The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed

Originally Posted by mikykr20

If only all the states would follow AZ... this law isn't a problem unless you're an illegal

You guys just dont get it...

You guys are taking the law for what it is on paper. If we lived in a just and equal society people wouldn't be up in arms about it. You're forgetting about the racism/ignorance that even LEGAL citizens are subject to on a daily basis, so why cant you understand how much worse its gonna get with police exploiting this law?
Originally Posted by mikykr20

So unfortunately nothing's gonna change anyways?

OK? so why create a FREAKIN' LAW that AMPLIFIES these faults of man....

my mother is a legal Dominican immigrant and it would be a CRIME of her to walk outside without her purse because she just happens to be hispanic?

yo i swear its these backward $%@ pompous folks in this country are SO SCARED of people coming to da United States, bringing their OWN CULTURE and instead of

embracing da uniqueness of respective cultures, they SWEAR its gonna RUIN da sanctity of "THEIR" United States....
Eh lets try this one more time, because you still dont understand( and im directing this in particular to moneyisthemotive).

You are coming home from work a cop pulls you over (for some petty offence, lets say failure to signal). He ask you for your licence, insurance... He then asks you if youve had any thing to drink, mind you, you hadn't had a single thing to drink. At this point he tells you that he needs you to step out and take breathalyser test. Again you haven't had anything to drink, youve given the officer no reason to suspect you of being under the influence. So you would be perfectly fine with this? Coming home from a stressful day, this *@! hole cop decides to abuse his power and play hardball with, but hey no biggie rigth? I mean it's just wasted time, correct? Mind you, youve done nothing to give the cop reason to suspect you of being drunk. Now what's the difference between a police officer making a AMERICAN prove that he is here legally. Tought continued \/ \/ \/
Dont give me this 'well if its what it takes to get rid of those damn illegals, so be it' bull @%#@. How dare you or any one justify this? Now, notice I have not once said that this is a bad law due to its impact on the illegal immigrants. THIS IS A TERRIBLE LAW, FOR IT VIOLATES THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, AND I STRESS, OF FULL FLESHED AMERICAN CITIZENS. What a slap in the face it would be if a police officer question not only my citizenship but more importantly my PATRIOTISM. Unfortunetly with the passage of this stupid bill, this scenario will be experienced by Americans in Arizona, who look a 'certain way.'

But hey not everyone loses, I would like to congratulate Brewer for joining the leagues of Fife Symington and Evan Mecham, in making Arizona a National embarrassment.
anyone who has ever been "profiled" know it's not as simple as showing your license or whatever then moving along. it's like being guilty until proven innocent, and you don't even get an apology in the end.

Exactly, which is why these Republicans (majority all white) can't seem to understand or know what it's like to be pulled over or targeted by the police unfairly.  They'll most likely never understand because they are only able to think about themselves in certain situations.

and if youre legal the only thing you lose is time ... if the cops wanna check my papers, go right ahead ...

Man, just like with the Patriot Act, they got some of you dudes right where they want you to be.  Do you realize a person can easily get pulled over by the cops numerous times during the day "just because".  Who wants to allot for more time threw out their day just so they can be prepared to get harassed by the cops.

If only all the states would follow AZ... this law isn't a problem unless you're an illegal

Yet another mindless sheep for the Republican party.......SMH.
Only in America!!! We are all losing our rights...Legalized racial profiling!!!WOW!!!Hopefully no other states follow
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by mikykr20

If only all the states would follow AZ... this law isn't a problem unless you're an illegal

You guys just dont get it...

You guys are taking the law for what it is on paper. If we lived in a just and equal society people wouldn't be up in arms about it. You're forgetting about the racism/ignorance that even LEGAL citizens are subject to on a daily basis, so why cant you understand how much worse its gonna get with police exploiting this law?
Most individuals who chime in on this with "if you're here legally you have nothing to worry about" are out of touch with reality and do only speak from a theoretical point of view.

Originally Posted by ninjahood

and da problem is da law states "immigrants who are here LEGALLY who don't carry around proof, will be considered a crime" yeah..thats TOTALLY not trampling da rights

of hispanic dissent.

