The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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The Cavs are being led by the leagues best player who has been to the finals several times, so that's why they're being favored right now over all the other Eastern teams. Their leader is more proven than everyone else's
Yea i figured 1 player would be your response. He's not the best player anymore. Not the mvp. Or in top 3.

:rofl: you got it.

D-Mo not playin'?
out until next year. Injured his back
When the magic elminated the cavs in conference finals the magic had no one who could guard james, dude legit cooked them and still lost the series

Doesnt matter if the mavs dont got a player who can guard James, its a team game the better team will win

Mavs boy
Mavs have a better team than the Rockets?

What am I reading right now?

They better pray 2012 Playoff Rondo returns and for some vintage Dirk performances.

Otherwise they're food.

As good as Beverly is defensively...they won't need him against Rondo. On offensive...Harden is the PG so Beverly really won't be missed.
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Lbj fans so sensitive. :lol: blasphemy to talk about the prince that way :rofl: and state facts to back my case against him? Shame on me. :lol:
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McDaniels wasn't even in the rotation. :lol: Beverly's annoying *** being out hurts them more. He'll bother other PGs.

Harden has to be the MVP for getting that squad to a 2 seed.
The season series 2-2

Only doubt i have in the Mavs against the rockets, is the Parsons situation

They hands down have a better coach, and top to bottom they have a better team, come playoff time I have little doubt it'll be a good series but I see the mavs advancing
More MVP Talk, Hawks talk, and LeBron not being a top 3 player?

Yeah I'm out til Saturday...Playoffs can't come soon enough.
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Lebron is still a top 3 player and is the best player on the Cavaliers by far

You know this Ryan stop trolling Lebron fans :lol:
I really don't be trolling anyone. Especially lbj stans here. Too many of them to try and keep track. Sometimes they just come out of nowhere too. :lol: I posted 1 article about the hawks and it started an argument Lol. Didn't even take long either. Bet nobody even clicked on it :lol:
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The season series 2-2

Only doubt i have in the Mavs against the rockets, is the Parsons situation

They hands down have a better coach, and top to bottom they have a better team, come playoff time I have little doubt it'll be a good series but I see the mavs advancing

Season series is 3-1 rockets

KJ was like our 3rd string SF he's behind Papanikolau(sp?)
Season series don't matter this is the playoffs. Nothing matters that has happened in the 2014 2015 regular season. Unless it was something to boost your argument about a certain player or team :lol:
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You right, all games have been really close tho, this series im expecting to go 7, with parsons healthy tho they can shock the world
All of the :smh: :smh: :smh:

(j/k I love ink. :smokin If you're happy with it, that's what's up.)
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