Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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That they're smart playmakers? You on drugs breh?
Smith and Blake are great passers, it'll be a seamless transition for Smith to get lobs to DJ. Smith can be very unselfish and he's proved he can share the basketball
Their flaws last year was that they literally had no back up big man and no creator off the bench. Smith is a big man, Lance can create.
Good thing for LAC is that they are unselfish to a fault. CP, Blake especially. Lance will like playing with them. Crawford and Rivers proved they cannot create offense, so Lance will help them in that regard
Smith had a really solid post season, he showed he can handle the ball, pass and still play defense. Lance as "the man" in Charlotte crashed and burned. Now he can go back to being a 6th man where he flourished with Indy. He can come off the bench and create, something Rivers and Crawford were asked to do but were not capable.
In his defense he didn't include crawford 
I'm sorry, that's not the same as "They are smart playmakers."
[quote name="leemelone"][quote name="Vincent Van Ho"]That they're smart playmakers? You on drugs breh?
Smith can be very unselfish and he's proved he can share the basketball
Lance can create.
Crawford and Rivers proved they cannot create offense, so Lance will help them in that regard
Smith had a really solid post season, he showed he can handle the ball, pass and still play defense. Lance as "the man" in Charlotte crashed and burned. Now he can go back to being a 6th man where he flourished with Indy. He can come off the bench and create
[/quote] C'mon, man. :lol:
Pointing out a player's attributes = crowning them a Wilt/MJ/Magic/Lebby clone. :lol:
I swear some folks are so narrow minded and black and white

Ole boy the type to say stuff like

"Julius Randle has Blake Griffin athleticism"

Just because I give credit to one aspect of someone's game, doesn't mean I believe they are overall smart playmakers or even good ones
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[quote name="leemelone"][quote name="DarthSka"]I'm sorry, that's not the same as "They are smart playmakers." C'mon, man. :lol:[/quote]It's not? What would be another way of saying "playmaker"? Great passer? Creator? Can create offense? Unselfish? Share the basketball?[/quote]Type o' dude to take one thing and spin it into what you need it to be then stubbornly stick with it.

I see you. :lol:

Like I said, I'm pretty sure what Van Ho was saying was that Lance is a Wilt/MJ/Magic/Lebby clone. He clearly said Lance can create, and all of those guys can create, soooo... same thing. :smokin
Whatever man :lol:. How does that even sound? Player x is a great passer, can create offense, unselfish, shares the basketball. ..not a playmaker tho. You guys are right, I'll leave it alone
Whatever man
. How does that even sound? Player x is a great passer, can create offense, unselfish, shares the basketball. ..not a playmaker tho. You guys are right, I'll leave it alone
Smith "can be" as I said unselfish. For most of his career he was a cancer and empty stats guy. Last year's playoffs he proved that he could play differently. As I said

As for Lance, at Indy he had a number of triple doubles that one season so that ability was there at some point. Hopefully it hasn't left but in no way is a sure fire "smart" player

I never said they "aren't playmakers". I also never said they are "smart playmakers"

Think outside of black and white
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Rivers is weirdly opposed to staggering minutes so that either Paul or Griffin is on the floor at all times. That may not be an urgent need during the regular season, since Crawford, Stephenson, and Smith are smart playmakers. But opponents destroyed the Clippers when both Griffin and Paul were on the bench last season, and in high-stakes games, they may not be able to afford any empty minutes.

Josh Smith is a good playmaker? Watched dude plenty in Houston last year :x

Dude was feast or famine...he'd either make a bonehead pass, throw up an ill-timed jumper or hit a timely 3, or throw Dwight a great dime. You could almost feel the arena hold its breath when Josh got the rock :lol:
Ska who said anything about wilt chamberlain? The hell you talking bout over there dude? :lol:

What is a playmaker then? If not a great passer, create offense, unselfish etc
Josh Smith is a good playmaker? Watched dude plenty in Houston last year

Dude was feast or famine...he'd either make a bonehead pass, throw up an ill-timed jumper or hit a timely 3, or throw Dwight a great dime. You could almost feel the arena hold its breath when Josh got the rock
Semi agree with you. That's where the "smart" in playmaker doesn't add up 
[quote name="Addict4Sneakers"]I wouldn't call prime josh smith an empty stats guy. He's always been a great talent with questionable shot selection.[/quote] BIG LEEMELONE BIG LEEMELONE , get him!! :lol: He basically said Smith is an MVP candidate.
I wouldn't call prime josh smith an empty stats guy. He's always been a great talent with questionable shot selection.

Actually, if I recall correctly, he was both productive and efficient his first few years in Atlanta. A borderline all-star performer several times. And I think that's the problem. He didn't make the all-star team, thought he should have and it cause him to try to start looking for his own offense more. Hence the bad shot selection. He no doubt was a disaster in Detroit, but I think some of that can be blamed on him playing out-of-position with a unit that didn't really fit together well.

He still has some bad habits and takes some questionable shots, but he can make plays for others and also can be a force on the defensive end.
Actually, if I recall correctly, he was both productive and efficient his first few years in Atlanta. A borderline all-star performer several times. And I think that's the problem. He didn't make the all-star team, thought he should have and it cause him to try to start looking for his own offense more. Hence the bad shot selection. He no doubt was a disaster in Detroit, but I think some of that can be blamed on him playing out-of-position with a unit that didn't really fit together well.

He still has some bad habits and takes some questionable shots, but he can make plays for others and also can be a force on the defensive end.
Fair assessment. Definitely turnover prone but still a nice passer and can handle the ball, just makes weird decisions at times. Felt like a factor in the turning point in the Clipper series was when Smith was inserted into the starting lineup

Bizarro world with McHale actually making a smart choice
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[quote name="leemelone"]Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?[/quote]Exactly what we were wondering.
He still has some bad habits and takes some questionable shots, but he can make plays for others and also can be a force on the defensive end.

But that's the problem. Josh is what I call a zero net value player...his bonehead plays negate his good plays. All the good he does (rebound, play D) gets negated by the dumb things he does (early shot clock 3's, errant passes...).

Woodson was the only coach to ever make Josh do what he was good at most of the time...rebound, block shots, play defense, and get his offense from inside the arc. He'd be a frequent all-star if he stuck to that. But Josh thinks he has more talent than he actually has, he continues to think he has 3 point range and tries to create offense like a point forward. He just doesn't have the ability to do that consistently. Can he get hot for a quarter, half, or even a 2 or 3 game stretch...yes, but that's it.
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