The Major League Baseball Off-Season Post Vol. 24 days until Opening Day 2009

at the Yankees potential middle infield... Young and Jeter up the middle?
No range whatsoever...
Jeter, no range? BLASPHEMY.

He makes a play in the hole and throws off-balance fading into center field once a season. That's range, man...
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

at the Yankees potential middle infield... Young and Jeter up the middle?
No range whatsoever...
Jeter, no range? BLASPHEMY.

He makes a play in the hole and throws off-balance fading into center field once a season. That's range, man...

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

at the Yankees potential middle infield... Young and Jeter up the middle?
No range whatsoever...
Jeter, no range? BLASPHEMY.

He makes a play in the hole and throws off-balance fading into center field once a season. That's range, man...

Stop it...
Derek Jeter and Micheal Young?
Jesus, Yankees spent a ******ed amount of money a pitcher who's impact will be dulled by starting two of the worst fielders in baseball.

I don't like Cano, but Hughes still has tons of talent and can still be a pitcher in this league.

I've said this time and time again Derek Jeter should not being playing short stop.
It's not like he's cost us games with his fielding though. Why bother? Obviously he's not the best but he's not the reason we've beenunderachieving the past several seasons either.
i also heard the red sox are trying to work a deal with the marlins for hanley ramirez. they would give up bucholtz and ellsbury . could be bulls**t as wellbut that would really scare me if that gets done.

all this jeter bashing is uncalled for
Originally Posted by onewearz

i also heard the red sox are trying to work a deal with the marlins for hanley ramirez. they would give up bucholtz and ellsbury . could be bulls**t as well but that would really scare me if that gets done.

all this jeter bashing is uncalled for
i would hope the Marlins arent that dumb. They know talent they just cant keep it. But if im the Marlins, the only way i listen is if Lester is inthe deal. You dont trade the soon to be best player in baseball for a .280 hitter that will only steal you bases and an average pitcher at best
Welp, looks like this might have reached the point of no return... He's given the Rangers a list of teams he'd waive his no-trade for, and apparentlyJon Daniels and Nolan Ryan are fairly intent that he will not be playing SS for the Rangers in the future... Seems they feel pretty strongly about Elvis Andrusgetting a shot in the big league lineup every day sooner rather than later...

Young's comments on the situation...
"I'm not playing third base. I'm pretty adamant about my stance. I told them I wanted to be traded. The biggest misconception is that I was asked to move to third base. I was never asked. I was flat-out told. I was told I was playing third base. I felt that I had absolutely no say. I don't feel like there was any discussion or dialogue about the matter."

"At this point in my career, I didn't think it was fair to move. I reached out to teammates and former teammates and veterans to get their thoughts and everyone supported me. All I've ever done is think about the team and do what's best by them. But at the same time, when it comes to long-term commitment and respect factor, it should be a two-way street."

"I think that I've always been committed to this organization. I signed here. I wanted to stay here. I've been big on loyalty and mutual respect. But sometimes you have to worry about a message that might be sent about the organization and players. What does it say about the organization when you get to a point that no matter what you do, we'll snatch your job away no matter what happens. That's what happened."

I'm actually glad they took a firm stance on trying to move him off SS... They beat around the bush with Soriano, didn't take a firmstance with him, and traded him for crap only to see him end up permanently in the OF with other teams right after they traded him...

Young is a bad defensive SS with limited range, and he'd play MUCH better at 3B where his glove would be more than adequate and his range wouldn't beas much a factor... I'd venture to guess he'd be above average defensively there, as he's got a great arm and he usually makes plays on balls hedoes get to when he's healthy and not playing with two broken fingers...
Not yet... I'm sure we'll have it soon enough, though it shouldn't be hard to make a rough guess...

I'd think the California teams and any World Series contender would pretty much sum it up, though depending on how serious he is about getting out it couldbe longer...
How did I miss this thread? I see my dude WildKY has been in here holding the Reds down though.
at us not getting Baldelli. Jocketty said that wewere in it until the end though. WildKY have you seen much of Drew Stubbs? Is he 2 years away from helping because he hasn't even received a springtraining invite as of now?
Trade Cano for Young? Why???
Highly doubt that..... Young is 32.... Cano is 26..... Cano is still coming in to his own and Cano is already just as good a hitter.

Comparing the 2.....


