The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed

Well, how else would they get illegals out of Arizona? Im not saying all illegals are bad, but some of them commit crimes here in AZ and get away with it.
WOW! threads like these truly brings out some of you guys true colors. Interesting because I know for a fact, some of these opinions would never come out ya'll mouth out loud! real talk...
Originally Posted by HyphySole

Well, how else would they get illegals out of Arizona? Im not saying all illegals are bad, but some of them commit crimes here in AZ and get away with it.

If someone commits a crime and isn't a citizen,sending them to their native country seems like a good idea
Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

WOW! threads like these truly brings out some of you guys true colors. Interesting because I know for a fact, some of these opinions would never come out ya'll mouth out loud! real talk...
Originally Posted by HyphySole

Well, how else would they get illegals out of Arizona? Im not saying all illegals are bad, but some of them commit crimes here in AZ and get away with it.

SOME, not many do.
and by some its very little
you really think if someone is illegal they'll risk getting deported by committing a crime? Yeah no buddy.
Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

WOW! threads like these truly brings out some of you guysl true colors. Interesting because I know for a fact, some of these opinions would never come out ya'll mouth out loud! real talk...

stop it.

As if lilly white republicans weren't/aren't openly shouting out racial and derogatory slurs about Obama, Sotomayor. You really think people are affraid to speak their mind? "Real talk" if some of the people in this thread were face to face with you, it would be a regular class room arguement in which case you would do NOTHING but make false threats. Calme down Strongbad.

-The Juice
 OJ nailed it in this thread.

When the Patriot Act passed (and subsequently) renewed most of the people in here crying about this new AZ law didn't utter a peep? Why? Because it didn't specifically target your people. Fine. If you want to play that game then why should those who are not "your" people care?
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Grimey

OrenthalJames wrote: 

I cant wait neither. Maybe west side Chicago will be safer because of it. The cops can search me, I trully don't care, I have a clean record and dont carry firearms. People are afraid of regulations...I'm not. I lived in Texas in a town called WHITESETTLEMENT  and it was close to Weatherford aka mini Waco for 6 years. You all really think some cop searching you is the end all be all?

If you are's...illegal...leave. Plain and simple.

-The Juice

That one always gets me!! You can cry and whine all you want but WE AIN'T GOING NOWHERE!!!! 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

 OJ nailed it in this thread.

When the Patriot Act passed (and subsequently) renewed most of the people in here crying about this new AZ law didn't utter a peep? Why? Because it didn't specifically target your people. Fine. If you want to play that game then why should those who are not "your" people care?

To be fair, the renewal wasn't extensively covered on here (even a thread) as this is.Also, in the majority of threads targeting Arabs or Muslims, you'll find many people getting upset over things like profiling and Guantanamo
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by HyphySole

Well, how else would they get illegals out of Arizona? Im not saying all illegals are bad, but some of them commit crimes here in AZ and get away with it.

If someone commits a crime and isn't a citizen,sending them to their native country seems like a good idea
Well being here illegally is a crime.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

 OJ nailed it in this thread.

When the Patriot Act passed (and subsequently) renewed most of the people in here crying about this new AZ law didn't utter a peep? Why? Because it didn't specifically target your people. Fine. If you want to play that game then why should those who are not "your" people care?

To be fair, the renewal wasn't extensively covered on here (even a thread) as this is.Also, in the majority of threads targeting Arabs or Muslims, you'll find many people getting upset over things like profiling and Guantanamo
The fact that the renewal of the Patriot Act wasn't covered as extensively on NT is neither here nor there.

OF course many people got upset in the threads that discussed targeting Arabs/ Muslims. Most of them were Arab or Muslim themselves. That is completely understandable. I'll guarantee that if we go back to those threads that very few non Arab/Muslims were vehement in their defense.

This is the problem. Most people only care when they are particularly effected.
Before this law, local police were not allowed to question people about their citizenship. So basically, if your illegal and you get into trouble all you would get was a ticket or maybe a couple of nights in jail.  Now local police can question people about there citizenship and contact the proper authorities so they can be returned to their country in a more quickly manner.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by milkandcookies


This is so god damn racist, this seems very similar to the countless number of laws passed to perpetuate oppression against African Americans after the reformation of the south and before jim crow.

How does that even compare to whats going on in Arizona? Are they banning Hispanics from eating at restaurants? Are segregating schools? Is there a Hispanics only water fountain? Are Hispanics forced to carry citizenship cards? (oh wait....those are green cards and drivers license. In which case they should have already had those forms of identification)

I love it when people always try to make examples by trying to equate the oppression of blacks. Get the hell outta here with that.

