THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

It would've been so much better if the woman at the end said to JGL, "**** Grayson? That's an interesting name" or something like that instead of the Robin junk.
I can't see Bane being older than Bruce, nor the same age. MAYBE the same age but then him saying "Age has cost you your strength" wouldn't make sense if he's the same age or older.
Here's the timeline I see:
BB- Bruce leave's Gotham after returning from Princeton at age 21. Trains all over the world and w/the League then returns to Gotham at 28 (7 year absence), has his birthday he's 29.
TDK is a year or so later so he's 30.
TDKR is 8 years later putting him at 38.
Talia is born in the Pit but it was never stated how long she was there before she escaped. 14 and under is still a child and given the conditions they lived in, the undernourishment in there, an older child will still appear young. I'm going with Talia being 13-14 when she escaped, let's say 14 and Bane at 18. Now Let's say TDKR takes place 15 years from Talia's escape. She's 29 and Bane 33. To me these numbers as far as age make more sense.
Bane being 33 puts him at an age where he's at his prime. Bane talking to Bruce like he's older is another form of mocking him by being condescending.
Yes maybe Bane is in better shape because he's more active so him and Bruce being identical in age or him being older could be possible but that's not what Nolan's going for here. Nolan wants you to know that Bruce is old, worn down and tired and that Bane still finds him as an adversary because they both are LOS. But Bane is younger, stronger and faster which makes Batman's rising from the Pit and subsequent beatdown on Bane more enjoyable. Remember Bane only beat Bats the first time because Bruce had just recently donned the costume and he was unaware of Bane's pain issue. If you watch the second fight Bane is winning till Batman knocks one of the face pipes loose. Bane is more or less beaten by his own weakness rather than Bats really laying a smackdown. We can agree to disagree but I see this scenario as a more realistic one.

Bane wasnt born in the Pit tho. Ras was a young mercenary when Talia was born. Lets say mid 20's to 30. He was around 50 ish in BB, and 8-10 years later TDKR starts. So just going by that we can make Talia 30-35. If TDKR took place 15 years after she escaped, that would mean Bruce was in the league of shadows around the same time Bane and Talia were there, he wasnt tho. Bane and talia had to have splintered off a few years before Ras found Bruce.

As for Bane, he was clearly played by Tom hardy when he was in the pit. They showed his face. So now your saying that Tom Hardy is supposed to be playing a 13 year old. Nah. To me, he was at least 20 when she escaped.

Bane was just a more experienced, battle hardened foe, who was Just better than Batman. Just like how Ras at 50 ish, still put up a decent challenge to a 30 year old Bruce

so basically
Bane- 50
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It would've been so much better if the woman at the end said to JGL, "**** Grayson? That's an interesting name" or something like that instead of the Robin junk.
Well, they're different characters with different names. His first name was something to entertain the fans and have a laugh.

Bane was beastly looking but I thought Hardy looked more beastly in Warrior. When him and Batman had conversations it sounded kind of ridiculous like they were in a cartoon. I guess those were the voices that worked best. I couldn't understand what he was saying a few times. Bruce recovered pretty fast from his serious injury. His limp disappeared also. I'm still skeptical about that. As someone else pointed out, the way one character died was kind of funny and weird.

Overall, really well done script and storytelling. I liked the twist to Bane's story. I wish more comicbook movies would consider doing a good script first instead of rushing it and trying to make money as fast as they can. Being patient pays off.
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Alfred sure deserves that Oscar, that was a pain felt scene..... Just saw this today and it was amazing as predicted. Few lil flaws like the few times Batman could've easily killed Bane. Like when he escaped with the bat flying plane thingy lol he could've turned and shot him up instead of fleeing... Or when they first fought, where are his spiky claws that come out his forearms and knees? But whatever, can't wait for Robin and the next batman... Or whatever Nolan has in store
Great film, Smh @ 2 cops in their cars out in front of the theater. Sad what America has cone to
You know batman doesnt kill right? Ok...proceed 
Upon seeing it a second time I have questions. I'm sorry if these points have already been touched on.

1. If one is building an underground army with fully automatic weapons, why do you send the whole entire police force into the sewer after them? They were supposed to call in the military at that point.

2. Didn't Miranda Tate say she wanted revenge on her father for exiling Bane? So why would she want to continue his legacy by blowing up Gotham City?

3. I still don't really understand how Blake figured out Bruce Wayne was Batman. He just figured it out? How? What led him to that conclusion? The look on his face? Show your work.

