The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed

Originally Posted by Essential1

And the results are in....           ESSENTIAL1 IS WHITE.. But I am deeply aware of my white privilege and the history of race in this country.. And it happens to be that my race is pretty damn guilty of crimes against the rights of other races.. From the 1600s to even today..

Alright. I was wrong on 2  of 4 (maybe even 3 of the 4) but you actually proved me right. How many of the 4 that were mentioned are hispanic/latino?
So long as it's not "my" people  (of course there are exceptions to this rule) ...

Like I wrote before...

So long as the American establishment needed cheap labor that could notbe had amongst the native population (i.e. legal Americans) they turneda blind eye to illegal workers.
When the cheap labor can be found amongst the native popualtion, they no longer need illegal workers.
This is a "deal" that was made by both parties.

Itis what it is. I don't fault any illegal immigrant. People do what theyhave to do. On the other hand, that holds true for everyone. Just likeillegal immigrants take extreme ( and at times very dangerous andsuicidal) measures to come to the US, the reaction to that may also beextreme. 

American has a history of extreme profiling. Unconstitutional laws have been on the books for a looong time. The country is going down the drain anyway. 
This disgusts me.
Here we go with the obama hatred ( where the change at ) get the @+$# out of here with that..... I belive in equality for everyone but if there going to pass that law do it for everyone not just latinos because this country is a melting pot of different races
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Essential1

And the results are in....           ESSENTIAL1 IS WHITE.. But I am deeply aware of my white privilege and the history of race in this country.. And it happens to be that my race is pretty damn guilty of crimes against the rights of other races.. From the 1600s to even today..

Alright. I was wrong on 2  of 4 (maybe even 3 of the 4) but you actually proved me right. How many of the 4 that were mentioned are hispanic/latino?
So long as it's not "my" people  (of course there are exceptions to this rule) ...

Like I wrote before...

So long as the American establishment needed cheap labor that could notbe had amongst the native population (i.e. legal Americans) they turneda blind eye to illegal workers.
When the cheap labor can be found amongst the native popualtion, they no longer need illegal workers.
This is a "deal" that was made by both parties.

Itis what it is. I don't fault any illegal immigrant. People do what theyhave to do. On the other hand, that holds true for everyone. Just likeillegal immigrants take extreme ( and at times very dangerous andsuicidal) measures to come to the US, the reaction to that may also beextreme. 

The American Dream is all they are trying to realize. While I feel they should come here the correct way many of them have no means to do that or no idea how to do that through the faults of our government. That is what needs to be reformed. I also agree with your general statement when we needed them we love them and when we don't we try to throw them out like spoiled lunch.. That's not right because what people fail to realize is they become as American as natural born citizens like you and I. They fulfill a lifeline for this country that people often overlook, and ignore because they wouldn't dream of living the way they have to live so it makes no difference to them when they affect their life for the bad. When without them their life would be 100x worse.

But as of others, I feel those who have disdain for illegal immigrants have no premise of this country or its history. Essentially most of the population here are the ruminants of illegal immigrants. So it is wrong to demonize one and admonish the other who took the ultimately sacrifice the same one made today in the 1600s-1800s.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

I foresee many V For Vendetta-like moments coming to TV screens near you in the coming years..
'cept everyone will be rocking luchador masks

I'll be rockin Atlantis' mask...

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Lex Starks

You know this is bad when there are Republicans like myself and others I know slamming this bill.The state of Arizona is going to get hit financially with civillawsuits due to profiling as well as the police force becoming slightlyineffective due to them having to profile certain peoples.
I'm slamming the bill as well, but as someone else said, 70% of AZ population in supporting this bill. I just saw a poll on FOX and 95% of 11,256 people that voted say that the bill was needed especially after an AZ rancher has been killed by an illegal immigrant, while only 3% think this bill will be harmful and cause racial profiling. The other 2% were either unsure or have a different opinion. I don't know about anyone else, but that's saddening to see. Trust me, this will get very ugly. I hear Jan Brewer is already having to deal with death threats after this.
And 70% of the people would be wrong...Ask them if it would be ok for a black man or a hispanic man to racial profile them and infringe on their "American Dream" and see how quick they scream "Reverse Racism".

And OMG an illegal immigrant killed a guy.. I feel bad for the guy who was killed but this is not the correct reaction. If it were why don't these people get as riled up with the thousands of killings every year of citizens of this country by citizens of this country.

Convenient reason to make all illegal immigrants a scape goat and make them pay for trying to be American.
this is something way too powerful for any of us to understand yet. I would say that this is the beginning of something awful, I think alot about a NEW civil war. his may be a big reason to that starting to unravel.
BTW, this is not just going to affect Latinos but other races as well.

What exactly does a latino look like? A cop may mistaken an African-American, a Caucasian, an Arab, an Asian, a Native-American as being latino.

