The Major League Baseball Off-Season Post Vol. 24 days until Opening Day 2009

The Red Sox also signed Mark Kotsay for 1 year, $1.5 million. Am I the only one who feels like they have about 40 players that will be fighting to make theactive roster?

What's up with them and all these sensible deals they've made lately, anyway?
2 more great signings by the Red Sox and they got Kotsay for 1.5 mil?
I really like what they're doing over there.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

man, !**! Boston.

Trevor Hoffman to the Brewers.

Granderson to play in WBC.

Cliff Lee said no, don't blame pitchers one bit.
Agreed. Although it would've been cool to see Lincecum pitch in the WBC, I'm glad he isn't.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce



Dice K

thoughts? comments? obviously the sox are still behind, but i think depending on who ends up in that fifth spot for ny, it could be interesting. hopefully sheets doesn't end up being the last man for ny
, I commend you because you are a Red Sox fan.

I actually think the Red Sox rotation will be better. I think Penny is going to have a good year, maybe a rough start, but once he gets his groove he will be solid.
man if penny can do work...we will be in great shape. the only advantage i can see is that when it comes to injuries, we have more reliable armsto fill in than the yanks. wakefield, buchholz, masterson, and possibly bowden. we'll see tho. the smoltz, baldelli, and kotsay moves are all fine with me,especially given the prices we're paying for them. they're not sexy moves by any means, but i think they'll help.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce



Dice K

thoughts? comments? obviously the sox are still behind, but i think depending on who ends up in that fifth spot for ny, it could be interesting. hopefully sheets doesn't end up being the last man for ny
, I commend you because you are a Red Sox fan.

I actually think the Red Sox rotation will be better. I think Penny is going to have a good year, maybe a rough start, but once he gets his groove he will be solid.
man if penny can do work...we will be in great shape. the only advantage i can see is that when it comes to injuries, we have more reliable arms to fill in than the yanks. wakefield, buchholz, masterson, and possibly bowden. we'll see tho. the smoltz, baldelli, and kotsay moves are all fine with me, especially given the prices we're paying for them. they're not sexy moves by any means, but i think they'll help.

I think Baldelli is going to be one of those signings that every team looks back on and says to themselves "why didn't we do it?" I got thatmuch blind confidence in that kid
Also, the Giants, Rangers and God forbid the Twins are interested in Joe Crede


He's a great option for a low-risk, big-reward guy though...

He ain't gonna sign for more than a couple million bucks on a one-year deal... And the chances he outperforms that dollar total are relatively high...

And I guess I really hadn't noticed it before, but are the Boston Red Sox the whitest team in baseball? As someone on another board put it...
The Boston Red White Sox featuring David Ortiz
Smoltz is a good look he is very very good when healthy but he's been hurt the past few years, but they won't be asking much of him as their 5thstarter. They have a surplus of pitchers and they can even make a trade for one if they include a prospect, Red Sox making some smart short term deals.

Mets are on the verge of signing TIM REDDING, low risk deal will make a solid # 5 starter at best (if for any reason Neise isn't ready).

Pitching depth = good thing.

Latest Shea Stadium pics (I drive by every day and I see less and less of it)




Citi Field

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

And I guess I really hadn't noticed it before, but are the Boston Red Sox the whitest team in baseball? As someone on another board put it...
The Boston Red White Sox featuring David Ortiz

My brother and uncle have always considered the Red Sox to be baseball's whitest team. My uncle has ranted in the past about how you never see black RedSox fans at Fenway
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Also, the Giants, Rangers and God forbid the Twins are interested in Joe Crede

He's a great option for a low-risk, big-reward guy though...

He ain't gonna sign for more than a couple million bucks on a one-year deal... And the chances he outperforms that dollar total are relatively high...

I think this risk is a little higher than low

He'll definitely sign for a one year deal but I think his career might be in real jeopardy
Thought this was worth mentioning...

ESPN Radio's Bruce Levine has some good info tonight.

The White Sox are seeking a top-of-the-order hitter, and they've discussed Michael Young with the Rangers. The Rangers asked for Jermaine Dye and Aaron Poreda, and the Sox are unwilling to trade Poreda. The Rangers like Dye, so maybe the two teams will find a match on players. Young is owed roughly $60MM over the next five years.
Obviously they won't get Poreda, but if JD can get out from under Young's contract, getting Dye and another halfway legitimate prospect isa job well done as far as I'm concerned...
Whats more outrageous to baseball fans, Yankees overpaying for 3 free agents or the Red Sox Acquiring EVERYONE for bargain deals?
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Whats more outrageous to baseball fans, Yankees overpaying for 3 free agents or the Red Sox Acquiring EVERYONE for bargain deals?
The only reason I hate the Yankees overspending, is that they inflate the market and bend over to whatever Scott Boras demands. The Yankees arethe best example of how to run a baseball team as a business. Hell, they got the city of NY to pay for their stadium,
. The Red Sox, however, are the epitome of a well run baseball operationsorganization. Top to bottom, it is well run, with smart people.

