD, the end.
Didnt really come to the realization scott brooks is a bad coach till this season, even tho NT has been saying it forever
Everyone except WavyCrockett
The Thunder and the Wizards are two teams in dire need of a coaching change.

So much talent on both those teams being wasted.
[quote name="lawdog1"][quote name="Freeze"]is there anybody likable on the clips? deandre?[/quote]What's wrong with JJ? Just does his job and doesn't really whine or flop.[/quote]Aside from the fact that he went to Duke and has an extremely punchable look, nothing.
oh right right, i love jamal.

i figured jj because of the duke connection :lol:. he's grown on me as a hard worker though. he always looks like he's buzzing off a bump too which i find hilarious
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Warrior fans annoy the hell out of me. Cocky as hell. Only 1 hawks fan. I'm enough to deal with tho :lol: . Spurs fans dont bother me here really. What would this thread do without me? Wouldn't have anybody to speak for the #1 team in the east. :lol:

This guy was posting the Hawks record like 15 times a day a few months ago but Warriors fans are Cocky :rofl: :rofl:
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