Latinos are a diverse array of people and they do not all look a certain way. While people may think that only latinos will be targeted, it's likely that people of all racial groups will be negatively affected by this.
Originally Posted by OldDogPR

Originally Posted by milkandcookies

Originally Posted by 310HxA

 Yea thats such a big crime right? Especially if the illegal works hard, pays taxes, and helps pump money into the economy but no it's still a crime right!? 
 Grow up

Most people don't realize that the "illegal" immigrant is the backbone of the Californian economy.
You act like the economy in CA is so great.
Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Annually
Yeah and California's economy nets nearly 2 trillion a year. A lot of people on here need to take some classes on globalization, seriously if you think immigrants are coming to America because they can't live adequate lives due their country of origin understand that in most of the Western Hemisphere it's America that puts the sqeeeze on these people's opportunity for a livelihood.  When you point the finger at these immigrants blaming them for your hardships you should be pointing one at yourself and the executives who exploit you. It's crazy how I hear these hateful words coming from black men too?! It's sad to see how people easily forget how Africans in Jamaica, Haiti, Belize etc face the same hardships that mestizo's face leading to illegal immigration. Exploitation reaches beyond what we don't see in our immediate lives, and to not see that we're all one species that should be there for each other...I just feel sorry for you and for what's coming next
It is odd how quick people can be to excoriate "text book" economics ( like the immutable fact that demand slopes downward), during public policy debates but engage in "text book" thinking about politics. In all politics, even in our American democracy, what really matters is what you can get away with, that is what decides the reality of the ground.

Things like truth, fairness and other concepts are for discussion purposes only. The outcome is going to be based entirely on what the concerned parties can actually do and get away with and that includes the Feds, the Arizona government, those who own land on the borders, individual Sheriffs and police departments, the cartels, the ordinary Mexicans who just want have a better life and the ordinary Arizona citizens who bear many of the external costs of cross border traffic.

On that note, I would put my money on the Paisas first and if not them I would bet on those "celebrity sheriffs" like "Sheriff Joe" (the Maricopa County cop who tortures petty crooks in work camps and used his Sadism to get famous). I would not bet on the Feds, they are irrelevant to all of this because we know that President Obama will lecture and not do much else.
as an AZ resident, I am of strong support of this bill. I commend Jan Brewer for having some balls and making the difficult correct choice

Even granted the authority to pull over any individual and ask to prove citizenship, I truly don't think that is what they are going to be doing with this. They are going to focus on the areas with predominant illegal immigrants, where there is an outrageous number of them. On any given day they can go to a home depot in a low income area and arrest/deport 30 illegals without fail.

Outsiders of AZ only react to the surface of this bill, they don't absorb the crimes and disturbances that they cause first hand like AZ residents do.

Something has to be done about what I call the "silent revolution".There are 11 million illegals in the US (57% from Mexico) and not one truly effectivesolution in place.
This bill is a step in the right direction, not moving backwards if you ask me.
Pretty disgusting stuff, that congressman looks baffled and sad that his state has gone to those measures smh,

The people need to stand up and hit AZ hard, we are moving backwards.

Obama's administration has to do something.
Originally Posted by glasses

as an AZ resident, I am of strong support of this bill. I commend Jan Brewer for having some balls and making the difficult correct choice

It's safe to assume you are not Hispanic?

Some of you guys need to show some empathy.
Im from AZ...and this saddens me. This is the 3rd thing she has done that has pissed me off. I honestly forgot the 1st, she changed howAbortion is "allowed" here, and now this. This woman needs to go.

and on yahoo (cant find it now) but Obama says he will have "his people" look at the new law to see if its constitutionally right, so he's at least aware of the issue. Hope somethings done.

edit: O and arizona isnt the south by any means but this place is VERY racist and stays F!!!n up at the poles. in case yall aint know.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by glasses

as an AZ resident, I am of strong support of this bill. I commend Jan Brewer for having some balls and making the difficult correct choice

It's safe to assume you are not Hispanic?

Some of you guys need to show some empathy.
We need to stop thinking about ourselves, and look at the bigger picture.  There is a chance that you get requested to prove citizenship for no reason other than your race, but that discomfort you will go thorugh compared to the impact this will have on the disaster of illegal immigrants, it's a drop in the bucket.  Take the good with the bad.
Originally Posted by glasses

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by glasses

as an AZ resident, I am of strong support of this bill. I commend Jan Brewer for having some balls and making the difficult correct choice

It's safe to assume you are not Hispanic?

Some of you guys need to show some empathy.
We need to stop thinking about ourselves, and look at the bigger picture.  There is a chance that you get requested to prove citizenship for no reason other than your race, but that discomfort you will go thorugh compared to the impact this will have on the disaster of illegal immigrants, it's a drop in the bucket.  Take the good with the bad.

Yup just like we had to take the good with the bad on the Patriot Act right? 

You are the one not looking at the bigger picture. This is against everything that this country is supposed to stand for. That is the big picture..  Our values > Some petty majority who wants to hold onto power because they are becoming a minority.
What are the alternatives to this bill? It seems like most NTers are are up in arms but provide 0 solutions. What are your ways of handling the illegal immigration problem?

-The Juice
^^^ immigration reform for the people who deserve to be here which is many
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