The Combat Jack Show Thread

Mal the real MVP this episode he took charge while Joe was on his depressed ****.

wild to think all these stories were breaking literally while they were filming. That’s probably why bruh on his phone the whole time :lol:
he was not no damn mvp
he said a bunch of nothing
im looking at u kinda funny
for even thinking he was dropping valuable gems
Still haven’t finished that last ep.

Everyone was attempting to engage in an insightful dialogue when asked “who are you” and here this ***** comes with “I am nothing and nobody.”

You got it fam. Try this again on Saturday. :lol:
nah i listened to the whole pod
he made a bunch of sense when he started talking in the pod
mal doesnt add nothing to the pod but fodder
real talk
parks is underappreciated
he can actually make sensible and coherent points
he was not no damn mvp
he said a bunch of nothing
im looking at u kinda funny
for even thinking he was dropping valuable gems

who said anything about valuable gems? :lol: u always take it to 10 lmao

he just kept that **** watchable and stopped the show from being a downer or boring given the main “star” of the podcast was visibly ****** up. Guided most of the convos etc

But I be doing other **** while this play in the background :lol:
I completely understand why people would write dude off as racist. He’s a white male who speaks on matters from a place of privilege and relies on his NYC upbringing to curtail around some of the harmful things he says.

But I also see it as a bit nuanced in a way because I’ve listened to a lot of their discussions over the years, and see him as the contrarian comedian who tries to attack the popular opinions of the times. Again, the way he operates is inherently privileged, and he’s addressed this fact a few times on podcasts, but I don’t believe he holds the views that any race is inferior, superior, etc.

Not caping for the dude, because he is white I don’t know him or what’s in his heart, so I could very well be wrong. But that’s my assessment based on what I’ve heard from dude.
You lose nuance when you're the constant contrarian, your true intentions don't matter if the actions override it. If you always joke at the moment people are addressing their pain, your constant detraction makes you earn being labeled a racist whether you like it or not. A chick trying to give it up but you always joking she'll assume you don't want it and keep it moving.
That mutha****a is definitely on something.

Him saying he's glad Cyn is taking accountability, while he has denied accountability for a week :lol:
:rofl: I just got to this part.

This ***** petty as hell. Like fam... you’re obviously hating at this point.
Joe playing this clip of CTG is wild... but we knew this already. It’s contradictory to a degree, but it’s out there already, and nothing new was unearthed.

See, for as much flack that CTG gets, one thing that’s consistent about dude is that he puts all his dirt out there. On TBI and Breakfast Club, dude always says “speak your truth so others can’t use it against you.” Joe playing this old clip just makes it seem like he’s in a battle of who’s the bigger perpetrator of beastiality. My *****... BOTH of y’all are looking WILD in the light if y’all have done anything with dogs.
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God damn. Fam we get it, you don't **** with ctg.

Mal had to tell him to shut the **** up. :rofl:

Parks had the wherewithal to acknowledge that there's no right or wrong way to do business as it relates to how Joe conducts himself and how ctg does. Homie really is their saving grace up there a lot of times.

Rory calling him out for being corny for mentioning the settlement with some woman in South Carolina was admirable as well.

I don't understand the hard on these two ****** have for one another, but they're both wack as hell when discussing each other. Don't say someone is your guy, but then go on rants and tirades where you antagonize and besmirch them. Miss me with that "my guy" talk. Y'all both catty as hell and probably wouldn't swing on one another if the opportunity for 5 minutes presented itself.
Man I wish I'd have went here before he threw me in a charlamagne hate time loop. He'd stop and then start back up again...for 2 hours straight? GOTDAM :lol:
I got faith this Spotify / Scandal / Charlamagne **** will be over by Wednesday’s pod 🤦🏿‍♂️
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