The College Basketball Post

Was excited about the UK @ Indiana game but E. Gordon isn't playing so this game is looking type boring... som I'm now rooting for Washington to beatPitt :Hat

Can't stand Levance Fields

Lets Go Brockman
He Huff G you know it... Mike Cook looks like he's nice... I just can't honor Levance, I don't understand how they let him get 16


NEVERMIND dude still had the ball in his hand he took way to long to shot it

check this out cake
Top Performers[table][tr][td] Pittsburgh[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]L. Fields
7-9, 20 Pts[/td] [/tr][/table]

[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td]Levance Fields[/td] [td]7-9[/td] [td]2-2[/td] [td]4-6[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]20[/td] [/tr][/table]
[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td]Jon Brockman[/td] [td]8-17[/td] [td]0-0[/td] [td]1-3[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]17[/td] [/tr][/table]

You tell me whats good
Originally Posted by Mr Subliminals


L'Ville officially is the worst team with the most talent. Arizona had a good win.

Everyone has to watch Jerel Mcneal own Wisconsin
Yea he had a good game I can't front, but he was 1/10 of a second away from being the reason the loss the game. But y'all escaped with that W by theskin of y'all mascots teeth

We'll see what's really in 12 days tho MmmmHmmm
WOW@ RIU....first time I'm seeing them play. They launch 3's from whereever and don't miss.

20-14, 4 mins in
UK looked baaaaaadd. No gordon, no bassett, and no dj for most of the first half and we still work them by 19
Duke gave Mich the business....

When did levance fields go from weighing 265 to 170 ???

Joe Crawford is SALTY.....Cause his lil bro gave him the Business.....This is the reverse Dominique and Gerald Wilkins...
the Marshall County Hoop Fest starts tommorrow. I haven't decided if I'll go or not, it's a pretty good drive for me.

some real good teams and players...

DeAndre Liggins (UK)
Samardo Samuels (UL)
Brandon Jennings (AZ)
Clarence Trent ('09)
Keith Gallon ('09, UK target)

Michael Jordan is also suppossed to be there, his son's (Marcus) team is playing.

ESPN is going to air the #1 Oak Hill and #2 St. Benedict game on the 13th.

Marshall County HoopFest
damn fellas, i wish i would've know earlier, but these games are being streamed live...i'm sure some of you would've like to have seenJennings play, but at least you can watch DeAndre Liggins play
...hisgame is coming up next. right now, Lexington Catholic (KY) is playing Chicago Simeon (IL)....some dude for LexCath just ripped on two dudes. here's thelink:

@ IU. I really wanna go there
. They haven't made me an offer yet but send me letters all the time
. I've gotten 4 offers so far
. Just gotta make the decision.


Oh yeah this Tom Pritchard dude is so garbage
. Only reason why he'sgoing to IU is because he's a big man
, seen him play in Las Vegas in aAAU tourney and he was
. He's so soft man
Jordan Crawford was torching his big brother Joe giving him the murderous version

Cake i know u seen them Westinghouse boys doin they thang at IU big ups to jamarcus and deandre...back in the day i used to be able to go at jamarcus..smh @me now
@ IU. I really wanna go there. They haven't made me an offer yet but send me letters all the time . I've gotten 4 offers so far . Just gotta make the decision


i dunno bro. u know they always stacked at the guard position. and sampson loves his juco guards and big men. who has offered you a spot.who is giving uoffers..i think u should leave your decision up to us at NT
i remember when i got myfirst recruiting letter. *tear*

on a sidenote word on the street *cough cough* is that DePaul freshman Mac Koshwal is pondering leaving.
Joe Crawford is SALTY
what makes you say that?

Joe had a rough game today. but he's getting no help and forced to take shots (check the box score). it's hard to score when IU knows that you'rethe only guard on the court capable of getting buckets and your team only has 1 big who's worth a damn. due to our depleted roster, Joe had to play thepoint, we had no scholarship guards left when Ramel and Porter (who doesn't deserve a scholarship anyway) fouled out.
Haiti I seeb a few of their do numbers, they breed beast, that's what happens when you basically have a monopoly on 1 side of town tho. Besides Crane wherewas anybody who hooped going? They were cheating
Whatever happened to the ONE nova fan we had here that would get into it with me and galen? Dude was convinced they were going to win the title with that 4 guard offense... he talked so much @@%! about how great they were and how nobody could touch them come march... funny i don't hear or see him talk now that his team's back to being mediocre.

Shoulda been on NT when St. Joes and Stanford had their good years. Worst bandwagon fans ever.
Duke gave Mich the business....
That they did. Put that serious work in.
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