^ The Avengers - Official Movie Thread: Out Now!! ^

Originally Posted by natch johnson

This movie is beyond overhyped. Entirely too long, could barely keep myself awake at times. Ironman 1 > Avengers

shut up...the only boring part was the beginning & if you fell asleep during that you came in the theater with a pissy attitude & prbly didnt like the film from jump street
in other news im still kinda shocked the theatre was packed for a 8:30 show on a sunday evening... i went from having my feet up & relaxing to me & the gf being between a family that came 15 deep
Originally Posted by natch johnson

This movie is beyond overhyped. Entirely too long, could barely keep myself awake at times. Ironman 1 > Avengers

I'm with you... too much unnecessary dialogue and scenes that have nothing to contribute to the plot.  I can't believe I paid 40 bucks to watch this !**# on IMAX 3d.  
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by natch johnson

This movie is beyond overhyped. Entirely too long, could barely keep myself awake at times. Ironman 1 > Avengers

I'm with you... too much unnecessary dialogue and scenes that have nothing to contribute to the plot.  I can't believe I paid 40 bucks to watch this !**# on IMAX 3d.  

how the hell did you spend $40 that has to be after snacks n *@!% right? my tickets were $20(non 3D or IMAX) & $5.75 for a jumbo white cherry icee & i went to walmart before i went so i had swedish fish,sour patch kids,jujyfruits & sour skittles($4.50 total from walmart & those would have been $4.50+ EACH if i bought them inside the movies) on deck
Originally Posted by ColdCity

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by natch johnson

This movie is beyond overhyped. Entirely too long, could barely keep myself awake at times. Ironman 1 > Avengers

I'm with you... too much unnecessary dialogue and scenes that have nothing to contribute to the plot.  I can't believe I paid 40 bucks to watch this !**# on IMAX 3d.  

how the hell did you spend $40 that has to be after snacks n *@!% right? my tickets were $20(non 3D or IMAX) & $5.75 for a jumbo white cherry icee & i went to walmart before i went so i had swedish fish,sour patch kids,jujyfruits & sour skittles($4.50 total from walmart & those would have been $4.50+ EACH if i bought them inside the movies) on deck

and that's how you stay awake during the movie.
I don't catch myself thinking many things are (and the word gets thrown around too much)....but this was epic. Exactly what you want out of a comic/superhero film. I went in thinking it was probably overhyped but, at least for me, it lived up to the hype.
 I noticed the hairbutt too.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by natch johnson

This movie is beyond overhyped. Entirely too long, could barely keep myself awake at times. Ironman 1 > Avengers

I'm with you... too much unnecessary dialogue and scenes that have nothing to contribute to the plot.  I can't believe I paid 40 bucks to watch this !**# on IMAX 3d.  
.....and that's when you already lost.

also, tell me why my main man hulk is spreading buns like a damn baker $!$#%
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by ColdCity

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

I'm with you... too much unnecessary dialogue and scenes that have nothing to contribute to the plot.  I can't believe I paid 40 bucks to watch this !**# on IMAX 3d.  

how the hell did you spend $40 that has to be after snacks n *@!% right? my tickets were $20(non 3D or IMAX) & $5.75 for a jumbo white cherry icee & i went to walmart before i went so i had swedish fish,sour patch kids,jujyfruits & sour skittles($4.50 total from walmart & those would have been $4.50+ EACH if i bought them inside the movies) on deck

and that's how you stay awake during the movie.

RIGHHHHHHT fam the movie is 2 hrs & 30 minutes without adding any trailers & previews (about 30 minutes worth) so 3 hrs in a movie theater with candy split between 2 people.... so next excuse plz ...dont worry ill wait fam
Originally Posted by AirThompson

Originally Posted by Hazat50

To early to say it is the movie of the year with much wanticipated movies like TDKR and Prometheus yet to come out. This will be the best funny/action movie of the year but if Gary Oldman is right then TDKR will be epic. Avengers is great put not epic.

Of course you would say that with ur Batman avy.

Maybe I explained my self wrongly. Avengers is a great movie I have seen twice but I was just responding to the Movie of the year statement because it is too early to say with two hyped movies coming out. If Avengers proves to be better when TDKR comes out then I will say its better regardless of Batman being my favorite comic book hero.
People who find this boring are just plain boring individuals, my boy said this was overhyped as well, needless to say I don't always agree with him in terms of what's fun or not ::Kanye shrug::
I like how people are strolling in saying it was overhyped after it's the 4 ranked movie all-time in terms of box office only 2 weeks since its US release. What isn't going to be "overhyped" at that point? If you wouldn't normally watch a comic book movie, then of course it was "overhyped." They stayed true to it's original comic formula, so expecting depth is futile. The shot in the trailer of all the heroes together gave a clear and honest sample of what this movie would be. I never read comics for a boost in vocabulary or understanding of cohesive dialogue, I read them because I wanted to %+%*#%# fly and be invisible and punch through walls. Needless to say they've reached their target audience and then some.
^But movie tickets cost more now days. Plus 3d prices like 12 dollars at least.
It was a good movie. At first i was not a fan of the punch lines they put in there. Now see that it was good.
I was falling asleep at the beginning but not at the end.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

