The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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If it was posted I'm sorry but here are Paul Pierce's thoughts on the hawks, which many in this thread reiterated
Just the way we like it too. Underdog and the 1st place seed. Where they do that at lol. Guess it wasn't enough us beating them every game this season except for the last one last week with the hawks sitting their entire starting 5, which the Wiz only won by 9 with all of their players.
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New Jersey is the God state.
***** please
People just don't like the Hawks because people just don't like the Hawks

(Gotdammit Ryan let me live)

They are just about as good as it gets, in the East or West...

People can try to dogmatize their popular opinions if they want... but the matter of fact is that anything can happen in 7 games

Cavs, Spurs, Warriors, Hawks, could all very well lose in the first round

Spare me the talk...
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Man Pierce was letting the yoppa off in the MacMullen piece.
"I'm much happier,'' he said. "It was a tough situation (in Brooklyn) last year. Horrible, really.

"It was just the guys' attitudes there. It wasn't like we were surrounded by a bunch of young guys. They were vets who didn't want to play and didn't want to practice. I was looking around saying, 'What's this?' Kevin (Garnett) and I had to pick them up every day in practice.

"If me and Kevin weren't there, that team would have folded up. That team would have packed it in. We kept them going each and every day.''

The player that puzzled him the most, said Pierce, was point guard Deron Williams.

"Before I got there, I looked at Deron as an MVP candidate,'' Pierce said. "But I felt once we got there, that's not what he wanted to be. He just didn't want that.

"I think a lot of the pressure got to him sometimes. This was his first time in the national spotlight. The media in Utah is not the same as the media in New York, so that can wear on some people. I think it really affected him.''
"I talk to them a lot about mental preparation and consistency,'' Pierce said. "I keep telling Wall and Beal, 'You've got to make up your mind. Do you want to be good, or do you want to be great? Because if you want to be great, you gotta do it every single night, not just when you feel like it.'

"Both of those guys have the potential to be great. I love them. But sometimes I'm not sure they realize what it takes.

"That was (Rajon) Rondo's problem, too. Some days he did, some days he didn't. I think it's more this generation. A lot of these players have been catered to since the sixth grade. The NBA is changing so much. It's not like when I came up, with that old-school mentality that practice really mattered. You've got these 24, 25 year old guys who sit out of practice now to rest. It's hard for me to understand, but I'm trying.''
The Wizards plugged in former No. 3 pick Otto Porter Jr. in Pierce's place and he responded by averaging 13.6 points and nearly seven rebounds a game over past four outings.

"Otto is another one who just doesn't understand how good he is,'' Pierce said. "He can shoot, he's a slasher, he can defend, I'm just not sure how badly he wants it every day.

"That kid just needs to get mad. If he came to practice ticked off and to the games ticked off, he'd be fine. But it's hard to get Otto mad. I should punch him one day just to get him riled up.''
Pierce still engages in group texts with former Celtics teammates (and coach) Doc Rivers, Garnett, Kendrick Perkins and Big Baby Davis, but hasn't talked to Ray Allen since he bolted from Boston to Miami in the summer of 2012.

Though much has been made of it, Pierce said, people don't understand he wasn't all that close to Allen to begin with.

"It was a weird relationship,'' Pierce conceded. "We were all good friends on the court, but Ray always did his own thing. That's just the way Ray was. Even when we were playing together, we'd be having a team dinner and Ray wouldn't show up. We'd go to his charity events but Ray wouldn't show up to somebody else's.

"I called him on it. I said, 'Man, Ray, we support all your stuff but when we ask you, you don't come to ours.' I remember when Rondo re-signed with Boston, we had a little dinner at a restaurant and Ray didn't show up.

"I know Ray probably didn't like Rondo that much, but it wasn't a fact of not liking somebody. You don't have to like everybody you play with -- it's a matter of showing support.

"Rondo probably didn't like Ray either, but he came to Ray's functions to show, 'Hey, we're together in this.'

"It's not a bad thing with Ray. We had a great relationship on the court. But even the year we won it, after a game we'd say, 'Let's go have something to eat and have a night with the older guys.' We'd get there and it would be me, Kevin and Sam (Cassell), but no Ray. In a lot of ways, me, Sam and Kevin were our Big Three.

"It just got to the point where it was, 'That's Ray.' No hard feelings. Everyone made such a big deal of us not talking after we left, but there really wasn't much there.''
That's what Joe Johnson and his 20+ mil a year will do to a franchise
23 mil this season
24 mil next season
lol damn they payin Deron 20+ mil a year the next two seasons too :lol: 45 million a season tied up in those 2 the next two seasons. Hell the whole team hawks payroll is just 58 mil. :rofl:
whew. Lucky Silver let them get Thad Young for next to nothing.
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Ind is .5 game ahead of bky with 2 games left. Tonight against Wiz and then against the Grizz. Bky owns tie breaker. Ind wins out they're in. Nets have 1 game left against magic. Indiana controls their own destiny. Nets miss playoffs ATL gets lottery pick.
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praying the Nets make the Playoffs.  Substantial increase of yambs comes out during the playoffs in Brooklyn. I need to flourish.
[quote name="Mister Friendly"][quote name="lawdog1"][quote name="JPZx"]Ska is to ADD/ADHD as Charles Barkley is to advanced stats.

If not Ska, then pretty much every other person age 30+ :lol:[/quote]Eh, not if you have a kid who has it. I think its probably over-diagnosed and over-medicated, but its a real thing.[/quote]Heck yeah its real

Its like saying I did cocaine and I'm fine so there shouldn't be any coke addicts

Everybody deals with stuff different

Trying to tell other people how to they feel or deal with is one of the most insensitive things ever[/quote]"I did cocaine and have symptoms because of it" is drastically different than "I have symptoms that I've had since birth, they say."
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