The College Basketball Post

Hey lang (can I call you lang
), What happened w/ J.R Giddens? I know he transfered to Arizona or New Mexico, but what was the word on campus?
JR is at New Mexico. Doing well down there from what I have heard. He had a few rough patches early on but as of late he has been playing real well. He was agood dude but he could have never stayed in Lawrence after the night club incident.

Damn Atchley....I had a feeling either him, AJ or James was just gonna go off.
^ I think he told us in another thread he got ran out of town?

Any truth to this?
NO one, I mean NO one knows exactly what went on behind closed doors after the night club incident but I know for sure that there was no way thatJR was going to stay on the team. He probably could have stayed here in Lawrence and just went to school, I don't think KU would have taken his scholarshipaway but JR wanted to play so KU just let him go.

There was really no bad feelings on either side. JR never would have played here again and JR wanted to play. It was best that he went to New Mexico.
That's what Jay Wright was saying and he is one of the most fair coaches there is in college ball. I can't believe he didn't even argue more. I woulda gone ballistic. That's Jay Wright for you though...classy even when he shouldn't be.

"Wright ran at the students, pointing, and yelling and had to be restrained by several people while his players sort of stood there andstared."

that's class huh?
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

You suckas talk more *@+$ than a little bit. "Survive and advance" as the late, great Jimmy V would say. "Roy Williams sucks", "Dean Smith is a *!$%$", "Exposed"... Green eyes ain't a good look.

Says "Mr. show up when the dust has cleared"... any UNC fan feeling good about the state of the program right now is either a psychotic or brain dead... or both. Quit living in denial (and showing up after the game is over to talk smack back)

State of the program???,
this is getting ridiculous. We'velost 2 games. We've been in the top 5 all year. Please explain to me how there is a problem with our program? It amazes me how people are quick to crownUNC early in the season, yet when we have a few setbacks, our team is thrown under the bus immediately. As I and others have stated before, losing BrandanWright and even Rey Terry was huge, but we still had enough talent to be one of the best in the nation. When we were just starting to hit our stride as ateam, Bobby Frasor goes down. Now with Lawson out, we are left with Quentin Thomas at the point. With all that considered, you really expect me to bedisappointed with the state of our program?

My goodness, this isn't '01-'02, we aren't on our way to losing 20 #*%*+%# games. It'll take a year like that for me to worry about thestate of our program.
On another note, this Texas/KU game is very entertaining.
this is getting ridiculous. We've lost 2 games.
Now, I still think Memphis, Kansas and UCLA are the 3 elite teams...but I hear where you're coming from.

I don't know if its Memphis being undefeated or what, but college bball teams DO lose some games during the year. It's natural

UNC is just fine, I don't think they'll win a championship this year though
Hook 'em

Horns have to close that game out better, though. They got sloppy in the last minute or so...
If in college basketball you played 1 half we would have won....


We flat out got out hustled in the second half. It seems that when we play a team that has just as much athletes as we have we seem to get out hustled. Samething happened against K-State.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Hook 'em

Horns have to close that game out better, though. They got sloppy in the last minute or so...

Absolutely. I thought we might roll over and die this game, but again I was proved wrong
. Now I can sleep well.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

That's what Jay Wright was saying and he is one of the most fair coaches there is in college ball. I can't believe he didn't even argue more. I woulda gone ballistic. That's Jay Wright for you though...classy even when he shouldn't be.

"Wright ran at the students, pointing, and yelling and had to be restrained by several people while his players sort of stood there and stared."

that's class huh?

If you don't think Jay Wright has class, you don't know what you are talking about. When a man goes down on the other team off a rebound, insteadof letting his team get an easy bucket with a 5 on 4, he just calls a TO. I've seen him do that 2 or 3 times. That's just one example of his class. Whywouldn't he point and yell? The refs just caused his team to lose a game they needed SO bad to put them back on the bubble. He only started yelling for afew seconds and then he calmed down quick. He shouldn't have calmed down though. That was awful. Huggins and a lot of other coaches woulda gone CRAZY.That's a game that could end up being the difference between them being in the tourney and in the NIT.
Originally Posted by langfor5

Absolutely. I thought we might roll over and die this game, but again I was proved wrong
. Now I can sleep well.
I'll see you in Kansas City for Pt. 2. . .

Looking forward to it.

I'm about to fire Augustin if he doesnt get his %!!@ together
February 11, 2008
[font=times new roman, times, serif]Four-Point Play[/font]
UCLA, Purdue, Louisville and Hendrix

by John Gasaway
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The Gasaway Theory of Pac-10 Travel

This weekend in the Pac-10 the headline-grabber was, of course, Washington's 71-61 victory over UCLA yesterday in Seattle. The game deserved to grabheadlines: the Huskies entered the contest 3-7 in conference play while the Bruins, well, they're the Bruins. Still, let's not overlook another datapoint that came to us via Pullman, Washington, where on Saturday the previously struggling Washington State Cougars laid a vigorous 74-50 thrashing onpreviously surging USC. Two teams from Southern California each lose the second of their two-game sets up in the state of Washington. Hmm. I wonder….

