Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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warriorsworld ‏@warriorsworld · 34m34 minutes ago
"I've got my ring fitted for my middle finger"- Bogut on KNBR talking about the Clippers/Rockets hating

I guess its act like a D-bag day for the Warriors. Very gracious champions, they are.

Lol Funny part is Bogut has no room to talk, losing his center spot to a wingman in the finals :lol:

Heck, he got bumped out of the rotation completely

He has every right to talk, he's a champion.
Brooks puts Waiters at the 1: "What the **** is this guy doing?"

Billy D does it: "Hmm, this might work."


To be fair, I would have been happy with anything Brooks actually did. My problem was no matter what, he did nothing.

I'm going to miss his post game pressers though. Hopefully Donovan can utilize some of Brooks Postgame lingo, that way we always know OkC is working hard, getting better, and concentrating on playing more Defense
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Perkins missed 20+ plus games Steven Adams rookie season.. It became very apparent the talent he had

Scotty had him buried on the bench when Perkins was being abused in the playoffs.. Scotty had literally ran out of options and the thunder were about to be eliminated because of his stupidity before he tried playing Adams in a game

Then it was painfully obvious that he should be playing
Yes he pretty much stumbled upon Adams accidentally 

The only changes Scotty ever made were either because of injury of sheer desperation

It took injuries before he actually played Mitch mcgary.. It took trades before ibaka got his shine.. Injuries before harden was at 30+.. Playing a PG next to Westbrook, desperation.. Playing Adams in the playoffs, desperation

And then you got his dealings with Perkins, fisher and Caron
For real. Drummond was supposed to be running the league right now according to NT.

Is Giannis the new Drummond on here?

:lol: my man. Gianis is the next KD according to NT.

It's blasphemous to compare him to Nic Batum by NT standards. FOH :lol:
James Harden had one single season over 30 mins per with the thunder, which happened to be the season Eric maynor tore his acl and harden had to backup both guard spots

Revisionist history.

This man helped get the best out of KD, Russ, Harfen, Ibaka, Jackson, Adams, Kanter etc.


Man I could have done that.

Scotty was like the HS Ball coach from Teen Wolf.
We needed Coach Carter.
Giannis didn't take that "step" like i thought he would last season. hope he does this season with some solid pieces around him

Drummond, Giannis, & Teddy Bridgewater are slander proof on NT tho :lol:
Giannis didn't take that "step" like i thought he would last season.

Honestly, I'm curious as to what realistic step you expected him to take in his 2ND YEAR in the NBA?

I think k he improved a ton realistically. I don't have crazy expectations. At his peak, I see him as a 17, 6 & 4 guy. Borderline all star.
Gotta give Drummond prime lewis, prime turkoglu, all star jameer, skip and the other shooters to give him a chance not Brandon Jennings and shmurda [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji].
Gianni's and the bucks need a #1 guy on that team. He will always be the fringe all star role player.
my man. Gianis is the next KD according to NT.

It's blasphemous to compare him to Nic Batum by NT standards. FOH
Damn I remember the Batum v Greek discussion
The only changes Scotty ever made were either because of injury of sheer desperation

It took injuries before he actually played Mitch mcgary.. It took trades before ibaka got his shine.. Injuries before harden was at 30+.. Playing a PG next to Westbrook, desperation.. Playing Adams in the playoffs, desperation

And then you got his dealings with Perkins, fisher and Caron
I think you've covered all of it. I happen to believe he's a decent coach but to me he clearly wasn't fit for the OKC job anymore. I'll give him another chance somewhere else

The OKC players love him because he's a player's coach, he isn't a douche bag or a dictator. Plus Westbrook, KD and Serge were kids under him, much easier for them to bond when it's their first experience and he's a nice guy

KD and others have been PC about the situation. KD also said he "100% supports the firing". So it is what it is
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Giannis didn't take that "step" like i thought he would last season. hope he does this season with some solid pieces around him

Drummond, Giannis, & Teddy Bridgewater are slander proof on NT tho :lol:

Giannis averaged 7 points in 25 mins his rookie year. People were just freaking out over his body & the few flashes he showed, but he was fairly raw.

Not sure what you were expecting in year 2 :lol:

I thought he progressed just fine. Took better shots & tightened his handle.
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In a league where there MAY BE a handful of guys with back to the basket low post games.. And SGs that deemed it worthy for the other team to play a pretty much non-existent offensive threat defender at SG

He was beholden to Perkins and thabo..

Instead of using guys on his bench and following the example of someone far superior to him and who the franchise modeled themselves after (pop and the Spurs) and using his bench to play matchups.. Scotty did nothing
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James Harden had one single season over 30 mins per with the thunder, which happened to be the season Eric maynor tore his acl and harden had to backup both guard spots

Revisionist history.

