The College Basketball Post

What position is he?
I've not heard of him, but I guess he is underated/overlooked the way your talking about him...but I don't know. I hope it is a good game tonight.
Why anyone would ever want to go to the Maui invitational is beyond me....they play in a high school sized play 3 games in 3 days......and the gymis like 95 degrees with 100% humidity
Originally Posted by bballah3

Why anyone would ever want to go to the Maui invitational is beyond me....they play in a high school sized play 3 games in 3 days......and the gym is like 95 degrees with 100% humidity

It's one of the most well-known, well publicized early season tournaments... there's usually a few really good teams out there and it's goodexposure.. plus it's a trip to hawaii.

There are much worse tournaments you could play at.

OK State looking very good early in this game - they've always been a team I root for, i'm glad to see they've got a decent looking squad again,i was a little worried about them this year but so far they look promising.

edit: the one thing that's crazy to me about Ok State is how muscular these guys all are.. they are some grown as men in the upper body department... idon't think many teams are gonna want to try to body up with these guys.
And this Anderson freshman for them is VERY impressive...
at Byron Eaton not getting to start until he loses 8 more lbs...
ASU gets goin tonight. very interested to see how we play. we are not expected to do anything this year, but i think we have a few upsets in us. look forjames harden tonight... interested to see how he plays
Why anyone would ever want to go to the Maui invitational is beyond me....they play in a high school sized play 3 games in 3 days......and the gym is like 95 degrees with 100% humidity

exposure, tv coverage, same goes with the Alaska shootout...

during the holidays it's always nice to watch the Alaska shootout
Gist yammed it on somebody too, lol

LSU and Okie St...hello NIT..maybe one of them gets in the tournament

In other news...Dominic James can't throw the ball in the ocean, still. lol @ Bilas saying now he's saying he might stay 2 years..that aint by choice,lol

Hannah is nice,,, wouldn't be a surprise for him to out play that overrated PG tonight

I am and have been a Memphis/Coach Cal believer....Gtown will be a test tho...we are the Princeton on steroids, not them

- David Padgett cant catch a break out for the year

Time for Earl Clark and Caracter to shine, but makes Gtowns Big East title run easier
^ I think OSU has a legit shot at the tourney.. they've got some guys on the court who are older but haven't played much together, so they could getvery dangerous with that tenacious man to man defense.

LSU is pretty bad though... SO many turnovers, but you can see they have some raw talent.
They probably will, but after last years collapse I'm havin a hard time believing in them and Sutton

he's also gona have a heart attack on the sideline at somepoint in his career.

They do play D, I think the question will be winning on the road
bballah James Gist banged on your brother

its alright tho, just playin. yall will probably get the win the way we're lookin
UCLA puttin the lock

I'll wait to see them with Collison but Afflalo will be missed imo

This is the least talented UMD team in a while and the future aint any brighter

How does Luke Harangody manage to put up 19 shots, lol...this big dummy is puttin in work tho, god I hate him

ND up 1 with under a minute to go

Paul Hewitt really got burned by Thad and Crittenton..
The former Hoya, Matt Causey with the game winner for Ga Tech

completely forgot he ended up there 4 years later, that was a blast from the past
at Byron Eaton not getting to start until he loses 8 more lbs...
Last week he was gettin' ABUSED like a step-child
How he was a top 5 point out of high school boggles my mind.
Why anyone would ever want to go to the Maui invitational is beyond me....they play in a high school sized play 3 games in 3 days......and the gym is like 95 degrees with 100% humidity
Do you realize what type of mental toughness that gives a player? And who wouldn't want to go to Hawaii?
the one thing that's crazy to me about Ok State is how muscular these guys all are..
The Graham twins, Boggans, etc. They breedin' thoroughbreds down there in Stillwater

we are the Princeton on steroids, not them

Yea, I don't know why people keep saying that about Memphis. They're style of play is motion offense on redbull.
- David Padgett cant catch a break out for the year
Just give it up David. You're bout to be like a 9th year senior with no knees. He'll have absolutely no vert after surgery.
Paul Hewitt really got burned by Thad and Crittenton..
Yea he did, and I don't see him recovering from it for awhile.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

bballah James Gist banged on your brother

its alright tho, just playin. yall will probably get the win the way we're lookin
he dunked on Alfred Aboya

I don't know what to call the Memphis O

Going back a few was Lawson in the halfcourt set UNC fans??....I only caught a bit and it looked like it did last year, not good
Originally Posted by allen3xis

They probably will, but after last years collapse I'm havin a hard time believing in them and Sutton

he's also gona have a heart attack on the sideline at somepoint in his career.

They do play D, I think the question will be winning on the road

You know Eddie retired right? You think his son is gonna have a heart-attack already? He does sweat a lot

Yes I'm talkin about Sean..I remember when he fainted last year and thinkin damn he's young, this is just a sign of things

Russell Westbrook's mohawk gettin on anybody else nerves, dude looks like the major cornball
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