Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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View media item 1733557
February: 02/15/15 -****-1685955307

"You guys really don't know (expletive)," Durant told reporters in his final interview session before Sunday's All-Star Game.

Durant was later asked what stories he would like the media to focus on more.

"To be honest, man, I'm only here talking to y'all because I have to," Durant said. "So I really don't care. Y'all not my friends. You're going to write what you want to write. You're going to love us one day and hate us the next. That's a part of it. So I just learn how to deal with y'all."


Kevin Durant didn’t mince words Friday at Thunder training camp when asked about the potential rumors of Durant heading to the Los Angeles Lakers.

On Stephen A. Smith said on his ESPN show that Durant had Los Angeles as his primary destination in free agency.

“I don’t talk to Stephen A Smith at all. No one in my family, my friends do. So he’s lying,” said Durant.

Durant will be an unrestricted free agent on July 1.

“Like I said before, I have two people I talk to about everything,” said Durant. “I know for a fact they didn’t talk to him.”

Durant reiterated his original comments, “he’s making up stories.”

Durant walked back his initial comments back in February and I truly wish he hadn't. While no one athlete ever should position themselves against the media, I think guys have the right to express themselves when media members interject hearsay and protect themselves by claiming Reports indicate. It's ******** and not only is it unnecessary for something that's 8 months away, but one could argue it's detrimental to a players brand for salacious sports stories to be thrown around that regularly seem to include the teams with the largest fan bases.
February: 02/15/15 -****-1685955307
"You guys really don't know (expletive)," Durant told reporters in his final interview session before Sunday's All-Star Game.

Durant was later asked what stories he would like the media to focus on more.

"To be honest, man, I'm only here talking to y'all because I have to," Durant said. "So I really don't care. Y'all not my friends. You're going to write what you want to write. You're going to love us one day and hate us the next. That's a part of it. So I just learn how to deal with y'all."
Kevin Durant didn’t mince words Friday at Thunder training camp when asked about the potential rumors of Durant heading to the Los Angeles Lakers.

On Stephen A. Smith said on his ESPN show that Durant had Los Angeles as his primary destination in free agency.

“I don’t talk to Stephen A Smith at all. No one in my family, my friends do. So he’s lying,” said Durant.

Durant will be an unrestricted free agent on July 1.

“Like I said before, I have two people I talk to about everything,” said Durant. “I know for a fact they didn’t talk to him.”

Durant reiterated his original comments, “he’s making up stories.”

Durant walked back his initial comments back in February and I truly wish he hadn't. While no one athlete ever should position themselves against the media, I think guys have the right to express themselves when media members interject hearsay and protect themselves by claiming Reports indicate. It's ******** and not only is it unnecessary for something that's 8 months away, but one could argue it's detrimental to a players brand for salacious sports stories to be thrown around that regularly seem to include the teams with the largest fan bases.
ether that fool Stephen a smith..

his partner in crime been talking crap all these years about westbrook thinking there wouldn't be in repercussions.. good for them
Tristan Thompson will be a Cav no matter what for this upcoming season, right?

Am I the only one who sees a possible positive scenario for the Cavs if he doesn't sign an extension right now? He's willing to gamble and wait a season? Fine, that's up to him. But if he wants the money he's demanding, he's going to have to ball his butt off this following season and play even better than he did in the playoffs, so the Cavs can be sure that they'll get the most out of him effort wise this following season.
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stephen a done goofed 
SAS is bugging out.  I'm not a reporter but it seems like bad business to speak about someone's intentions when you've never talked to that person or those close to them.  It's cool though, because Stephen talked to some random about it so it all checks out...

Stephen A Smith Verified account @stephenasmith
Regarding @KDTrey5 and his negative comments about me, let me say this: At NO time did I ever say I SPOKE to K.D. Or his family. Or his brother, friends, teammates, etc. (although I can assure you all I have on several occasions in the past). I said I HEARD from folks I know -- in a league I've been covering for 19 years -- that if he were to leave OKC as a free agent, these are the cities I was told he was considering. OKC. LA. Miami. DC. NY. I stand by it all. And that is that.
His assertion that I was lying is not only FALSE, but totally uncalled for. Especially from a player who receives nothing but praise not only from me, but from practically every media member you can find. Yet, for some reason, we're all the same folks who don't know *&%$ about the game of basketball. Whose thoughts he could give a &^%$ about. Essentially, individuals he wishes he'd never have to talk to.....that he's being forced to if someone has done something to him.....OF ALL PEOPLE!
Don't know what has happened to Mr. Durant over the years. But I know this much: We all win with his return, because he is an absolute superstar. The NBA is better with him. We're all at a loss without him.
It just appears that @KDTrey5 needs to learn something about today's world in professional sports:
We don't have to talk TO HIM to talk ABOUT HIM!
Folks like ME will still be here. Watching! Listening! Waiting! Reporting!
Whether he likes it or not. While he's here and long after he's gone.
Time to get use to it.
3:10 PM - 2 Oct 2015
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He heard.. So Durant tells exactly who would be a credible source about any information regarding him and Stephen a doubles down

Makes sense.. ESPN going down in flames with this and mr sources.. Then we all know skip will chime in pretty soon
His words:

"Regardless of how senseless it may (sound), in one breath I'm hearing that if Kevin Durant doesn't stay in Oklahoma City, L.A. is his primary objective and landing spot as opposed to South Beach or even his home of Washington, DC."

Durant's response:
"I don't talk to Stephen A Smith at all. No one in my family, my friends do. So he's lying."

And we get that response.. Very specific response directed at one individual and this dude responded with "we" and "folks" for him getting crapped on
Stephen A is like every other ESPN stooge - they are searching for attention from the popular kids in school. Him and Broussard have a lot in common.

Pity for us we live in the era where this not only is allowed but it is applauded by your employer.
Stephen A is like every other ESPN stooge - they are searching for attention from the popular kids in school. Him and Broussard have a lot in common.

Pity for us we live in the era where this not only is allowed but it is applauded by your employer.

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