The College Basketball Post

Regarding Rick Pitino...As a life long Vegas resident, and subsequent fan of UNLV Basketball I can honestly say ~ Couldn’t have happened to a more upstanding guy (READ: Sarcasm)...

Hope Tark is sitting upstairs laughing right now. The NCAA put that man through the ringer. Sure, he was no angel, but it's quite clear neither is a lot of the NCAA ...
Hope Tark is sitting upstairs laughing right now. The NCAA put that man through the ringer. Sure, he was no angel, but it's quite clear neither is a lot of the NCAA ...

The Shark got his vindication though, when he won his lawsuit against the NCAA...

Lost all respect for Pitino when he hit Tark with those low blow comments while he was actively screwing the Rebels back in 2001...Talking about bringing UNLV back to its glory days “Only this time with integrity”...Pitino said that before going and doing the same damn thing the NCAA accused Jerry Tarkanian of doing...Again, Tark won his vindication, let’s see if everything comes up roses for Pitino in the end...

Took a while but Ol’ Boy getting that karma kick right about now...
Duke would be a ncie fit for RJ, I assume coach K will play him at the 4 and put the ball in his hand and let him run pick and roll

Kentucky never has enough shooting,
Who would have ever predicted Romeo would end up at Kansas after Pitino got canned...

I just hope this pushes Adam Silver and the NBA to really develop a minor league. Create a 21 and under minors system and you can have an additional revenue goldmine. It's a no-brained and now is the perfect time to go for it.
The reason Cal and most (if not all) other hoops coaches have remained quiet is because they are knee deep in it too, or have had players in the past they know could be picked out. They are not gonna utter a peep and put themselves in front of a live mic with reporters asking questions they don't want to answer. The biggest scandal to hit your sport in decades, the second biggest news story at the moment, your arch rival school is Exhibit 1....and Coach Cal who has never met a camera he didn't like has spent the last 2 days silent and tweeting about walking around D.C. :lol:

It's just like the Deflategate and even the MLB steroid era. Not a single quarterback commented on Brady's WW3 situation....because they were doing it too. Same with 99% of the MLB players. That's always the sign when you know it's rampant.

The people who nearly DESTROYED THE GLOBAL ECONOMY never spent a day in jail.

Jamie Dimon, presided over the Lehman brother catastrophe, never spent a day in jail, but is out here pontificating about bitcoin like nothing EVR happened.

But nah CHUCK PERSON gotta go to jail.
You act like you've never learned we can't compare fed cases. You can't compare them.
Chuck Person isn't gonna spend a single day in jail. Nor is most of the others most likely unless they had an extensive past criminal record. The feds tack on charges with big prison numbers and hold press conferences. That is a scare tactic, nothing more. Then they rope in the guys to A) flip on others, B) plead guilty and get probation and something else.

This happens again and again and again.

Do I personally think this is really that important to be dealing with? No. But you also cannot stay with the "why we worrying about basketball" like this is some rec league and the government is coming into the gym to take their ball rack away. This is about money exchanging hands, crossing state lines, coaches getting fed, coaches having their children getting gifted jobs, etc. etc. all being done under an organization that is registered as a "non profit." There's a story there. And because 2 or 3 fed agents are working on it doesn't mean 5,000 others working in government aren't still dealing with the more serious issues in the world.
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Every person in power five college basketball knows this happens. Everyone.

This is a joke because we now get to see certain people get on high-horses and act surprised when they are all part of this asinine system. And the end of the day, this will always continue to happen when you have a labor force that you refuse to pay.
You act like you've never learned we can't compare fed cases. You can't compare them.
Chuck Person isn't gonna spend a single day in jail. Nor is most of the others most likely unless they had an extensive past criminal record. The feds tack on charges with big prison numbers and hold press conferences. That is a scare tactic, nothing more. Then they rope in the guys to A) flip on others, B) plead guilty and get probation and something else.

This happens again and again and again.