All the money the Yanks spent and they are not even a lock to win their division, they aren't even a lock to finish second. To me, they are the spoiledkid that is able to get every toy because mommy and daddy have a fat wallet.

Oh yeah, the reason I stopped hating the Yankees, on they have a photo gallery of all the Yankee off season acquisitions:

2007- Kei Igawa (
2006 - Johnny Damon (
), Kyle Farnsworth (
2005- Carl Pavano (
), Jaret Wright (
), Tony Womack (
2004 - Javier Vazques (
, traded the following year for Randy Johnson
2003- Jose Contreras (
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Whats more outrageous to baseball fans, Yankees overpaying for 3 free agents or the Red Sox Acquiring EVERYONE for bargain deals?
The only reason I hate the Yankees overspending, is that they inflate the market and bend over to whatever Scott Boras demands. The Yankees are the best example of how to run a baseball team as a business. Hell, they got the city of NY to pay for their stadium,
. The Red Sox, however, are the epitome of a well run baseball operations organization. Top to bottom, it is well run, with smart people.

All the money the Yanks spent and they are not even a lock to win their division, they aren't even a lock to finish second. To me, they are the spoiled kid that is able to get every toy because mommy and daddy have a fat wallet.

Oh yeah, the reason I stopped hating the Yankees, on they have a photo gallery of all the Yankee off season acquisitions:

2007- Kei Igawa (
2006 - Johnny Damon (
), Kyle Farnsworth (
2005- Carl Pavano (
), Jaret Wright (
), Tony Womack (
2004 - Javier Vazques (
, traded the following year for Randy Johnson
2003- Jose Contreras (

Damon has been

And we'll finish 1st of 2nd, there is about a 1% chance we finish 3rd..... people writing off the Yankees cuz we finished not 1st for ONE year out of 14

Get faimiliar....

Annnnnnnd the Red Sox add another low-risk/high-reward contract...

Ken Rosenthal reports that the Red Sox have signed Takashi Saito to a one-year contract with a club option for 2010. The deal's worth between $1.5 and $2.5MM in 2009, but Saito could earn up to $7MM if he pitches well, according to Rosenthal's sources.

Saito passed his physical yesterday.
Another great signing, IMO...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Annnnnnnd the Red Sox add another low-risk/high-reward contract...

Ken Rosenthal reports that the Red Sox have signed Takashi Saito to a one-year contract with a club option for 2010. The deal's worth between $1.5 and $2.5MM in 2009, but Saito could earn up to $7MM if he pitches well, according to Rosenthal's sources.

Saito passed his physical yesterday.
Another great signing, IMO...

im loving the signings we've made so far...but im still bitter we let tex goto ny. i wouldn't have cared if someone else got him, but letting ny swoop in hurts.
[h1]Michael Young Requested Trade From Rangers[/h1]
By Drew Silva [January 11 at 9:25pm CST]'s Ken Rosenthalreports that Rangers shortstop Michael Young asked for a trade back in December when club officials requested that he play third base in theupcoming season.

According to Rosenthal, Young was "absolutely livid" that the Rangers would request such a move just months after he was awardedhis first Gold Glove. The team was simply hoping to clear a spot for top prospect Elvis Andrus, but now they've got a real problem onthier hands. GM Jon Daniels is expected to explore trade opportunites, but a deal seems unlikely at this point. White Sox GM Ken Williams has already saidthat he "would not waste time" discussing the possibility. The asking price would be far too high for most clubs.
i heard a rumor that the yankees were interested in young and that they were willing to give them cano and either swisher/nady. i thought it was bulls**t untili see he's asked for a trade. doubt they take 2 position players for young being that they always need pitching, but i'd give up cano/hughes in aheartbeat for young .....

If he requested a trade, get ride of him... This is the same guy that goes on local radio shows talkin about he'd do whatever it took to help this team winand get back to the playoffs...

That Gold Glove don't mean $*+$... He's not a good defensive SS...

If they could really get Cano/Nady or Cano/Hughes as you mentioned above, they'd damn well better pull the trigger...

Move Kinsler to LF or 3B, slot Nady into RF, move Nelson Cruz to DH and dump Hank Blalock...
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Cano and Nady would be a damn good haul.
It'd honestly be an absolute steal for the Rangers...

I can't imagine what the return for Young would realistically be... But Cano/Nady seems way, way high unless the Rangers ate some money...

at the Yankees potential middle infield... Young and Jeter up the middle?
No range whatsoever...
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