[table][tr][td]Seasonal Averages (per 162 games played)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]YEARS[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]AB[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]H[/td] [td]2B[/td] [td]3B[/td] [td]HR[/td] [td]RBI[/td] [td]BB[/td] [td]SO[/td] [td]SB[/td] [td]CS[/td] [td]AVG[/td] [td]OBP[/td] [td]SLG[/td] [td]OPS[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3.54[/td] [td]162[/td] [td]627[/td] [td]86[/td] [td]190[/td] [td]43[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]18[/td] [td]87[/td] [td]28[/td] [td]77[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]4[/td] [td].303[/td] [td].335[/td] [td].468[/td] [td].803[/td] [/tr][/table]

[table][tr][td]Seasonal Averages (per 162 games played)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]YEARS[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]AB[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]H[/td] [td]2B[/td] [td]3B[/td] [td]HR[/td] [td]RBI[/td] [td]BB[/td] [td]SO[/td] [td]SB[/td] [td]CS[/td] [td]AVG[/td] [td]OBP[/td] [td]SLG[/td] [td]OPS[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7.51[/td] [td]162[/td] [td]661[/td] [td]99[/td] [td]198[/td] [td]37[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]15[/td] [td]87[/td] [td]47[/td] [td]106[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]3[/td] [td].300[/td] [td].346[/td] [td].442[/td] [td].788[/td] [/tr][/table]
Could this team of free agents win a division title?
First base: Kevin Millar
Second base: Orlando Hudson
Shortstop: Orlando Cabrera
Third base: Ty Wigginton
Left field: Adam Dunn
Center field: Ken Griffey Jr.
Right field: Bobby Abreu
Catcher: Jason Varitek
DH: Manny Ramirez
No. 1 starter: Ben Sheets
No. 2 starter: Derek Lowe
No. 3 starter: Andy Pettitte
No. 4 starter: Jon Garland
No. 5 starter: Oliver Perez
Closer: Brandon Lyon
Set-up man: Will Ohman
Set-up man: Juan Cruz

I left out Garret Anderson, Randy Wolf, Joe Crede and Pudge Rodriguez. Buster Olney has one of these all-unemployed lineups on his blog, too. It's pretty amazing so many name players are still looking.
Could this team of free agents win a division title?
First base: Kevin Millar
Second base: Orlando Hudson
Shortstop: Orlando Cabrera
Third base: Ty Wigginton
Left field: Adam Dunn
Center field: Ken Griffey Jr.
Right field: Bobby Abreu
Catcher: Jason Varitek
DH: Manny Ramirez
No. 1 starter: Ben Sheets
No. 2 starter: Derek Lowe
No. 3 starter: Andy Pettitte
No. 4 starter: Jon Garland
No. 5 starter: Oliver Perez
Closer: Brandon Lyon
Set-up man: Will Ohman
Set-up man: Juan Cruz

Ages as of Opening Day: 37, 31, 34, 31, 29, 39, 35, 37, 36, 31, 35, 36, 29, 27, 29, 31, 30.

Average age: 32.76.
I'd think the California teams and any World Series contender would pretty much sum it up, though depending on how serious he is about getting out it could be longer...
I don't see any of the California teams being in play, well if Young wants his request to be granted and play SS.

Dodgers - Just signed Rafael Furcal to a 3 year deal.
Giants - Just signed Edgar Renteria to a 2 year deal.
Padres - traded away Khalil Greene, but unless the Rangers pick up the tab, the Fathers are not picking up anybody.
Angels - I don't think the Rangers would deal him within the division.
A's - See Angels.

The majority of that roster will be on the DL by July,
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Could this team of free agents win a division title?
First base: Kevin Millar
Second base: Orlando Hudson
Shortstop: Orlando Cabrera
Third base: Ty Wigginton
Left field: Adam Dunn
Center field: Ken Griffey Jr.
Right field: Bobby Abreu
Catcher: Jason Varitek
DH: Manny Ramirez
No. 1 starter: Ben Sheets
No. 2 starter: Derek Lowe
No. 3 starter: Andy Pettitte
No. 4 starter: Jon Garland
No. 5 starter: Oliver Perez
Closer: Brandon Lyon
Set-up man: Will Ohman
Set-up man: Juan Cruz
Ages as of Opening Day: 37, 31, 34, 31, 29, 39, 35, 37, 36, 31, 35, 36, 29, 27, 29, 31, 30.

Average age: 32.76.

cano aint goin nowhere.........he will bounce back this year just watch...

i hope that if we do make a deal with the nationals, we get dukes back in the deal...

i know zimmerman would not even be discussed, but i would only want him or dukes
As someone that generally hates the Yankees, I hope Cano gets off to a %%!#$+ start and they consider trading him across town. Kid's a phenomenal hitter.
DaComeUP...from everything I've read on Drew Stubbs, it just seems like the organization is in no hurry to bring him up. He had a short stint at AAALouisville this past season and played fairly well. but he's striking out at an alarming rate.

Nowitness may be able to shed some more light on Stubbs (a Texas boy.)
ok so a coworker of mine's father just said he heard rumblings about chipper jones to boston for lugo, buchholz, and another prospect. nothing significant,but he heard that there were initial talks, and that jones is unhappy with how atlanta handled the smoltz situation? i have NO IDEA IF THIS IS REMOTELYTRUE...but if it is true...
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

ok so a coworker of mine's father just said he heard rumblings about chipper jones to boston for lugo, buchholz, and another prospect. nothing significant, but he heard that there were initial talks, and that jones is unhappy with how atlanta handled the smoltz situation? i have NO IDEA IF THIS IS REMOTELY TRUE...but if it is true...

Weren't Chipper and Smoltz close buds in Atlanta?
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