The College Basketball Post

Will be pulling hard for Loyola to make the final four. Nevada went all or nothing by running that down.
When you have two fouls to give, you can sit on your heels and let them run 30 seconds off. Go balls to the wall, be ultra aggressive, use the fouls. Because if you don’t. You have 6 seconds to score and foul 3 Times. Not enough time.
Congrats to Michigan fans. That looked like a freshman B team scrimmaging against the varsity squad. Not surprising, but Kennedy was completely outcoached tonight.
Can someone explain to me why college teams always do consecutive dribble hand offs? Does it really achieve anything?
Can someone explain to me why college teams always do consecutive dribble hand offs? Does it really achieve anything?

Many teams do it when they try to limit the possessions during a game. It just wastes time. But, if you are trying to slow the game down and decrease possessions throughout the total time, it serves its purpose.
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