Who will represent the Western Conference in the NBA Finals?

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Is Kevin Martin a backup because they're making preparations for Pekovic to be out a long time, and they can at least 'depend' (keyword) on Martin to score on the second unit, but can't yet depend on Lavine to score for the second unit on a game to game basis. He may get there this season, I suppose you never know, or the next couple years - but he'll throw up some **** games on the way there. Think Pek was planned to be very much a part of second team anyway because he's going to be on a big minute restriction from here on out in his career. Minny's bench will be bad again, but maybe not an atrocity this way. Defense would be same with KM vs. ZL on line two.

To be quite honest, I don't think anybody cares if the Wolves bench is relevant. All that matters is the development of Minny's Young Studs and coach will experiment with lineups that will benefit the rooks/ sophomores the best. Martin just seems to be in the way of that.
I believe Harden is better all those guys except Kobe and McGrady.

At the end of the day it's going to come down to who could accomplish the most being the man of the team. Both team accomplishments and individual stats. Harden already went further than Tmac could (yes, injuries and team talent level should be a factor but that's just part of the game).

Don't forget that Tmac did have his fair share of chocking. Remember when they were one win away from beating the Pistons in a playoff series but completely throwing that away? Tmac always seemed to kill it the first few playoff games but then runs out of gas before the end of the first round. And let's not pretend like Tmac was never lazy on defence either.

That being said, I think prime Tmac >>> current Harden talent wise. But looking at the whole picture, it's a little closer than you think.
Haven't done one of these in a whileeee

These pix are from the Pistons Open Practice.
I was gonna say damn jalen rose got brolic...I just saw him on TBC & he wasn't like that

who's kid in that fire Gucci raincoat
lolll i've legit gotten comparison from jalen to usher to reggie bush hahah. just depends on the day, the beard or sunglass choice haha. that kid is my dudes son. kid was stunting hard as all hell. his other son, that dont eem look like him was rocking some Target sweats lmaoo.
target sweats
cold world
really hope that was his nephew or something....favoriting children to that level is lame as hell for a parent to do 
Man they are pushing the NBA players further and further down the court-side

That is redic man. Got those 7ft cats all scrunched in on top of each other so they can  sell a few extra court-side seats. 
Porsizngus injured again? Isn't this his third contact related injury? Dude better bulk up.
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