Do I personally think this is really that important to be dealing with? No. But you also cannot stay with the "why we worrying about basketball" like this is some rec league and the government is coming into the gym to take their ball rack away. This is about money exchanging hands, crossing state lines, coaches getting fed, coaches having their children getting gifted jobs, etc. etc. all being done under an organization that is registered as a "non profit." There's a story there. And because 2 or 3 fed agents are working on it doesn't mean 5,000 others working in government aren't still dealing with the more serious issues in the world.

The FBI resources are not unlimited, and so it is totally appropriate to scrutinize what they choose to invest their time in pursing. Obviosly i'm being hyperbolic for the purposes of comedy but the point stands, this is all higly ridiculous.

The only reason this stuff is happening is because of the NCAA's bizarre system of exploitation
Do you see him being better this Winslow in that role?

RJ has better scoring instincts than Winslow, and I belive is a better shooter, Winslow was got hot from 3 during that year at duke but was a horrible jump shooter from every other spot on the floor.

RJ not a greater shooter, his mechanics are somewhat problematic,but he's NOT a non shooter like winslow.

yeah I think RJ could be better in that roll.

"This man here is our NUMBER 1 priority"

"If we get The Rifleman this whole case is blown WIDE open"

This what they went to QUantico for? :rofl:

It just makes me giggle every time to think the FBI was really out here sweating a dude 54th on all time 3 pointers made list. :lol:
Louisville men's basketball coach Rick Pitino, who has been placed on unpaid administrative leave amid a federal investigation into fraud and corruption, is the "Coach-2" who played a role in funneling money to a recruit, a source confirmed to ABC News on Thursday.

According to court records, Christian Dawkins, the former agent for ASM Sports who was charged in both parts of the college basketball case, told the cooperating witness, Marty Blazer, that he helped funnel $100,000 to the family of recruit Brian Bowen "at the request of a coach," identified as "Coach-2."

Fed Case Ricky P

"This man here is our NUMBER 1 priority"

"If we get The Rifleman this whole case is blown WIDE open"

This what they went to QUantico for? :rofl:

It just makes me giggle every time to think the FBI was really out here sweating a dude 54th on all time 3 pointers made list. :lol:
Bro trust me I know :lol:
I also don't think we are even close to the end of this story or names that are gonna come out.
Personally, I'm going to be probably most entertained to see who snitches on who in order to get their sentence reduced. Hell who even knows how long Pitino stays silent...he's that mad :lol:
I'm sure there was a significant amount of manpower on this case. A couple Feds wouldn't have done all this in this short time. This does deserve to be investigated, but to what lock up some coaches and shoe company reps, get some fired, and take away the opportunity for some kids to play college ball? It's grandstanding. Evidence should have been turned over to NCAA.
I'm sure there was a significant amount of manpower on this case. A couple Feds wouldn't have done all this in this short time. This does deserve to be investigated, but to what lock up some coaches and shoe company reps, get some fired, and take away the opportunity for some kids to play college ball? It's grandstanding. Evidence should have been turned over to NCAA.

SDNY loves these types of cases, lotta agents /attorneys trying to make a name for themselves and move up. Well publicized case like this is what they crave
Who would have ever predicted Romeo would end up at Kansas after Pitino got canned...

I just hope this pushes Adam Silver and the NBA to really develop a minor league. Create a 21 and under minors system and you can have an additional revenue goldmine. It's a no-brained and now is the perfect time to go for it.
They just gotta keep raising the salaries in the d league then problem solved...these 100 k bags they getting shouldn't be nothing to the NBA and the players get their bread with no worries
When they put 80 on the table for Chuck Persons but still haven't produced anything of purpose regarding treason & collusion during the presidential election...
Alaa Abdelnaby‏Verified account
This NCAA scandal is about a guy who was caught giving UNC players $ in '15 and then turned informant for FBI. He then went to other schools

RJ down to Oregon, UK, and Duke

UK guys have no confidence. Writing is on the wall
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