+The be honest with yourself Thread of NT+

i'm pretty sure i'm in love but do not want to accept it.

within the next year (i'm turning 20 this summer), i need to find a way to harness all of my creativity and intelligence outside of school. i feel like i've had million dollar ideas since i was a child but i'm stuck in this box of school where my talents are only going towards futile efforts like research papers. i need to get my Zuckerman on by 21 or else.
i'm pretty sure i'm in love but do not want to accept it.

within the next year (i'm turning 20 this summer), i need to find a way to harness all of my creativity and intelligence outside of school. i feel like i've had million dollar ideas since i was a child but i'm stuck in this box of school where my talents are only going towards futile efforts like research papers. i need to get my Zuckerman on by 21 or else.
I'm lazy.
I prefer the path of least resistance.
Dislike change.
I love material goods. They make me happy.
I'm lazy.
I prefer the path of least resistance.
Dislike change.
I love material goods. They make me happy.
yuku still on it
im a shell of my athletic self from high school i should be in
the 170 range not the 185-190 range my right knee is mangled

Im broke as !@#$ but hey if i can get by with the necessities and the occasional want ill be fine
but in all honesty i dont have the answer to what the !@#$ am i really trynna do with my life
im a shell of my athletic self from high school i should be in
the 170 range not the 185-190 range my right knee is mangled

Im broke as !@#$ but hey if i can get by with the necessities and the occasional want ill be fine
but in all honesty i dont have the answer to what the !@#$ am i really trynna do with my life
Everything in my life is black or white, as in you are or you aren't. I don't believe in an in between.


-Ive been unemployed for a year and it's depressing. I'm going to a temp agency tomorrow so hopefully things get better.
-I've been self employed and working for yourself is cool and gets you respect and all, but the safety of a check every week or biweeky is something I'd never trade if i had the choice.
Everything in my life is black or white, as in you are or you aren't. I don't believe in an in between.


-Ive been unemployed for a year and it's depressing. I'm going to a temp agency tomorrow so hopefully things get better.
-I've been self employed and working for yourself is cool and gets you respect and all, but the safety of a check every week or biweeky is something I'd never trade if i had the choice.
-I feel like I change myself too much. Every couple years or so I go through a drastic change. Sometimes I wonder if it's simply maturity kicking in, or the fact that I can't seem to really find myself (which bothers the hell out of me.) But, over the last year I've been happier than I've ever been (well, in terms of consistency,) and I feel like I'm on the path that I belong on, so I feel a little better about it.

-I hate being social. Which is surprising to a lot of people, because I'm super active on campus. (I'm on school posters, a bunch of the administration knows me, and not to brag but I'm "popular.") But I hate it. I hate being known. It's surrounded me with fake people and even faker friends. In my ideal world, I could go an entire day without saying a word/sending a text. Now? I couldn't do that if my life depended on it.

-Deep down, I'm a prude and I hate my sexual history. I feel like I've been too active. (My number is somewhere between 8-11, which isn't even that high.) And when I'm sober, it's apparent. I don't go on too many dates, I'm very picky about my girlfriends, etc. But most of my sexual encounters have come when I'd been drinking. And I hate myself for that, because I turn into a hound when I do. I need to stop drinking.
-I feel like I change myself too much. Every couple years or so I go through a drastic change. Sometimes I wonder if it's simply maturity kicking in, or the fact that I can't seem to really find myself (which bothers the hell out of me.) But, over the last year I've been happier than I've ever been (well, in terms of consistency,) and I feel like I'm on the path that I belong on, so I feel a little better about it.

-I hate being social. Which is surprising to a lot of people, because I'm super active on campus. (I'm on school posters, a bunch of the administration knows me, and not to brag but I'm "popular.") But I hate it. I hate being known. It's surrounded me with fake people and even faker friends. In my ideal world, I could go an entire day without saying a word/sending a text. Now? I couldn't do that if my life depended on it.

-Deep down, I'm a prude and I hate my sexual history. I feel like I've been too active. (My number is somewhere between 8-11, which isn't even that high.) And when I'm sober, it's apparent. I don't go on too many dates, I'm very picky about my girlfriends, etc. But most of my sexual encounters have come when I'd been drinking. And I hate myself for that, because I turn into a hound when I do. I need to stop drinking.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

I dont know if this has been done before or if this is even threadworthy...but give an honest statement or opinion about yourself.
while walkin to the bathroom (at work) i thought to myself

Ill never be thought of as person who works TOO hard. 
i think ill always be thought of as the person that does exactly the opposite
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