I like how people are strolling in saying it was overhyped after it's the 4 ranked movie all-time in terms of box office only 2 weeks since its US release. What isn't going to be "overhyped" at that point? If you wouldn't normally watch a comic book movie, then of course it was "overhyped." They stayed true to it's original comic formula, so expecting depth is futile. The shot in the trailer of all the heroes together gave a clear and honest sample of what this movie would be. I never read comics for a boost in vocabulary or understanding of cohesive dialogue, I read them because I wanted to %+%*#%# fly and be invisible and punch through walls. Needless to say they've reached their target audience and then some.
Point, TraSoul82.
Originally Posted by Wr

^But movie tickets cost more now days. Plus 3d prices like 12 dollars at least.

The turnstile numbers are equal or better based on inflation. The movie has been out 3 weeks (2 in the states). It's already Disney's biggest film of all time and it's yet to open in Japan. People are voicing that they were pleased enough to watch it multiple times. It got a round of applause both times I went. I'm just saying it's a crowd-pleaser.  
But hey, everyone has there opinion...
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

and the last line where dude was like "to court death" and Thanos starts smiling was perfect.


I just seen the movie yesterday for the first time and already want to see it again

I just knew for a fact after the credits we was going to see Hugh Jackman get thrown in the mix and a hint to the next villain

They need to add Spider-Man & Wolverine for the next film

I wouldnt mind bringing in Dr. Doom & remaking his character into one of the best villains to hit the big screen since Heath Ledger playing The Joker

Dr. Doom is one of the biggest villains in comic history but his role in Fantastic 4 was
Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

and the last line where dude was like "to court death" and Thanos starts smiling was perfect.


I just seen the movie yesterday for the first time and already want to see it again

I just knew for a fact after the credits we was going to see Hugh Jackman get thrown in the mix and a hint to the next villain

They need to add Spider-Man & Wolverine for the next film

I wouldnt mind bringing in Dr. Doom & remaking his character into one of the best villains to hit the big screen since Heath Ledger playing The Joker

Dr. Doom is one of the biggest villains in comic history but his role in Fantastic 4 was
Disney just need to slang that money around and get all the franchises back
I think that if Marvel got all it's characters under one production studio or their own marvel films brand it would cost a lot of money....money that they probably don't have, but if they were able to take the comic book writers with film experience like whedon, favreau...etc... it would be a make or break for marvel.....MAKE if they do everything right or mostly everything right like with the Avengers.

I understand that paying all these actors and any overhead they might have must be astronomical so I guess that's where the licensing out to different companies comes into play.

I say they go with a studio that has the money to help them out while getting all their characters under that one studio.

I mean there must be a whole lot of intricate behind the scenes processes that go on with keeping characters in different houses, so I can't really hate on marvel right now for not being able to do an all out movie.
Disney owns Marvel now so money shouldn't be an issue for buying back their characters. The thing is if Disney will be cheap or if Sony and FOX will sell at a ridiculously high number based off the money they could've made had they kept the rights to the characters.

The payoff in going through withh it is would be Marvel studios guaranteeing Disney they'd make crazy bank by having all of their characters back.

On another note, I still say FOX should be trying to make as much money as they can by having F4 and X-Men crossover and show that they're in the same world. There isn't any popular great story with them clashing or even working together but I'd still cook up one just to see how well it sells and how good it could be if written right. Something like Dr. Doom and Magneto teaming up, throw in Mag's children, etc.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I think that if Marvel got all it's characters under one production studio or their own marvel films brand it would cost a lot of money....money that they probably don't have, but if they were able to take the comic book writers with film experience like whedon, favreau...etc... it would be a make or break for marvel.....MAKE if they do everything right or mostly everything right like with the Avengers.

I understand that paying all these actors and any overhead they might have must be astronomical so I guess that's where the licensing out to different companies comes into play.

I say they go with a studio that has the money to help them out while getting all their characters under that one studio.

I mean there must be a whole lot of intricate behind the scenes processes that go on with keeping characters in different houses, so I can't really hate on marvel right now for not being able to do an all out movie.
Back in the 90's Marvel went or nearly went bankrupt. To keep them afloat they started selling things left right and center. Movie rights was the first to go. The contracts for the rights stay with the company they sold them to as long as they keep making movies which is why we got a Spider-Man reboot so quick, same with the FF
You saying it will cost them a lot sure but they'll bring that back trice. Spidey in an popping up in an x-men movie and going on a adventure with wolverine? That's a billion (exaggeration) right there!
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