-The Juice
someone needs to touch up on their US history.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

 OJ nailed it in this thread.

When the Patriot Act passed (and subsequently) renewed most of the people in here crying about this new AZ law didn't utter a peep? Why? Because it didn't specifically target your people. Fine. If you want to play that game then why should those who are not "your" people care?

I am of the "not your people" category.. I give a damn.. I was against the Patriot Act, I am against this...

This does more harm than good. Those who don't see the harm here are the same people who didn't see the harm of the Patriot Act. And look what that got us..
Originally Posted by HyphySole

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by HyphySole

Well, how else would they get illegals out of Arizona? Im not saying all illegals are bad, but some of them commit crimes here in AZ and get away with it.

If someone commits a crime and isn't a citizen,sending them to their native country seems like a good idea
Well being here illegally is a crime.

And when evidence is found, charge them. You don't start bypassing warrants and arresting citizens to find them because of a broadly defined hunch
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by OldDogPR

frijo sneaker wrote:

why the personal attack? it's obvious he was talking about the law passing and not you. at least be a man about it and say it in english so the mods can understand it.
Oh I understand. He can say bye bye to his SN.

People need to wake up and see past skin color to see how this will impact ALL of us. Well all of us except for perhaps the majority of those who actually get to make the rules.
Originally Posted by Niteridr75

Before this law, local police were not allowed to question people about their citizenship. So basically, if your illegal and you get into trouble all you would get was a ticket or maybe a couple of nights in jail.  Now local police can question people about there citizenship and contact the proper authorities so they can be returned to their country in a more quickly manner.

but now, no matter if you committed a petty crime.. a cop can pull you over on the simple suspicion that you might be illegal. i don't get why people don't see what's so wrong in that. not just illegals will suffer from this. legal citizens will also be pulled over/stopped. yes, it's only a quick "let me see your ID".. but what if the cop doesn't believe you? are we going to have to carry birth certificates now? green cards? it's crazy if hispanics actually supported this bill. as if they're immune to the profiling.

The fact that the renewal of the Patriot Act wasn't covered as extensively on NT is neither here nor there.

OF course many people got upset in the threads that discussed targeting Arabs/ Muslims. Most of them were Arab or Muslim themselves. That is completely understandable. I'll guarantee that if we go back to those threads that very few non Arab/Muslims were vehement in their defense.

This is the problem. Most people only care when they are particularly effected.

sadly, for some people.. it has to hit close to home for them to open their eyes.
Originally Posted by HyphySole

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by HyphySole

Well, how else would they get illegals out of Arizona? Im not saying all illegals are bad, but some of them commit crimes here in AZ and get away with it.

If someone commits a crime and isn't a citizen,sending them to their native country seems like a good idea
Well being here illegally is a crime.
 Yea thats such a big crime right? Especially if the illegal works hard, pays taxes, and helps pump money into the economy but no it's still a crime right!? 
 Grow up
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Since they passed this bill than they should profile EVERY race, NOT just Hispanic people.

I want the Irish out
I want the Muslims out
I want the Blacks out
I want the Hispanics out
I want the Jews out

if you are illegal...get the F out word to WWE

-The Juice
Unless you're native american, you're illegal too.
Why don't you get the F out word to WWE
at dumb @@! people that think its so easy to come to the US legally. For some, its impossible to come here legally. Some people just don't get that. You can say "stay in your country" bla bla bla but i'm 100% sure that if you were in some of those peoples positions you would come here illegally too. Why eat %$$$ your whole life when you can cross a border and have a better life?

But the government here needs to really do something about this whole immigration situation. Hopefully something happens.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

 OJ nailed it in this thread.

When the Patriot Act passed (and subsequently) renewed most of the people in here crying about this new AZ law didn't utter a peep? Why? Because it didn't specifically target your people. Fine. If you want to play that game then why should those who are not "your" people care?

To be fair, the renewal wasn't extensively covered on here (even a thread) as this is.Also, in the majority of threads targeting Arabs or Muslims, you'll find many people getting upset over things like profiling and Guantanamo
The fact that the renewal of the Patriot Act wasn't covered as extensively on NT is neither here nor there.

OF course many people got upset in the threads that discussed targeting Arabs/ Muslims. Most of them were Arab or Muslim themselves. That is completely understandable. I'll guarantee that if we go back to those threads that very few non Arab/Muslims were vehement in their defense.

This is the problem. Most people only care when they are particularly effected.

CallHimAR, Essential1, Daytona and Haze almost always pop up in those threads. Doubt any of them are Muslim.
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