"yeah those white people don't need proof..its those damn mexicans we gotta make sure their all here legally"
meanwhile u know ain't no polish, euro immigrants

getting pulled over.
People think that illegal immigrants are only HISPANIC. There are thousands of immigrants from all over the world yet i never see any news articles of how a bunch of Euro immigrants just got deported.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

My family is mexican and my dad and all his family were here illegally at one point.

the couldnt care less about this, all he told me was "if i can get a green card, why cant they?"

wait until your dad gets pulled over without his brith certificate and gets thrown in jail until things get settled

legal immigrants should be the most pissed off
Originally Posted by HyphySole

I dont really understand why people of hispanic background who are LEGAL are mad about this . If you are legal, is it really that hard for you to show your damn drivers license to the cop if you are pulled over? Show the cop your license, and then just keep it moving

typical response from a sheltered individual
this is pathetic

does everybody carry their green card, passport and birth certificates with them at times?

smh at some of you saying if youre not illegal then you shouldnt be worried...the fact is that this gives rights to authorities to search you just cause you look like an immigrant
Originally Posted by aaf703

smh only in america...

actually it's like this in many countries. "show me your papers"

that's what makes this even sadder. this is extreemly unamerican.

^ dirty beat me to it. this has happened many times over history. it's shocking that it is happening here in the year 2010
Like I said  in an earlier post, I truly don't think they are going to be pulling over every dark skinned person driving on the roads for proof of citizenship. There are simply too many minorities in Arizona, there's certainly not enough officers to carry out a procedure like that, and more importantly it's just not their focus with this bill. They are more set on approaching all of these illegals standing on the sides of roads, in front of businesses, piled in the back of a pick up truck, looking for "under the table" work. There are 460,000 of those.

So stop repeating the "im going to get pulled over while driving to work and i'm a legal citizen, several times a week" excuse

That's not going to happen.
Originally Posted by glasses

so stop repeating the "im going to get pulled over while driving to work and i'm a legal citizen, several times a week" excuse

That's not going to happen.

oh really? so explain to me what kinda "reasonable" suspicion for asking someone for immigration papers?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by glasses

so stop repeating the "im going to get pulled over while driving to work and i'm a legal citizen, several times a week" excuse

That's not going to happen.

oh really? so explain to me what kinda "reasonable" suspicion for asking someone for immigration papers?
I'd like to recommend you to read the rest of my post
Originally Posted by glasses

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by glasses

so stop repeating the "im going to get pulled over while driving to work and i'm a legal citizen, several times a week" excuse

That's not going to happen.

oh really? so explain to me what kinda "reasonable" suspicion for asking someone for immigration papers?
I'd like to recommend you to read the rest of my post
A large number of them are also legal residents
cool let's justify racial profiling. let's act like gov, state or fed, isn't skewed.

to be honest, i know i can be mistaken for hispanic. if i got harrassed due to this law, best believe i will do the most american thing one can do. SUE.


lotta beaver cleaver dudes trying to chime in talkin bout aint nothing wrong with it.

wait til the real backlash.

and ppl saying its good cuz 905 of drugs come from mexico.

fool...bc our country allows it.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by glasses

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by glasses

so stop repeating the "im going to get pulled over while driving to work and i'm a legal citizen, several times a week" excuse

That's not going to happen.

oh really? so explain to me what kinda "reasonable" suspicion for asking someone for immigration papers?
I'd like to recommend you to read the rest of my post
A large number of them are also legal residents

A large number of legal residents can be found

standing on the sides of roads, in front of businesses, piled in theback of a pick up truck, looking for "under the table" work
I don't understand how there is any argument that this bill isn't in clear violation of the 4th amendment?

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

In Terry v. Ohio the Supreme Court states that "in justifying the particular intrusion the police officer must be able to point to specific and articulable facts which, taken together with rational inferences from those facts, reasonably warrant the intrusion."

Other than having a brown complexion or speaking Spanish, what else creates a reasonable warrant for intrusion? Not to mention the side effects of crimes not being reported because illegals don't want to be deported...real shame
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