****The Everything LaVar Ball Thread****

Lamelo isn't gonna be squat, if it wasn't for his brother and idiot dad no one would know his name. He's a scrawny 120 pound prima donna (look it up). Is everyone watching the same vids I am? These AAU games make the NBA all star game look like the defensive olympics. All this AAU criticism is totally warranted, I played it my whole adolescent life it's a joke, but there's no other alternative.
Apparently the group that provided refs to those Vegas games cut ties with adidas over LaVar getting into it with that female ref.

Personally I could care less. He should be better composed, but wouldn't be surprised if some refs purposely try to antagonize him at this point.
Refs' union rips LaVar Ball, Adidas for removing female official during AAU game

The union that represents NBA referees caught LaVar Ball’s act in Las Vegas last Friday morning. You’re not going to believe it, but they’re not fans.

Ball, the father of Los Angeles Lakers rookie point guard Lonzo Ball and coach of the Big Baller Brand AAU team (featuring youngest son LaMelo), caused an uproar on Friday. He demanded that the organizers of the Adidas Uprising Summer Tournament replace a female referee who had given him a technical foul during a game, and threatened to pull his team off the court if Adidas didn’t comply. Adidas decided first to replace the official, and then, after Ball received a second technical foul (and an automatic ejection) from a different ref and refused to leave the court, to end the game with just over two minutes remaining in the opening half. Big Baller Brand, which was trailing by 10 at the time of the stoppage, received the loss.

After the game, Ball lambasted the female referee, who had reffed Big Baller Brand’s Wednesday night game, and assessed LaVar a tech on that night, too. He claimed she had “a vendetta” against him, and said, “She needs to stay in her lane, because she ain’t ready for this.” He also said that the referee wasn’t in shape, wasn’t “calling the game right,” and was “trying to make a name for herself.”

Ed Rush, the head of the independent officiating body working the event, denied those claims, calling the official — who referees Division I women’s basketball games during the college season — “extremely competent as a person” and “a very well-respected person” who is “very serious about officiating,” according to Matt Norlander of CBS Sports.

On Sunday morning, two days after the incident garnered headlines, the National Basketball Referees Association issued stern rebukes of Ball and Adidas for how they handled themselves in the affair:

This appalling story about the female referee removed during an AAU game warrants serious discussion. First, the misogynistic comments and intimidation by the coach have no place in basketball – or anywhere. The actions by Adidas show what happens when an organization does not support those tasked with protecting the integrity of the game. We support the referee community. This offensive behavior cannot stand, and hurts all those involved in basketball.

Ball on Saturday deflected charges of misogyny, insisting that his issue had nothing to do with the referee being a woman, and everything to do with what he perceived as poor performance. From Jeff Borzello of ESPN.com:

“You guys are trying to make it like a gender thing. It’s not that,” Ball told reporters after his Big Baller Brand’s AAU team lost at the Adidas Summer Championships on Saturday evening.

“All I’m saying was, what’s her name? Exactly. The only reason you know her is she gave me and my son a tech. And that’s what it is when you ref somebody who’s got a high celebrity. Every coach acts like that because the intensity of the game is so high. And I’m just saying, don’t have no vendettas in here.” […]

“I don’t care if all girls ref — if they’re good refs,” Ball said. “Let’s go ahead and do it. But it’s not about tech-ing up and making a scene.

“It’s not about me hating that lady or something like that,” he added. “She just got caught in a bad place: messing with me. She’s good. She’s probably a great ref with the women. But this men’s stuff? It’s a difference between women’s basketball and men’s basketball. Just because we go like that and don’t hit the ball don’t mean it’s a foul. But don’t get your feelings personal. And that’s why people were like, ‘She’s a great ref.’ To you, she’s a great ref. Not to me. But it’s OK.”

Ball, as you probably guessed, said he has no regrets at how things unfolded, and that he harbors no ill will toward the official.

“I wish her the best,” he told Borzello. “I don’t want her to be like, ‘I’m the one who gave LaVar a tech.’ Don’t let that be your career. Keep striving to be the best,” he said. “Be a Big Baller. Order a Big Baller Brand shirt. I’ll send it to her.”
“I wish her the best,” he told Borzello. “I don’t want her to be like, ‘I’m the one who gave LaVar a tech.’ Don’t let that be your career. Keep striving to be the best,” he said. “Be a Big Baller. Order a Big Baller Brand shirt. I’ll send it to her.”

bruh. :rofl:

that is god-tier condescension...they would have crucified Chris Paul--like, actually nailed him to pieces of wood--if he had said anything like this when his situation unfolded.

I marvel at the platform he's created for himself, a lot of thought goes into most of the things he does and it shows.
bruh. :rofl::

that is god-tier condescension...they would have crucified Chris Paul--like, actually nailed him to pieces of wood--if he had said anything like this when his situation unfolded.

I marvel at the platform he's created for himself, a lot of thought goes into most of the things he does and it shows.

:rofl: :rofl:
nah, but the article gets deeper...
Adidas director of global basketball sports marketing Chris Rivers said “there was some miscommunication” regarding the selection of the officials.

