The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

No one would have any issues if 57% of the illegal immigrants were German.

You know how I know you're right? Everyone ignores the other illegal immigrants. Like the only illegals are Mexican
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by DubA169

The people praising this bill are the same people screaming "Obama took my freedoms"

oh the irony.....
Dumb. And you bolded it as if it was a profound statement.

Although this bill is rough and should be reformed, this is at least an idea to handle a growing immigration problem. It's been said many times before, immigration causes more problems than actually help the country no matter how bad NT latinos want to believe it's a good thing.

-The Juice

the bill is "rough"

this is one of the most unconstitutional documents ever signed

your dumb #+% thinks any idea that battles a problem is progress. this is the WRONG way to go about this. 100% un-american. it makes racial profiling legal and it's gonna cause some serious problems between cops and legal immigrants.
Originally Posted by glasses

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

What are the alternatives to this bill? It seems like most NTers are are up in arms but provide 0 solutions. What are your ways of handling the illegal immigration problem?

-The Juice

that is the $64,000 question

everybody is a critic, but can't offer anything of substance

You clowns are acting like you proposed this bill or some *%%+. Like this *%%+ was YOUR idea. Sit the %!!$ down.
Youre just running around here with all types of dumb *%%+ calling Muslims a race, feeling good about yourself on your high horse as a citizen.

Its crazy cause up until a few days ago OJ still has that sig in his link from when J. Rose was making racist comments against black people.
Feels good to be able to pick and choose when to not like racism.
Originally Posted by Jerome in the House

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

No one would have any issues if 57% of the illegal immigrants were German.

You know how I know you're right? Everyone ignores the other illegal immigrants. Like the only illegals are Mexican
This. Orenthal is pretty much another racist moron on Niketalk.
I'm racist? Because I feel illegal immigrants should be deported? And not just the Mexican immigrans?

Diego...go to Europe. In some countries.....Muslims recognize themselves as a race. Sorry to kill your spirits.

I will now leave this thread, and continue living my racist life with my Asian girlfriend, My best friend from Iraq, my 2nd best friend who is mexican, my father who is part Native American, My family members where 60% of them are a different race and from different parts of the earth. And I will leave all of the youth leadership groups that I have been apart of for the last 5 years, that are assembled to further empower ALL minorities not just black and brown. I'm so far from seeing color on a person's skin as an issue and problem, that ONLY in a parallel universe such as NT  I... ME would be considered a racist.

so please continue to sympathize and commend none US citizens. That's exactly what America needs to restore it's greatness. And lets not ever deal with the immigration problem, continue to let the land overflow. And by immigration problem I mean everyone from every country who comes here illegally.

I have done more to help my community and more to help minorities as whole than you all could ever dream of. You all say you want equality but NONE of you lames have ever done anything productive to further improve life for others (CITIZENS). 

-The Juice
This article proves to me that the law is a good one. When theseactivists get all up in arms, I support whatever they are crying about.

And for a US Congressman, Rep Grijalva, to openly call for the US tonot comply with this law is just mindblowing. Whatever happened to theoath to uphold the law of the land as an elected official? I guess thatonly applies to the left when they agree with the law...

PHOENIX – Activists called on President Barack Obama to fight a toughnew Arizona law targeting illegal immigrants, promising Sunday to marchin the streets and invite arrest by refusing to comply if the measuregoes into effect.
U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona told about 3,500 protesters gatheredat the state Capitol that the Obama administration can help defeat thelaw by refusing to cooperate.
"We're asking that his federal agencies, particularly HomelandSecurity, not cooperate with the implementation of this law. That'sdefeating this. That's the strategy."
The law requires Arizona police officers to question people about theirimmigration status if there is reasonable suspicion they're in thecountry illegally, saying it would undoubtedly lead to racial profiling
Officers would arrest people found to be undocumented and turn them over to federal immigration officers.
Opponents say the federal government can block the law by refusing to accept them.
The Rev. Al Sharpton said that just as freedom riders battledsegregation in the 1960s, he would organize "freedom walkers" tochallenge the Arizona bill.
"We will go to Arizona when this bill goes into effect and walk thestreets with people who refuse to give identification and forcearrest," Sharpton said Sunday in New York
Gov. Jan Brewer signed the bill into law Friday. It requires police toquestion people about their immigration status — including asking foridentification — if they suspect someone is in the country illegally.The law also toughens restrictions on hiring illegal immigrants for daylabor and knowingly transporting them.
Supporters have dismissed concerns of racial profiling, saying the lawprohibits the use of race or nationality as the sole basis for animmigration check. Brewer has ordered state officials to develop atraining course for officers to learn what constitutes reasonablesuspicion someone is in the U.S. illegally.
Hundreds gathered outside the state Capitol in Phoenix on Fridayshouting that the bill would lead to civil rights abuses. After shesigned the bill, Brewer said critics were "overreacting."
A handful of protesters lingered at the Capitol Saturday morning.Others gathered in Tucson outside the campaign headquarters of U.S.Rep. Raul Grijalva, a Democrat who opposes the measure and has calledon businesses and groups looking for convention and meeting locationsto boycott Arizona.
Current law in Arizona and most states doesn't require police to askabout the immigration status of those they encounter, and many policedepartments prohibit officers from inquiring out of fear immigrantswon't cooperate in other investigations.
The new law makes it a crime under state law to be in the countryillegally. Immigrants unable to produce documents showing they areallowed to be in the U.S. could be arrested, jailed for up to sixmonths and fined $2,500. It also allows lawsuits against governmentagencies that hinder enforcement of immigration laws.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon's office said in a statement Saturdaythat "the Mexican government condemns the approval of the law" and "thecriminalization of migration, far from contributing to collaborationand cooperation between Mexico and the state of Arizona, represents anobstacle to solving the shared problems of the border region."
Arizona has an estimated 460,000 illegal immigrants and is the statewith the most illegal border crossings, with the harsh, remote desertserving as the gateway for thousands of Mexicans and Central Americans.
^the law makes legal american citizens 2nd class citizens. it won't last long and it's wrong

