The millennial urban lifestyle is about to increase in cost

A generation lasts from 20-25-30 years. For my whole life everyone born from 1980-2000 was in the same generation. Then in the last five years, when it was realised that millenials were lame, older millennials started making all sorts of new designations because they didn't want to be millennials anymore.
Born 90 here.
Feel like I witnessed both eras.
Remember the time without living with internet. Newspapers, watching sport tickers for scores, TV guide, video game magazines, no streaming services.

Then here to witness the digital age. Dial up, dsl, and using bulky computers.

Its like after fast internet and 3g phone life changed.
This thread is a trash heap with people trying to distinguish themselves from millennials. We’re all on a stupid sneaker forum about buying kicks that were popular in the 90s. Everyone here is a millennial.

How dare you not mention 80’s shoes. You sir are a phony. A BIG FAT PHONY!
This thread is a trash heap with people trying to distinguish themselves from millennials. We’re all on a stupid sneaker forum about buying kicks that were popular in the 90s. Everyone here is a millennial.
Soooo premillennials can’t get on a forum about kicks because we’re using the internet. Ban this dude for calling it a stupid sneaker forum to lol
The advent of the internet, other technological advancements and culture shifts are what makes it so difficult to classify 80s born with 90s born. Complete lifestyle change happened between the years when those people came of age.
A generation known for living through a financial crisis and decreased economic opportunity. We are a lot smarter with our money. Uber really hurting cause their just throwing 50% trips at me all the time.
Also we are a lot less religious. Millennials for the most part are a dope generation given the circumstances we inherited. Glad to be a part of the fold.
Interesting take. Being forced to go to church was annoying. My kids still go to Sunday service but it’s at their own will. Lotta folks work on sundays cuz cost of living crazy
A generation known for living through a financial crisis and decreased economic opportunity. We are a lot smarter with our money. Uber really hurting cause their just throwing 50% trips at me all the time.
Part of their plan to kill the competition. When there is no competition, they will then raise/dictate the price

Buy Uber stock while it's low
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