ESPN’s Myron Medcalf reported that Adidas had been pressuring referees to refrain from giving LaVar technicals “because of his drawing power and [Adidas’s] potential courtship of Los Angeles Lakers rookie Lonzo Ball,” LaVar’s son.

sheesh...guy's over here moving mountains. imagine if these kids actually shake out.

btw, this sounds like a lowkey insult:
Ed Rush, who is in charge of the independent group of officials that works the AAU event, defended the ref, who works Division I college games. “She’s extremely competent as a person.”

so, like, she can tie her shoes and get dressed all by herself? she remembers her address and telephone number? the **** type of thing is that to say, "she knows how to be a human being?" :lol:
Lamelo isn't gonna be squat, if it wasn't for his brother and idiot dad no one would know his name. He's a scrawny 120 pound prima donna (look it up). Is everyone watching the same vids I am? These AAU games make the NBA all star game look like the defensive olympics. All this AAU criticism is totally warranted, I played it my whole adolescent life it's a joke, but there's no other alternative.

Its a different kind of beast when you see the kid in person. The kid can play and is nice. You say 120 scrawny but people have had a rough time keeping him from scoring, he is lengthy and 15 man not to many kids have filled out. We can criticize the kids game but at the end of the day he plays in a system that is fast pace and very unconventional but at the same time his team is not loaded with talent and they are still getting wins and largely bc of him on the offensive end.

Apparently the group that provided refs to those Vegas games cut ties with adidas over LaVar getting into it with that female ref.

Personally I could care less. He should be better composed, but wouldn't be surprised if some refs purposely try to antagonize him at this point.

I will say that nobody should be berating officials at these AAU tourneys and looking to get T'd up but I can't disagree with what Lavar has said about some of the officiating because in most cases it is pretty on the AAU circuit. There are many more bad officials looking to make a name for themselves rather then just calling the game the correct way.

So many times you will see refs out of position making calls on assumption rather then site, and what makes it worse is rather then explaining to the kid what they did they ignore them and get play back up. I've seen worse instances where refs are talking to parents and holding the game up lol.

Not everything falls on the refs as some kids have bad attitudes and more times then not the refs act like the kids.

AAU as a whole has the potential to be something great but this is what happens when you have free enterprise and not a single governing body for each of these tournaments
That AAU assessment is spot on in terms of needing a better governing body and more structure and what have you.

The potential is there though.
At this point you know what you're getting with LaVar for better or worse. He's 48 years old and this has been his personality for years. It's not going to suddenly change now that his son is in the league.
I'd say the same thing if his son was on his way to JuCo.

You have to operate with integrity on the court and off it imo.

Nothing he'd done off the court had made me question his integrity, but if he really stopped a competitive youth game over some funk with a referee that crosses the line.

Convenient his team was down 10, also convenient the referee he decided to go at has a vagina.
I'd say the same thing if his son was on his way to JuCo.

You have to operate with integrity on the court and off it imo.

Nothing he'd done off the court had made me question his integrity, but if he really stopped a competitive youth game over some funk with a referee that crosses the line.

Convenient his team was down 10, also convenient the referee he decided to go at has a vagina.

The only problem with that assessment is that you assume that referees dont hold onto there own grudges. I cant tell you how many times a ref makes a call and cant explain what they've called but they have an audience and feel the need to insert themselves into a game for no reason. The same way we have our opinions refs do as well and sometimes a bias is carried.

I can promise that if refs just worked on consistency on both ends no one is complaining, but the sad part is that this is far from the norm.

I've seen games get out of hand quick bc its the end of the day or end of shift and guys wanna go home
MJ looks mad pissed at the Lavar v MJ question :lol:

but hey, Lavar knew what it was and now his name is attached to the best ever to do it, albeit for a dumb reason

The only problem with that assessment is that you assume that referees dont hold onto there own grudges. I cant tell you how many times a ref makes a call and cant explain what they've called but they have an audience and feel the need to insert themselves into a game for no reason. The same way we have our opinions refs do as well and sometimes a bias is carried.

I can promise that if refs just worked on consistency on both ends no one is complaining, but the sad part is that this is far from the norm.

I've seen games get out of hand quick bc its the end of the day or end of shift and guys wanna go home

I'm not assuming anything, I work directly along side referees in a competitive capacity some 40 weekends out of the 52 week calendar year. I understand fully that they're imperfect and that they're vulnerable to human feelings and emotions just like coaches, players, fans and parents.

I also understand that at the highest amateur and youth levels referees are generally aspiring professionals who have dedicated significant time in their life to improving their craft and in my personal experience, they almost uniformly make great efforts to operate with integrity.

In my experience they're also the least susceptible to bias out of all stakeholders in general. Not to say they bias doesn't exist, of course it does, but coaches, players, fans, parents are far more susceptible to any form of bias than referees.

Assertions that if referees just "did their job better," or anecdotes of referees shaving time because they want to go home, do not defend LaVar's actions. I can't even act like I'm above criticizing referees, but a coach literally stopping a contest to ***** about the quality of refereeing? That's indefensible to me.
ach literally stopping a contest to ***** about the quality of refereeing? That's indefensible to me.

Well put, I dont think we disagree on anything. I cant condone how he acted bc at the end of the day all of this is for the kids and I hate when people stop making it about the kids and start making it about themselves. Lavar has an alterior motive with this as he has been given way too much power. I can almost gaurantee that they dont pay entry fees because they are an attraction even with the skewed scoring and unrealistic style of play

Personally I watched them play once and had no desire to watch them play live again. Not one person can tell me that you can evaluate a kid playing in that game that they play from both sides. Lamelo is the only kid on that roster going D1 and the others dont even know it yet. The cousin could but his focus is football from what I hear.
Got my Triple B sweatshirt


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