the fact that you and your idiot supporters of this bill don't understand the inherent problems with this bill....that's what mind blowing

what happened to our oath to the law. hahahahaaaah. wow... you dudes are hilarious. FAKE PATRIOTS
Originally Posted by DubA169

^the law makes legal american citizens 2nd class citizens. it won't last long and it's wrong

the fact that you and your idiot supporters of this bill don't understand the inherent problems with this bill....that's what mind blowing

what happened to our oath to the law. hahahahaaaah. wow... you dudes are hilarious. FAKE PATRIOTS

We're the dumb ones. How can a latino, flip, asian, black, white...possibly be here legally?! 

Anyone who supports this law is outright racist and imbecile. Do your homework...Americans are #1 for all the waste in spending via social services in this country; not immigrants.  cities throughout the world were built by illegal immigrants...your house, job, streets were more than likely built by these people you want to throw to the wind.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by jthagreat

DubA169 wrote:

The people praising this bill are the same people screaming "Obama took my freedoms"

oh the irony.....
Dumb. And you bolded it as if it was a profound statement.

Although this bill is rough and should be reformed, this is at least an idea to handle a growing immigration problem. It's been said many times before, immigration causes more problems than actually help the country no matter how bad NT latinos want to believe it's a good thing.

-The Juice

yeah because immigration is only a problem because its us Hispanics right?
Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

I wish I could go to Mexico have "anchor babies" and live off of foodstamps, welfare, and medicaid.

  You can. People  from nations south of Mexico do
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

I wish I could go to Mexico have "anchor babies" and live off of foodstamps, welfare, and medicaid.

  You can. People  from nations south of Mexico do
They don't have those programs in Mexico.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by So Authentic

Mexicans need to stop running from their own countries problems and do something about those druglords instead of coming here and messing our economy up even worse than it already is.

I have A LOT of catching up to do but ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING MY !@% OFF at you believing that Mexicans make a dent in this country's financial problems.

If anything the economy in Arizona is about to go down.

I live in Phx, I work for Wells Fargo, Saturday the day after the bill passed I kid you not I almost hit my daily cash limit. In a 5 hour time span I was at 49k my limit is 50k.
I did nothing but HUGE withdraws for people it was crazy.
And people have the nerve to say the economy will better now
Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by So Authentic

Mexicans need to stop running from their own countries problems and do something about those druglords instead of coming here and messing our economy up even worse than it already is.

I have A LOT of catching up to do but ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING MY !@% OFF at you believing that Mexicans make a dent in this country's financial problems.

If anything the economy in Arizona is about to go down.

I live in Phx, I work for Wells Fargo, Saturday the day after the bill passed I kid you not I almost hit my daily cash limit. In a 5 hour time span I was at 49k my limit is 50k.
I did nothing but HUGE withdraws for people it was crazy.
And people have the nerve to say the economy will better now
let those racist bigots learn the hard way.
I feel bad for the innocent who may suffer from this though.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49 nawlinsjunkie wrote:
do americans not realize there are also THOUSANDS of illegal Polish, Swedish,Vietnamese, Chinese, etc immigrants?

  im not even agreeing with this whole thing but there are MILLIONS of hispanic illegal immigrants man. thats the whole point. if there were millions of viets then they would be the ones targeted.
"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

and by that time no one was left to speak up."
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by igotthatfire247

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

i mean... if ur here illegally... thats illegal.

cant break laws just cause it will work out better for your people.


essentially this illustration is based on a false premise. The pilgrims weren't immigrants to the USA, because they created it. They migrated to the north american land and took it over from the Native Americans.  They were immigrants to a "land", not a country.

What illegal immigrant Mexicans are doing aren't equals IMO.
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