The College Basketball Post

Really thought it was UK. Gotta hope Diallo changes his mind or see if we can make a final push for Cam Johnson.

Nice pickup for Shaka, Texas should be legit next season.
i didnt think it would be over recruited this year i think...diallo is going first round id be shocked if he were to return..
Really thought it was UK. Gotta hope Diallo changes his mind or see if we can make a final push for Cam Johnson.

Nice pickup for Shaka, Texas should be legit next season.
Not sure how true it is, or if grad transfers have to sit out a year when going within conference, but heard Roy threw hat in the ring for Johnson as well. We're super late to the game though.
Really thought it was UK. Gotta hope Diallo changes his mind or see if we can make a final push for Cam Johnson.

Nice pickup for Shaka, Texas should be legit next season.

Not sure how true it is, or if grad transfers have to sit out a year when going within conference, but heard Roy threw hat in the ring for Johnson as well. We're super late to the game though.

Just saw this. He'd be able to play right away but Pitt would need to make a special exception to allow him to transfer to UNC since they initially blocked any in-conference transfers for him.
Just saw this. He'd be able to play right away but Pitt would need to make a special exception to allow him to transfer to UNC since they initially blocked any in-conference transfers for him.
Repped for the info, I'm sure Stallings would oblige if that's where he wanted to go.

Dude went like 6-9 from 3 against the Heels this year lol
Not surprised Mo picked Texas, he's a super smart kid who thinks for himself. Not to say kids who go to UK/Duke don't but always had a feeling he might want to do something different. With Jones back, Coleman, they should be solid next year. Right step in the direction for Shaka.

His player's tribune piece was really nice, kid has a really bright future for himself outside of the basketball court :nerd:

Think UK is kind of headed for trouble next year possibly, they might be kind of a mess next year, don't have one kid who can really put the offense on his back when things get tough. Lot of wings with length, but zero shooting. Definitely a weird roster.
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So the top two prospects in the country are going to ******* Missouri and Texas......

I'm tired of these top prospects going to bum schools that are going to be NIT or at best barely making the tournament and losing first round. Regardless of where Simmons, Fultz, Porter and Bamba go they'd be top 5 why spend your one year of college on a losing team where also most of the time the coaching is also terrible? When college athletes complain about not getting paid examples like these are what makes it laughable. You can't tell me these four in particular didn't get paid a penny to go play for these teams regardless of Porter's family ties.
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Id rather them go somewhere and cook as the main option instead of playing with 5 other 1 and dones.

Shaka and Cuonzo can coach. I'd be shocked if Texas isn't in the tournament next year.
So the top two prospects in the country are going to ******* Missouri and Texas......

I'm tired of these top prospects going to bum schools that are going to be NIT or at best barely making the tournament and losing first round. Regardless of where Simmons, Fultz, Porter and Bamba go they'd be top 5 why spend your one year of college on a losing team where also most of the time the coaching is also terrible? When college athletes complain about not getting paid examples like these are what makes it laughable. You can't tell me these four in particular didn't get paid a penny to go play for these teams regardless of Porter's family ties.
c'mon buc. you're acting as if these kids really care about winning championships..

at the end of the day it's all about their stock and exposure, winning is a bonus to them. 

If you're a guaranteed top 5 pick, you can go anywhere.. why not go to a school that you've always loved?
Buc Em Rant :lol:

UT / Shaka Smart is not a trash move Mo might be what get's it all the way going

You want Top 5 guy's only to pick from 2 Schools ?
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Buc Em Rant :lol:

UT / Shaka Smart is not a trash move Mo might be what get's it all the way going

You want Top 5 guy's only to pick from 2 Schools ?

I didn't say they had to go to Kentucky or Duke, there's several other schools they could choose from that would be winners they could have fun playing at. I'd just rather see the top prospects actually play with other good players and play in meaningful games before they get to the league instead of seeing another Simmons or Fultz situation.
Buc Em Rant :lol:

UT / Shaka Smart is not a trash move Mo might be what get's it all the way going

You want Top 5 guy's only to pick from 2 Schools ?

After meeting and talking with Shaka last year, he had ME thinking I was a high recruit. That man knows what he's doing, and I don't blame any player for wanting to play for him.
Neither Cuonzo or Shaka fit the mold of bad coaches and Texas is going to be pretty good next year. I appreciate kids going to non traditional powers more than the regular schools anyways.
I like Shaka so I hope Texas does turn it around. As far as Cuonzo goes....nah I haven't ever been impressed with him. It seems like he's good at recruiting, but I'm not sure if he's all that great of an actual coach as far as his team's records have shown. He's likeable though so I can see why people would want to play for him.
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I like Bamba going to Texas more than Porter going to Mizzou.

I think Texas is a lock for the tourney and MIzzou will go as far as Porter takes them.
Hasn't it been said that Ayton won't be in Tucson and will most likely go pro in Australia or something?  Don't see them #1 without Ayton
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