The Combat Jack Show Thread


I Definitely corrected myself pal

3am…. You read all that just to highlight that? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Is Joe going to start screaming too?

Joe's point is dumb.

Very rare BallDontStop W…this cat knows almost nothing about basketball :lol:

I got into a light back n forth with BallDontStop on twitter a while back about skill/movement without the ball/gravity etc…and he deleted his posts and went ghost, when proven obviously wrong :lol:.

The guy is infatuated with his idea of early-mid 00s iso ball aesthetics, and that being “true basketball”. Kind of guy who thinks Jamal Crawford or Gilbert would avg 50ppg today :lol:.

He is 100% right on this tho. I go back to 2016-2017, when the NBA media decided to go full toxic, and OD promote Bron..because of what was goin on.

Skip Bayless, SAS, Around the horn, Cold Pizza, PTI then First Take etc…were the origin of what we have now. And Skip specifically, influenced Lebron and them to rightfully respond back…but now, they OD…and the conversation has become beyond toxic.

I’ve been talking about this in the NBA thread for at least the last seven years. It’s crazy to watch it unfold.
Joe always been a MJ hater :lol: 90s era / 90s East being weak has been the attempted knock on Mike for as long as I can remember

As far as the denigration of great players by the general public and media goes, MJ doesn't crack the top 5 on that list
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Joe with the I told you so about Envy :rofl:

I've had that happen numerous times. We barely speak and you're calling me out of the blue to get involved in something. I think scam also. :lol:

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Breakfast Club is out here manufacturing controversy, and it’s working :lol:

They haven’t had this many views, consistently …in YEARS. Wow
We’ve NEVER heard Jordan or Kareem clamor and call themselves the GOAT. Or cry to the public “why am I not #1 on everyone’s list?” Negro please. I love LeBron the person.

He ain’t never had that killer instinct on the court like HIMJay! Jordan has MYSTIQUE. LeBron doesn’t have the professional mystique that Jordan had.

His professional journey has always had to be “tailored” for him to succeed.

Bron has played 20 years and has only made 6 all defensive teams. He didn’t regularly start being committed to defense until like 2011. Jordan was not only the best player, but the BEST wing defender also. Or top 2 every year in his prime.

I’ll give Bron credit for his longevity and durability though

Hol up

hol up,

hol up!!

*young dolph voice*



It’s crazy from books to podcasts to clothes to music a lot of times “we” just look at our own people as a hustle :lol:

You got folks in EYL comments talking about “do your own research” “it ain’t they job to vet their guests” :lol: :smh:

I need to catch on this, so people saying that EYL and Envious are working together scamming people?

According to EYL comments some ***** named Caesar they rock with and have put on their platforms has been scamming people. They bringing up that Jay Morrison ***** too :lol:

I always look at those social media real estate/financial/stock gurus weird. They never straight up say what it is they just talk in vague inspirational terms and always try to sell you some course or training or some **** like that lol
I know Joe loving this Envy drama, Envy been real emotional since the complex list

Not sure if Envy was scamming but cmon, guy ge promoted all on his socials. Weekly seminars, Envy knew what was up

EYL def provide good info but all these ig financial gurus cut from the same cloth
Hol up

hol up,

hol up!!

*young dolph voice*




That’s branding. You think Jordan told Gentry “Hey, put the greatest of all time on a shirt”…?

That’s muchhhhh different than (see video below)… look at the n_ neck in the screencap :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: boy knew he was about to spew some nonsense

When he got FONKED on and wanted the footage destroyed

When AI crossed Jordan, he never cried to ESPN. He took it on the chin. That’s a top 2 AI highlight, dude crossed Jordan as a rookie and game recognized game.

You got Bron out here telling CAMERON PAYNE to be humble. How the hell you let Cam Payne get under your skin :lol: :rofl:
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Like I said, all them social media credit/tax/financial/wellness/real estate “gurus”, etc are running a HUGE racket on gullible people.

It’s one big pyramid scheme. I use to find it unbelievable but then I realized that most Americans aren’t smart. Don’t get me started on the 30-60 second motivational reels that are plastered all over :lol: :lol: :lol:

People are truly lost out here. Again, folks taking advice from people who use to get embarrassed when the teacher called on them to read out loud in class :lol: :lol: :lol:

I saw a female talking about she fixes credit but her “business” page was plastered with silly memes, trick daddy EBG videos, booty shaking videos, etc. like come on, how do you not create a separate personal/private page?

There’s literally no decorum or business etiquette amongst this generation of 20-40 year olds. A lot these business pages be looking straight up janky and musky.

Pleaseeeeeee if you run a business, have a clean business page and a separate private page for your debauchery
This old dude Shammy is WILD :roll in

Dissing Ice T's baby momma to stick up for Mel, Eric Garner did it to himself, etc.

Had Parks turning red and had to get away from him :lol:
I know Joe loving this Envy drama, Envy been real emotional since the complex list

Not sure if Envy was scamming but cmon, guy ge promoted all on his socials. Weekly seminars, Envy knew what was up

EYL def provide good info but all these ig financial gurus cut from the same cloth

Yeah man, Ish tried to say it's not Envy fault, because dude feels the need to defend all entrepreneurs. :lol: Envy introduced Cesar Madoff to another brand of people he wouldn't have ordinarily dealt with. Had him on TBC a couple of times giving him validation. People were probably DMing him. He co-signed him.

and if it's true Envy was calling up his friends like Fab, Clue, Joe.... :smh:

Really, Envy could go missing over some mess like this. Imagine if Envy went to the wrong person. They wouldn't take so kindly to being out a million.

Dude had a ponzi scheme. Hopefully he knew who's money to give back. He better give Monet her money back. :lol:
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