The College Basketball Post

Congrats to Michigan fans. That looked like a freshman B team scrimmaging against the varsity squad. Not surprising, but Kennedy was completely outcoached tonight.

Took that a** whooping tonight . It's going to hurt if Davis goes pro
Took that a** whooping tonight . It's going to hurt if Davis goes pro

Davis is like a homeless mans Jahlil Okafor. Who is going to take him in the draft?
Yea, he's the one of the three juniors I'm least concerned about making a dumb move like that. I'd say he's at about 100% chance of coming back. Hogg seems like he's been largely wasted talent since he came in, wouldn't be surprised if he jumped overseas to make some money. Probably doesn't like getting suspended for smoking all the time. Really gonna miss Williams and his athleticism and Morelos down low next year though. Don't really see much after Davis in the post next year.

All in all, pretty much a waste of the most talented top-to-bottom A&M team ever. And Billy can't recruit well enough to carry anything on now that Stansbury is gone.
Cwebb: Washington not shying away from these moments at the free throw line, you have to love that as a fan.

Dude, he’s 7/17 from the line. What?
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Kansas playing optimal upset ball.

Calipari has been horrible, I feel personally insulted by this game plan.

They are, by it's difficult to watch. There offensive sets are basically pass it around outside the three point line, then take a contested 3 or a contested 19 footer. They try to do pick and rolls, but they can't even get penetration.
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