The most inspirational player on your team?

Originally Posted by Executive76

Wilson Chandler got left hanging 

yea...Thats Who

Thats the problem with the Knicks, we have no inspirational and motivating players.  If we did we would play Defense and run orchestrated half court sets...but we don't.  We just shoot 3's.  I thought Billups was going to bring some of that personality but he plays like he doesn't want to be in NY, it's sad because I expected more out of a champion.  Honestly I envy Chicago for having Kurt Thomas right now, I miss him, he was a heart-filled  player, Stand Ov for Kurt Thomas

yea...Thats Who

Thats the problem with the Knicks, we have no inspirational and motivating players.  If we did we would play Defense and run orchestrated half court sets...but we don't.  We just shoot 3's.  I thought Billups was going to bring some of that personality but he plays like he doesn't want to be in NY, it's sad because I expected more out of a champion.  Honestly I envy Chicago for having Kurt Thomas right now, I miss him, he was a heart-filled  player, Stand Ov for Kurt Thomas
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