The Conjuring 7/19/2013 body is not ready

Kinda interested, but my girl was shook on the strength of the trailer alone. I know if I manage to convince her to see it, she will straight up walk out at one point or another. Have to check it out solo, I guess
I need some advice on how to watch these movies without fear.

I abhor horror movies. The slightest increase in volume startles me. It doesn't even have to be a scary scene, literally a door could slam and I'd be shook as hell.

Help me NT.
Saw it last night and it scared the crap out of me. I loved it. Me and a friend had an argument over which was better, this or insidious and to be honest im not sure which one I like better. interesting fact but not only do both movies have the same actor but also the same director who also made the saw movies.
No devil advocate ... I t was trash because it's was not scary and the theme was dumb.... Wan makes dumb movies from saw to insidious an now conjuring.... Next will be ff7
Let down something fierce after reading this thread and catching a late show last night.
Overrated.  7-8 'scares' and only about 3 of em really hit.  I was expecting something a bit more innovative, but it's the typical Haunted House w/ most of the typical themes and motifs.  Insidious was better, IMO.  I'd wait for it to come through redbox.
Solid movie but yeah pretty overrated. The way everyone was talking , this was supposed to be the scariest movie ever :lol: but id give it a 7.5-8/10. I also believe me reading this thread and reviews got my expectations too high.
Saw it tonight and loved it, probably the best horror film I've seen since the first Scream. The girl I took was shooked a number of times through out and another random girl I was sitting next to must have jumped at least 6 times.
41 million opening weekend. :wow:

On a 20 mil budget.

One of the highest openings ever for a horror film.

And an A- rating on cinescore. Was an 89 on rotten tomatoes, not sure what its at now.

I, too, had high expectations of this movie when I checked this thread before seeing it. Story was good but I didn't find it really scary. It was more creepy than scary to me. I was hoping there would be a lot of jump scares but I can only think of about a couple of times where I jumped.
Really well done film. Great direction, and performances all around. Even though it followed a similar formula, it didn't come off as cliche at all. 4 out of 4 stars from me. 
I need some advice on how to watch these movies without fear.

I abhor horror movies. The slightest increase in volume startles me. It doesn't even have to be a scary scene, literally a door could slam and I'd be shook as hell.

Help me NT.
There's obvious clues in all horror movies which indicate when something is going to jump out at you, or do that stupid telekinesis ****. I cant really add much on, cause personally when I notice the clues I don't need to do anything else. It doesn't phase me.

Also, the humor of the situation helps. **** is flying around your house, opening and slamming doors and ****... And you go to investigate? My ***** that movie would have been over in the first 15 minutes. The second dude
Found the path to the basement, I would've been out that ***** within the hour.
I need some advice on how to watch these movies without fear.

I abhor horror movies. The slightest increase in volume startles me. It doesn't even have to be a scary scene, literally a door could slam and I'd be shook as hell.

Help me NT.

Doing too much. Don't think. Just watch. Fear is all a part of the ride. It's kind of hard to get too many thrills out of horror movies today because of so much real life terror going on imo, so just enjoy the 2 hours of escapism from reality that these films attempt to provide.
So nobody is agreeing with me how horrible this movie was?
just got back and i definitely agree. I dont understand the hype behind this movie at all. I  dont even think i jumped once. The whole movie theater was actually laughing at most parts. Disappointed! 
Real first scary movie ive seen in a theater and it was actually pretty fun and scary at the same time. Alot of people pre-talking before the scare, but all in all it was a good movie.
Saw it last night, and I wasn't impressed at all. The few moments it did have were predictable imo. I'm just not into these new school horror flicks.
Saw it yesterday. Pretty good to me. Wasn't scary like people were making it seem. It was creepy at times though. Quick uestion for those of you that saw the movie.
At the end when he put the mirror in the room with all the other vessels, was there anything in the mirror when it opened? I was looking for my keys so I didn't catch the whole scene.
Saw it yesterday. Pretty good to me. Wasn't scary like people were making it seem. It was creepy at times though. Quick uestion for those of you that saw the movie.

At the end when he put the mirror in the room with all the other vessels, was there anything in the mirror when it opened? I was looking for my keys so I didn't catch the whole scene.

No, director was keeping everyone on edge, but nothing showed. Was solid way to end imo. :lol:
Saw it yesterday. Pretty good to me. Wasn't scary like people were making it seem. It was creepy at times though. Quick uestion for those of you that saw the movie.

At the end when he put the mirror in the room with all the other vessels, was there anything in the mirror when it opened? I was looking for my keys so I didn't catch the whole scene.

Nah. Same here lol
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