The Combat Jack Show Thread

Ctg is definitely an interesting case. On one hand, I can’t knock anyone advocating for Black empowerment and also Black mental wellness. On the other, I can’t ignore the contradictory behavior I see him display on those very topics.

Dude will talk about uplifting Black women, yet will go hard on Taylor on a damn near weekly basis with the talks about her weight, intellect, etc. It gets extra cringe when Schulz gets in on the joke. Albeit dude is a comedian, but Ctg looks funny in the light when he sits next to a white boy telling certain jokes.

And on mental health, dude is a known provocateur who has no problems laughing at other people and their ****** situations (eg Wax), but in the same breath will tell people to go get help for their issues. The very issues that he, and people like him, contribute to.

I listen from time to time for the off the wall entertainment within pop culture, but potna can miss me with the opinions he has on a lot of other topics.
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Ctg is definitely an interesting case. On one hand, I can’t knock anyone advocating for Black empowerment and also Black mental wellness. On the other, I can’t ignore the contradictory behavior I see him display on those very topics.

Dude will talk about uplifting Black women, yet will go hard on Taylor on a damn near weekly basis with the talks about her weight, intellect, etc. It gets extra cringe when Schulz gets in on the joke. Albeit dude is a comedian, but Ctg looks funny in the light when he sits next to him telling certain jokes.

And on mental health, dude is a known provocateur who has no problems laughing at other people and their ****ty situations (eg Wax), but in the same breath will tell people to go get help for their issues.

I listen from time to time for the off the wall entertainment within pop culture, but potna can miss me with the opinions he has on a lot of other topics.

pretty much my sentiments on dude, i do think one can advocate for a thing in general and maybe not always in specific in regards to individual cases 😂
I could never buy into the rebrand of CTG. He use to say that he wouldn't tell his kids about racism because it would hurt their confidence. For years he was the thirstiest/creepiest _ on the planet on women. Now you Mr. Black power/save the women.

I understand people grow and mature but I'm sorry I can't take him serious. He was like 35 doing this.
What Chatty do now?

I saw he was on Milions. I'm sure Chatty had a bunch of petty passive aggressive cattiness.
I guess MDWOG was on the Breakfastclub, CTG asked a question/made a statement about pay. I’ll let you listen lol
Didn’t watch the whole thing but it seemed like Gillie Envy and Wallo were being way more slick about “the List” and owning their **** than Charlamagne. He told them to not even bring that up as soon as Envy said something about it

Joe just don’t like that ***** lol
I see what Chatty tried to do. He tried to passively aggressively have Gillie and Joe have a thing again.

It's wild because Chatty is always talking about he doesn't care about money, but he's pocket watching and trying to cause rifts instead of just going at Joe like he really wants to.
Not even doubting that. BOTH of them play that weird *** I’m-not-saying-anything-about-you-but-everything-I’m-saying-is-about-you game. The fact that they’ve been at it for years makes it even more weird.
Idk who got more money, but Joe kinda out there saying he got more money than Envy/Ctg combined or def more than ctg

Just going off what we know, Joe pod his major source of income and im sure does crazy well, but im sure envy/ctg got a nice salary for bc, envy got the cribs, ctg has books, pod network that im sure he trying to sell for few m’s down the line

Joe always views himself as a savy businessman when we known he has blown many bags lol

Guess Joe is doing it on his own name, no major company backing, curious to know how man subscribers they got on pateron paying that 5 to 25 a month
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Sidebar, but this is a wild visual :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Idk who got more money, but Joe kinda out there saying he got more money than Envy/Ctg combined or def more than ctg

Just going off what we know, Joe pod his major source of income and im sure does crazy well, but im sure envy/ctg got a nice salary for bc, envy got the cribs, ctg has books, pod network that im sure he trying to sell for few m’s down the line

Joe always views himself as a savy businessman when we known he has blown many bags lol

Joe became everything he used to hate :lol:
Idk who got more money, but Joe kinda out there saying he got more money than Envy/Ctg combined or def more than ctg

Just going off what we know, Joe pod his major source of income and im sure does crazy well, but im sure envy/ctg got a nice salary for bc, envy got the cribs, ctg has books, pod network that im sure he trying to sell for few m’s down the line

Joe always views himself as a savy businessman when we known he has blown many bags lol

Guess Joe is doing it on his own name, no major company backing, curious to know how man subscribers they got on pateron paying that 5 to 25 a month
I'm sure Joe is gettin mad money from patreon. Before he hid the count, he was at like at least 600 subscribers.
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I imagine the bigger bags are his Facebook and Amazon things. Say we're being generous and he's beating those Chapo Trap House dudes at around 180k a month on Patreon, still not adding up to the way he talks. This whole podcast thing is still a mystery, it's not pocket watching to want to know more how it works, but no one is talking.
I imagine the bigger bags are his Facebook and Amazon things. Say we're being generous and he's beating those Chapo Trap House dudes at around 180k a month on Patreon, still not adding up to the way he talks. This whole podcast thing is still a mystery, it's not pocket watching to want to know more how it works, but no one is talking.
That’s because no one making money except the big ones. It’s a reason why most of them have Patreon.
That’s because no one making money except the big ones. It’s a reason why most of them have Patreon.

basically, even if you come in with a following/name advertising revenue seems to be the game…not sure i believe that so many folk really making the patreon thing work on a consistent basis…
I imagine the bigger bags are his Facebook and Amazon things. Say we're being generous and he's beating those Chapo Trap House dudes at around 180k a month on Patreon, still not adding up to the way he talks. This whole podcast thing is still a mystery, it's not pocket watching to want to know more how it works, but no one is talking.

Yeah, people just ran with the “$100 million” number when Gillie and Wallo signed to Barstool because it’s such a mystery, but how would their contract(s) be worth almost all of the revenue Barstool brings in? :lol:
Gillie and Wallo are in a different lane than Joe, because they depend on guest. They're like Drink Champs.

I think Chatty tried to have his viral Joe and Nore moment, but also cause discontent.

That's why Chatty is funny to me, because he preaches the togetherness and mental health NOW, but it's obviously something else.

The whole thing is childish, but at least Joe is direct about his feelings which I can respect.
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