The College Basketball Post

:smh: hope he gets back to 100% one of the few non UK guys I am pumped to watch...What's up with Allen? I saw he sit out the open practice.

So hyped for the season right now,at least one UK event on TV from this weekend on out and first 4 home game tickets go on sale at 5 this evening :smokin
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If Giles is out, would want to see a lineup of:


Would be thin up front but offensively that five would be unstoppable.
News about Giles really stinks. Feel bad for the kid.

Seriously, I mean how many surgeries has the kid had at this point?

Luckily he's still so young that his body is yet to fully mature and he has a much better chance at full recovery but still, can't discount the mental aspect too.
Sucks about Harry, man... Hope he makes a full recovery and shines.

In other news...


Whatever that means. :tongue:
Should expect to see


With Luke, Frank Javin, Jeter off the bench(in that order)

But like I said Harry won't miss significant time. This allowed him to fully rehab his knee and then go back in and clean up the first so that there wasn't an increased risk for another injury.

Maybe Duval means that he's adding a team back to his list that he cut? Odd
Anybody got the word on Nick Richards? I'm thinking it's going to come down to Kentucky and Cuse.
Duval going to go to whatever school got the biggest bag that is what that means...

Nick Richards definitely wants to be in Lexington, has been his no.1 school since he got that offer.

Even though he's a NY kid and think he can find his way to the league I'm very meh on him. Great body, athleticism but just don't think there is much of a hooper though.

Might be big enough that it doesn't matter though.
saw article today that Duke reached out to duval....i know he wanted to go there....any truth to that woody?
saw article today that Duke reached out to duval....i know he wanted to go there....any truth to that woody?

Nope. Duke can't/won't recruit him cause of the academic side + people around him. He's going to Maryland for the UA money. Just trying to stay in the headlines.

Last thing RE: Harry- the 6 week timeline is just for precautions. Just your basic scope. Putting him on this just to be precautionary for his future and there's no need to rush him, we have pieces.
Big XII Pre-Season 1st Team:


POY: Morris
FOY: Jackson
Was at the Dedication ceremony for the new athletic center at Georgetown and what an event. Shocked to see Iverson made it. Alonzo Mourning was there talking to some recruits. Got to see David Falk, Dermarr Johnson, Jerome Williams. 2017 PG troy brown seemed really excited to take pics with Alonzo and seemed like people were telling Iverson to meet and take a pic with him. At one point JT3 pointed out the former gtown player who taught AI the crossover at gtown and he stood up. John Thompson Jr. Had a great speech. Best part for me was about to talk to AI along with 10 other people and hear him say "I ain't taking no selfie with no man I can't be that close to anyone's head" I tools bunch of pics if you guys want me to put them up I will.




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