The Lion King was a RIPOFF?! Say it ain't so...

Feel free to post more pop culture rip offs that are more popular than the original intellectual property.


^ The Bible is the first thing that came to mind for me too when I read that sentence :lol:

The storyline of Kimba is more of a copy of Bambi than the Lion King is of Kimba. Don't be fooled.

Yeah, our posts went up at pretty much the same time so I didn't read it until afterwards. Based on that plot outline, that video definitely did a bit of reaching.

The thread topic still has potential though.
Most of Disney's movies aren't original.

I learned that a few years ago and was surprised.
I've known about this for years now. The makers behind Kimba the White Lion never sued Disney because they didn't they could beat them in court.
I've known about this for years now. The makers behind Kimba the White Lion never sued Disney because they didn't they could beat them in court.

The top 10 lawyers in the world work for Disney. Disney will take your idea and the most you could do is thank them
y'all taking random hero's journey 101 plot points and calling it a rip off? wut??

and even if it was a rip off, I certainly don't love the Lion King for it's hyper original plot; the performances, music, animation are a million times more important.
Which characters have DC copied from Marvel?

Here are most of the parallel characters between the addictive yet non-threatening rivals of the comic world, DC and Marvel.

Note: Try not to miss out the semi-transparent text at the bottom of each picture.

Format used: <DC Character>(<Year of Release>) ≡ ≡ <Marvel Character> (<Year of Release>)

  • Atom (1961) ≡ ≡ Antman (1962)
    Edit (A paraphrased version of a comment −− courtesy of Clell Harmon): Even though the Atom (Al Pratt’s) was released by DC in 1940, the Ray Palmer’s Atom(1961) is the version similar to Marvel’s Antman. Both these versions of Atom and Antman were in turn inspired from Will Eisner’s Doll man, who first appeared in 1939’s Quality Comics.

  • Aquaman (1941) ≡ ≡ Namor (1939)

  • Black Lightning (1977) ≡ ≡ Electro (1964)

  • Commander Steel (1978 ) ≡ ≡ Captain America (1941)

  • Catwoman (1940) ≡ ≡ Black Cat (1979)*

  • Clayface (1940) ≡ ≡ Sandman (1963)

  • Darkseid (1970) ≡ ≡ Thanos (1973)

  • Hawkman (1940) ≡ ≡ Angel (1963)

  • Green Lantern (1940) ≡ ≡ Quasar (1978 )

  • Green Arrow (1941) ≡ ≡ Hawkeye (1964)

  • Atomic Skull (1976) ≡ ≡ Ghost Rider (1972)

  • Flash (1940) ≡ ≡ Quicksilver (1964)

  • Dr. Polaris (June 1963) ≡ ≡ Magneto (Sept 1963)

  • Dr. Fate (1940) ≡ ≡ Dr. Strange (1963)

  • Deathstroke (1980) ≡ ≡ Deadpool (1991)

  • Grundy (1944) ≡ ≡ Hulk (1962)

  • Martian Manhunter (1955) ≡ ≡ Vision (1968 )

  • Dark Knight (1939) ≡ ≡ Moon Knight (1975)

  • Plastic Man (1941) & Elongated Man (1960) ≡ ≡ Mr. Fantastic (1961)

  • Superman (1938 ) ≡ ≡ Hyperion (1969) & Gladiator (1977)

  • Swamp Thing (July 1971) ≡ ≡ Man Thing (May 1971)

  • Brainiac (1958 ) ≡ ≡ Ultron (1968)

  • Bumblebee (1973) ≡ ≡ Wasp (1963)

*It has been pointed out by Jerrell Owens (in the comments) that even though Catwoman came before Black Cat, the personality of Catwoman was altered to mirror that of Black Cat. Apparently, the Catwoman we know today is actually a copy of Black Cat.
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Family Guy ripped off South Park.
South Park ripped off Simpsons.
Simpsons ripped off Flinstones.
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