The Dallas Cowboys ... vol. Wrap This Thing Up, Who To Draft?

colombo carted off field today, someone rolled up on his left knee, damn he already been %%$@#$ during the preseason, his back up cnt be any worse.... can he?
Sam Young will fill in for Columbo , Columbo will be out for 2-4 weeks he needs surgery . We are just banged up right now we did pick up anothe TE for some depth and Bennett is back practicing so i think we can hold up .
We gona work on that Red Zone Offense though we are moving the ball well then we can put it in the endzone . But the Defense is looking very good out there
I'd rather have the injuries early rather than in the middle of the season. I heard Bennett had a great practice yesterday, from what i've read he has a me against the world attitude for all the doubters that are present. We are going to need him this season
Originally Posted by jmause3

I'd rather have the injuries early rather than in the middle of the season. I heard Bennett had a great practice yesterday, from what i've read he has a me against the world attitude for all the doubters that are present. We are going to need him this season


I agree we are going to need him this season.
Has anyone ever been to the oxnard camp
? im thinking about making the trip with my boys for this Thursday it says open to the public and free on the site what time should i show up things to bring what to expect ect.? its like a 2hour drive so i don't want to go and get turned around...
This thread has been mighty quiet this preseason...

What's the word with Buehler? My brother told me today he read that we might pick up whoever the Texans cut to be our kicker, since they have Rackers and Brown. Anybody else here that?

I can't wait for the season to finally start and for this team to be healthy.
we need a kicker and a lineman ... i would be extremely surprised if we dont pick up both before the trade deadline ... how sweet it would be to have Flozell anchoring the line again with free at RT ...
we need a kicker and a lineman ... i would be extremely surprised if we dont pick up both before the trade deadline ... how sweet it would be to have Flozell anchoring the line again with free at RT ...
From what I read buehler has been doing just fine in camp, and hitting the kicks he been asked to hit........its way too early to say we "need" a kicker, give the kid a damn chance to prove himself in a game that matters
From what I read buehler has been doing just fine in camp, and hitting the kicks he been asked to hit........its way too early to say we "need" a kicker, give the kid a damn chance to prove himself in a game that matters
jerry gonna make a move ... our line looked like some *$+$ ... our d was getting shredded ... alan ball and scandrick need to re-evaluate their lives ...
Didn't get to see the game but judging by the box score/stats, that's probably a good thing.

I have a feeling this is gonna be a rough season.
Free has actually been the best lineman. The problem has been the veterans, Gurode, Davis, and Colombo before he got injured. And I don't know why Wade Phillips didn't put Buehler out there to try a 47 yard FG instead of having the 3rd team offense go for a meaningless 4th and 6. I'm pretty sure I'd want to evaluate my unknown kicker as much as possible in the preseason before we start throwing him out there and asking him to win games for us in the regular season.
our run game has looked terrible all preseason. I know we didnt want to show much but damn, this was just down right pathetic.

On a good note Dez ran at full speed doing routes before the game today
The 2006 Draft, what a failure. Jason Hatcher ends up being the best player from that class. And I don't even know why Pat McQuistan is still hanging around.
Damn sense cleared already?......didn't he dislocate his shoulder just 2 weeks ago

And I'm pretty sure some of y'all have heard by now why the reason we looked so bad on D on sat, supposedly there was only 2 defensive play call being called all night, mainly a cover 1...............but I'm not to sure what can be said bout the offense
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