In the admirably symmetrical Pac-10, teams play their road games in geographically appropriate pairs, customarily on a Thursday-Saturday schedule. If youplay at Oregon on Thursday, for example, you'll play at Oregon State the following Saturday (or Sunday). Or you'll play Cal and then Stanford, Arizonaand then Arizona State, etc. That's all nice and tidy. However, for our current purposes the salient point is that the Seattle-to-Pullman trip (or viceversa) is, at 286 miles, far and away the longest game-to-game commute in the conference. Travel alone can't explain UCLA's lethargy, of course. Thedefense that UW's Artem Wallace played against Kevin Love doubtless had a good deal more to do with yesterday's end result. Nevertheless, playing atthese two venues on a Thursday-Saturday schedule, as did USC, is a tough gig, to say the very least.

(Kudos to the Huskies' Tim Morris, by the way, for virtually ensuring that the Rules Committee will make at least one change in the offseason: it willno longer be permissible for a player to avoid a five-second call on an inbounds pass by simply throwing the ball, hard, off the defender's face. Thisshall be called The Morris Rule. It didn't come soon enough for Alfred Aboya.)

Purdue. Wave of the Future. Discuss.

With this year's freshman class, Matt Painter hit a recruiting sweet spot that 340 other D-I coaches would love to find. His class is good, really good.Witness the Boilermakers' 72-67 victory over Wisconsin in Madison on Saturday night. On the other hand, unlike Ohio State's crop of first-year playerslast year, this freshman class isn't so good that any of them are about to leave for the NBA anytime soon. Ladies and gents, your pre-preseason favoritefor the 2009 Big Ten title: the Purdue Boilermakers. Actually, at 10-1, they're looking pretty good for 2008, too.

Purdue might represent the wave of the future in another sense, as well. This spread-the-floor-with-quickness thing is spreading like a YouTube link,isn't it? True, the Boilers don't employ the Memphis variety, preferring to use their small big men for high screens instead of using them forweak-side offensive board opportunities. Still, with a point guard and four wings on the floor, this is officially no longer Gene Keady's Boilermakers. Oneway to read a coach's true beliefs is to watch their play calls coming out of timeouts. In Madison, Painter called more than one clear-out for RobbieHummel to take Brian Butch to the hole. The play worked beautifully. (Eventually Bo Ryan had to pull Butch out of the game--there was simply no one on thefloor he could guard.) Much like Duke, this Purdue offense waits to see who's being guarded by the opponent's slowest player and then isolates thatmatch-up. For opponents, the simplest answer is, of course, to play zone: the Boilers managed just 0.93 points per trip against Ohio State's 2-3 in WestLafayette on January 12 (but won anyway because the Buckeyes scored just 0.84 points per possession). I'll be very surprised if Kelvin Sampson doesn'troll out a 2-3, at least off made baskets, when Indiana hosts Purdue next Tuesday.

I Am So Mad at Louisville Right Now

You see, until Saturday I had them all to myself. I knew they were the best team in the Big East, even before they beat Georgetown 59-51 at Freedom HallSaturday night. Repeat: before they beat Georgetown….

Through games of February 7, conference games only
Pace: possessions per 40 minutes
PPP: points per possession
Opp. PPP: opponent points per possession
EM: efficiency margin (PPP - Opp. PPP)
Big East                              Opp.                     Pace     PPP     PPP      EM1.  Louisville       66.7    1.06    0.89   +0.172.  Georgetown       62.9    1.07    0.92   +0.153.  Pitt             63.9    1.06    0.98   +0.084.  Notre Dame       73.7    1.07    1.01   +0.065.  Connecticut      69.1    1.08    1.03   +0.056.  West Virginia    62.9    1.02    0.97   +0.057.  Marquette        68.2    1.04    1.00   +0.048.  Syracuse         69.4    1.02    0.99   +0.03
Those were the numbers going into the weekend. (Tune in tomorrow for the updated reality on all the power conferences.) Yet the Cardinals weren't evenin the top 25. Unbelievable.

Last week the NCAA held its mock bracket selection exercise for members of the media in Indianapolis. I briefed one of the participants in advance with thefollowing nugget: "No team in the nation shows a greater discrepancy between capability and current ranking than Louisville." So true. The Cardinalsare playing some of the best defense in the country right now. Now everyone knows it and I'm just another voice in the chorus. (It's all about me.) Whycouldn't the Cards have lost that game by three? O, the injustice!

Richard Hendrix Is the (pre-2004) Kevin Garnett of College Hoops

Gather 'round, youngsters, and let me regale you. Did you know there was a time when the words "Kevin Garnett" were synonymous with: "aninsanely great player burdened with a mediocre team that never does anything in the postseason"? It's true! Or it was true for years untilGarnett's team, the Minnesota Timberwolves, made the Western Conference Finals in 2004.

Today we have another such player in college hoops. Meet Richard Hendrix. His team, Alabama, is just 2-7 in the SEC. But just look at this guy….
Big Men, 2008                       Off.                Def.       Block                                     Rtng.   eFG pct.  Reb. Pct.     Pct. Tyler Hansbrough, North Carolina    128.1     54.0      20.2        0.7Kevin Love, UCLA                    132.2     64.2      30.8        2.9Roy Hibbert, Georgetown             118.9     60.4      18.8        8.6D.J. White, Indiana                 119.8     62.1      26.3        5.9Richard Hendrix, Alabama            121.0     64.2      24.5        7.7
Hendrix is a mensch laboring in sub-.500 obscurity in a conference and a region where hoops is but the dark side of the football moon. Salute.

John Gasaway is an author of Basketball Prospectus. You can contact John by clicking here or click here to see John's other articles.
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