Acting like Harden didn't break out under Scotty. I'm done though. This man helped get the best out of KD, Russ, Harfen, Ibaka, Jackson, Adams, Kanter etc.

But because he doesn't run Pop's offense, he's a bad coach? :smh:

Rex Kalamian, head of player development for the Thunder, is who James actually credits for his rapid ascension.

The Scott Brooks sucks, or needs to make some changes thing, is nothing new with me. Before they even had PER and advance stats, basketball reference,, and I was in game threads, "ok we're up 11 and Perkins is about to check in, watch this." **** was clockwork, for YEARS, way before he turned in the worst playoff performacne by PER of a player to play at least 200 minutes (the last qualifier only needed because it eliminates guys like Collins who used to just come into the game to foul Shaq)

You named 3 all stars, a borderline guy, a offensive dynamo who is literally among the worst at all time at his position, and I'd say Reggie even has a chance to be right on the cusp of all star this season. That is to say, those guys were going to be great regardless. Only a real old timy coach, like maybe a Larry Brown, could have ****** them up. Maybe somebody would have discouraged Ibaka's addition of a perimeter game, or tried to make Westbrook and Jackson "traditional" point guards or something, so give him credit sure.

As to your Dion hypothetical, the difference between Scotty and other coaches (can't say yet on Donovan), is he refuses to admit something isn't working and make adjustments. His in game is his glaring flaw. No reason the Thunder should not have won the title in 2012. It took him until an elimination game in the Memphis series to bench Thabo. Adams was never in his plans, stumbled onto that gem. So by game 60, say the Dion at pg experiment has been a glaring failure, Brooks would still be riding it.

I wish I had the stats in front of me, but if you take out the minutes Perkins was on the court, the Thunder won that series in a blowout.

Beal hit a hell of a shot, but his postgame quote of something to the effect of, well we looked out there and saw he had Perkins out there and were shocked because we didnt even have any bigs so we figured go at him in pick and roll.

Even reporters were baffled and continued to ask him why he's still strutting that 2 bigs lineup out there, and he'd always answer with something snarky or even worst deflect the blame for his poor lineups when he said, "they need to go sit down at dinner together and figure it out," when asked why the starters always get off to deficits (could be because I play 2 non offensive entities in my starting lineup and KD purposely chooses not to be offensively aggressive during this stretch with this lineup because there is so much help from the opposing 5 and 2 and it's bad for his effeciecy so he "lets" Russ have those shots.

The lack of an offense thing speaks for itself, never was able to come up with more than just take turn isos and some pick and roll based sets. In the 4th especially, you new what you were getting. Record usage from 2 players

I'd say his in game adjustments and adjustments overall. He picks something, like a starting lineup, and he sticks to it, literally against mountains of evidence it is not working, until literally back is against the wall in an elimination game then he finally "tries something," like benching Thabo

I'd hire him though if I was a young team. He would have been good for New Orleans or Orlando IMO if he wanted to stay in coaching.

His huddle speech about respecting the champs in 2012 was epic as well, but he's usually a bumbling idiot in huddles just saying win one for the gipper type speeches, "rebound with your heart," for example. I think the team may have just tuned him out by the end of last yr, maybe he was too much a player's coach. IDK. Tough situation for everybody involved.
In a league where there MAY BE a handful of guys with back to the basket low post games.. And SGs that deemed it worthy for the other team to play a pretty much non-existent offensive threat defender at SG

He was beholden to Perkins and thabo..

Instead of using guys on his bench and following the example of someone far superior to him and who the franchise modeled themselves after (pop and the Spurs) and using his bench to play matchups.. Scotty did nothing

No Lustra?
Like I've said in the past, as frustrating as it was to watch Durant and Westbrook iso every time down the floor maybe it was the best for their talents. Maybe they aren't suited to play like the Thunder or Warriors.
Just peeped the poll. I see folk came around on the Kings having a legit chance to make the playoffs. With that said who thinks they making it over NO.

Rondo and lil Curry gonna do something? How long until DMC hits Rondo with the Geno and coach Karl with the PJ?
just last year people would see this as a huge insult :lol:

acting like he's the next big thing after looking at a picture of his hands 

Trust me, I'm pretty sure they still would see it as that. You must think he'll be borderline KD in his prime to not get slandered.

Bridgewater has been a complete bum all year so far by the way. NT's football hero.

Drummond last year was supposed to average over 20 a game with 15 rebounds. He averaged .3 more points and .3 more rebounds than the season before.
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