4. If Bane killed Dr. Whatshisface for being the only person that was capable of disarming the bomb, why did he kill Lucious?
Yep I was just about to say he is around 38 or so in this movie. Celebrate 30 in Begins, Joker says 6 months ago in dark knight and the mayor starts of with 8 years ago in Rises so 38 or 39 is my guess.
- Now on to my viewing of the movie. Just got home from seeing it. I was not impressed I felt it was too thrown together and too many people knew who Batman was. That is why I do not like Marvel comics because they do not conceal their identity the public knows who they are. How did John Blake put it together so fast and early in the movie who Batman was? How long was Bruce in jail, it seemed like the T.V. in the prison said Day 84 of the hostage situation so about 3 months for a back to heal seems about right? I've read enough spoilers in this thread the last few days to have most of my questions answered or to look out for certain things in the movie. I don't think Bruce Wayne is broke because early in the movie, Fox says you are broke know it will take a couple of months to get your fortune back by proving fraud. How was Wayne manor refurnished with pictures of parents and his moms necklace, I mean was all that stuff in the safe since Begins? I will definitely pick up the DVD, and use the subtitles because some of the things Bane said I could not make out. The theatre only had 3 people in it so it was not because of people talking just hard to understand him at times. I am going to go with Begins being the best of the three: it was original, not much hype behind it, not much of a budget to work with, went into it looking to be disappointed like I was with the Clooney and O'Donnel batman and was pleasantly surprised. I will probably like Rises the more I watch it like I did with TDK. For a person that rarely goes to the movies to begin with (Only been twice since 2005: Begins in 05 and Dark Knight in 08) I could have waited for this to come out on DVD in December and not felt like I missed anything at all. I really feel like I waited to go back to the movies after 4 years for nothing.
- (Edit) the batman suit that he gets toward the end is from where : I am guessing the other batcave in TDK????
- good points
Bale was dead on with Batman/Bruce you actually see him put an effort into looking and acting old.
Alfred was giving good advice for real life living
liked the ending where bruce was finally enjoying his life
liked how you could see the remaining board members age that were still remaining from Begins
liked how Batman was rusty when he was shooting the laser gun early in the movie he misses and he looked frustrated about it
liked how when catwoman disappeared on batman and he made the comment, so that's how it feels
-bad points
no origin of why/how catwoman wore the costume
not enough Ducard for all the hype he had when he was spotted on the scene
not enough "Batman" imo
wayne manor looked a mess outside and in
no explanation how Bruce got back to gothatm
the power in his house goes out the same day he goes broke
did not show batmans face when Bane ripped the mask off
would have liked to see some closure with Coleman Reese
did not get it when batman just showed up and help catwoman fight did not know her from the man in the moon, and she just hops in the bat.
alfred could do all this homework on Bane, but nothing on the joker at all???
If i think of more I'll add later....
Why does the suit need an origin? She's a cat burglar, you wear all black.

No one knew anything about the Joker. He didn't even know his own origin. Alfred in Pre-Crisis continuity was an intelligence agent so that's not farfetched.

If you've been gone for eight years because of shame, the last thing you're worried about is the upkeep of your mansion.

I do agree with no explanation of how he got back in the city.
But whatever, can't wait for Robin and the next batman... Or whatever Nolan has in store
There's nothing in store. Nolan is done with Batman now. You'll have to wait 6-8 years for a new set of films or maybe if they do a JLA movie.
There's nothing in store. Nolan is done with Batman now. You'll have to wait 6-8 years for a new set of films or maybe if they do a JLA movie.

itll be shorter than 8 years. think 4-5. Wayy too much money left on the table. Much like spiderman, batman is too profitable to be put in the freezer for any extended period of time. Supes comes out in 2013, so Id expect 2015-16 for a batman movie
Someone's gonna touch the Robin storyline. Nolan gift wrapped that for anyone willing.
I would like someone to do a more traditional Robin and not the one from this movie. I've always liked the orignal Robin and how he branched off and became Nightwing. I wish he became popular enough to have his own cartoon or movie one day.
-Smh at giving Bane's origin to Talia (born in prison, mother dies)
-Anyone else thought that was Alfred that said "Rise" in the trailer. I was expecting Alfred to be in the next cell until I realized it wasn't him.
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I want to see it again just for the Bane quotes.

He deserved to go out better than he did though. Those combos in the second fight with him and Batman :x :pimp:.
The speed and power dude has :smh:
Saw it in IMAX last night. I mean real Imax stadium seating screen, not some dingy regular theater with speakers behind the screen. All I can say is WOW. EPIC movie. I was happy with it. It was a bit too predictable though, called Talia being Ra's al Ghul daughter, and also Robin. But all in all it was a GREAT movie. Most of the film was formatted for the IMAX aspect ratio. 

And Anne Hathaway looked mighty fine the whole movie. Her on the bike with her catsuit on was 
It's freaking epic!
I feel bad for the Avengers..:lol:

Why do you feel bad for the Avengers?
The Avengers is clearly the bigger film of the summer. And I loved this movie.

But its not out doing the Avengers, not this year...

The first time I saw the light I was already a man. And it was nothing but bright. The shadows betray you. Because they belong to me!”

That part gave me chills man. Bane is my favorite Batman villain.
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now everybody should go home and watch BB. I watched last night after not seeing it in years, and even moreso hating it when i saw it. well i decided to watch it again with a different mindset, since now after 2 great films, i knew exactly what to expect from Nolan. Watched it yesterday and it lowkey gave me chills. honestly, it tied so many lose ends for me. there were a bunch of comments or scenes in TDKR that were directly connections to BB, that just when over my head at first. i mean the pearls, the house, the scene with gordon and bruce as a child, etc. Scarecrow was dope. Ra's was dope. just watching the transformation of bruce through out those years. dude was wild young and green in the first film. You could see the age take hold in the last. The series was beyond epic. Katie holmes is garbage tho. Bruce stays whipping a Lambo tho :smokin. i had no idea morgan freeman and gary oldman were in all of them. great continuity. i appreciate getting actors to commit to multiple films. It really allows the audience to zone out and focus on the story and characters over the constant adjustment to knew faces.

if the house burned to dust in BB, how then was he able to furnish the same (rebuilt) house in TDKR with all the same trinkets, pix and whatnot? reaching.
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