The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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I am certain that what LeBron learned from losing to the Spurs last season is that team unity and focus, has to begin at the start of the season. Everyone has to be on one page, same goals, no ego's involved. If you are about winning championships, outside of Jordan who was an anomaly, you are not going to win with one player dominating the ball these days, and then simply expect others to follow. With the good teams like the Spurs, Bulls, they have defenses that encourage single player dominance, therefore disrupting team flow, as was done to the Heat in last years finals.

I loved what I saw from Cleveland last night offensively, but on the defensive end, they have so much work to do.

Their perimeter defense sucks, primarily due to poor rotation, especially when LeBron isn't out there guarding the ball.


Once they hit their stride, they are going to be a lot of fun to watch though.
That is how the Cavs offense should be ran but I wonder how long Kyrie can accept letting his numbers go down

Only thing that worries me. Wouldn't be surpised if Kyrie was mad about his stats last night :lol:

End of the day he's a up some points to assist isn't gonna kill his superstar status....hate score first pgs (unless they have no choice)
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Cleveland need a 3 and D guy and another solid role playing big off the bench. Someone who can rebound and at least make their match up work for a bucket.
Do I see Bledsoe on the Cavs in the near future [emoji]128064[/emoji]
Such a crowded back-court in Phoenix, Hornacek may not be able to make it work. IT3 signing baffled me, the last thing Suns needed was another scoring guard. Len taking strides, thought he'd be a potential bust when selected.
That is how the Cavs offense should be ran but I wonder how long Kyrie can accept letting his numbers go down
The question for Kyrie is: Do you wanna win or fill up the stat sheet? There's only one correct answer for a competitive professional athlete.
Do I see Bledsoe on the Cavs in the near future [emoji]128064[/emoji]
Such a crowded back-court in Phoenix, Hornacek may not be able to make it work. IT3 signing baffled me, the last thing Suns needed was another scoring guard. Len taking strides, thought he'd be a potential bust when selected.

Probably worried about Bledsoe being so injury prone.
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Such a crowded back-court in Phoenix, Hornacek may not be able to make it work. IT3 signing baffled me, the last thing Suns needed was another scoring guard. Len taking strides, thought he'd be a potential bust when selected.

But I don't think the Cavs have anything valuable to offer other than another backcourt piece anyway.
Probably worried about Bledsoe being so injury prone.
I get the impression Bledsoe is a player you can't limit or put shackles on. His game is predicated on athleticism and energy. Coaching staff needs to release him without abandon. You can't always prevent injuries by over-thinking.

But I don't think the Cavs have anything valuable to offer other than another backcourt piece anyway.
You're right. Waiters is the only somewhat enticing piece I'd imagine Cleveland is readily prepared to part with, and he's the last thing Phoenix needs.
The cavs looked like the spurs in spurts yesterday. Crisp passing and off-ball movement. Pop taught you well, Bron.
Laker fans wanted this dude so bad, would have just been what Byron Scott will be this year or worse. Not writing Shaw off quite yet but he's been a disappointment and his dust up with Andre Miller last year was strange to say the least

Yea what the hell was that about?

Clearly came from their playing days, and one wouldn't let the grudge go.
Laker fans wanted this dude so bad, would have just been what Byron Scott will be this year or worse. Not writing Shaw off quite yet but he's been a disappointment and his dust up with Andre Miller last year was strange to say the least
Yea what the hell was that about?

Clearly came from their playing days, and one wouldn't let the grudge go.
yea I always wondered about that...Andre Miller seems like a good locker room guy. Then Shaw made Miller streak come to an end....consecutive games? can't remember
yea I always wondered about that...Andre Miller seems like a good locker room guy. Then Shaw made Miller streak come to an end....consecutive games? can't remember

I don't know about Miller being a great locker room guy. From what I can remember, he's had some issues during a few of his stops. I know that when he was with the Clippers, he was known as a chemistry-killer. Just didn't want to be here and made it obvious to everyone. There's gotta be a reason he never seems to stay on a team more than a couple years at a time.
I like Houston tonight over GSW. I think Dwert dominates and is the difference. Rockets 122 - Warriors 116.
yea I always wondered about that...Andre Miller seems like a good locker room guy. Then Shaw made Miller streak come to an end....consecutive games? can't remember
I don't know about Miller being a great locker room guy. From what I can remember, he's had some issues during a few of his stops. I know that when he was with the Clippers, he was known as a chemistry-killer. Just didn't want to be here and made it obvious to everyone. There's gotta be a reason he never seems to stay on a team more than a couple years at a time.
trueeee.....he does hop around a lot 

basic game gonna be dominating rec leagues at 65 tho 
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I believe Beverly is out tonight vs the Warriors.

And Miller seems aloof by all accounts. Shaw probably just felt he was too old.
Author is a lame for that move on Waiter. I hope he gets 10 games at least. Cleveland needed Pittman on the roster, to clean up that nonsense.
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