The Movie Red Tails...Go support your people.

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by LDJ

It isnt a theory its a fact. If it wasnt this whole thread wouldnt even be in existance. Why would there even be a thread about this if it werent true? So theories are things that are evident and proven with facts now? There isnt a such thing as roles by certain races or sex playing certain roles? This is all made up huh.....So I guess its my imagination that the only video game not dealing with sports or a famous person of color to ever exist, is grand theft auto. So how many majority asian/korean etc.... cast movies that didnt involve martial arts were blockbusters exactly. Or better yet exist in the history of american film?

Since what i am saying is fictional and theory im sure ppl can easily post all the great examples.... ill wait.

ps i never even said white ppl... like i said a hurt dog will hollier, the thought that i specifically meant white shows that in your thought process there wasnt even a thought about other races existance. I couldve easily been talking about asian/mexican/ or even black ppl. see...... blacks reactions and non support of a movie like posse.

I just want to know what about this movie was good. Tell me the acting was good. The writing, dialogue. That's what I'm asking. I know Hollywood doesn't like to cast all minority casts. Hence why 21 didn't have all Asians, like it REALLY was. Hence why Better Luck Tomorrow is a good movie, yet most people probably haven't seen it. I'm just saying Red Tails sucked.

and i could same about a majority of the movies i listed. what was so steller about twlight? 50 first dates, the animal, ghosts of girlfriends past, charlie and the chocolate factory, confessions of a teenage drama queen, hell date movie, dickie roberts former child star, elf, epic movie, even almighty, herbie reloaded.

All did better then a vast majority of some of the aforementioned movies i listed such as boyz in the hood, hotel rwanda, poetic justice, above the rim, higher learning.

Explain to me the mindset cause im boggled when you say hey man that epic movie looks like it will be great... But um this love jones iuno....

Please explain to me how cool runnings is an overall better movie then jungle fever, then mo better blues, then hurricane... Or that freddy got fingered is so above juice? or antwan fisher.
I didn't think Twilight was good. Nor any of the movies you've mentioned to be honest. What I'm saying is, why is there a rallying point behind a movie that isn't really good? Because the cast is all black?

I happen to think Above the Rim is a highly underrated movie. I'd have no problem people saying "Go see He Got Game, support your community" or the same with Hotel Rwanda or Boyz in the Hood.

I thought the movie would be really good because

a) Cuba Gooding Jr. usually doesn't let down.
b) George Lucas tends to make up for any story/plot/character let downs with great visually stunning film
c) The Tuskegee Airmen deserve a Saving Private Ryan/Pearl Harbor major motion picture. World War II is a pivotal point in our history. All of it's heroes deserve to be recognized.

Help me out bro, because I'm reading some of your replies and I feel like we're on the same page and others I feel like we're not.

My point is this. No demographic should support a movie just because of the physical make-up of the cast if the movie is not worthy of such support. That's like saying "I'd rather give my $ to a piece of crap that's going to someone who looks like me than the 'other folks' "

I'm not here to debate the presence of racism in our world. Yes, there's racism. But this movie sucked. And that falls on everyone from the black actors to white George Lucas.
Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by doyung9


I just want to know what about this movie was good. Tell me the acting was good. The writing, dialogue. That's what I'm asking. I know Hollywood doesn't like to cast all minority casts. Hence why 21 didn't have all Asians, like it REALLY was. Hence why Better Luck Tomorrow is a good movie, yet most people probably haven't seen it. I'm just saying Red Tails sucked.

and i could same about a majority of the movies i listed. what was so steller about twlight? 50 first dates, the animal, ghosts of girlfriends past, charlie and the chocolate factory, confessions of a teenage drama queen, hell date movie, dickie roberts former child star, elf, epic movie, even almighty, herbie reloaded.

All did better then a vast majority of some of the aforementioned movies i listed such as boyz in the hood, hotel rwanda, poetic justice, above the rim, higher learning.

Explain to me the mindset cause im boggled when you say hey man that epic movie looks like it will be great... But um this love jones iuno....

Please explain to me how cool runnings is an overall better movie then jungle fever, then mo better blues, then hurricane... Or that freddy got fingered is so above juice? or antwan fisher.
I didn't think Twilight was good. Nor any of the movies you've mentioned to be honest. What I'm saying is, why is there a rallying point behind a movie that isn't really good? Because the cast is all black?

I happen to think Above the Rim is a highly underrated movie. I'd have no problem people saying "Go see He Got Game, support your community" or the same with Hotel Rwanda or Boyz in the Hood.

I thought the movie would be really good because

a) Cuba Gooding Jr. usually doesn't let down.
b) George Lucas tends to make up for any story/plot/character let downs with great visually stunning film
c) The Tuskegee Airmen deserve a Saving Private Ryan/Pearl Harbor major motion picture. World War II is a pivotal point in our history. All of it's heroes deserve to be recognized.

Help me out bro, because I'm reading some of your replies and I feel like we're on the same page and others I feel like we're not.

My point is this. No demographic should support a movie just because of the physical make-up of the cast if the movie is not worthy of such support. That's like saying "I'd rather give my $ to a piece of crap that's going to someone who looks like me than the 'other folks' "

I'm not here to debate the presence of racism in our world. Yes, there's racism. But this movie sucked. And that falls on everyone from the black actors to white George Lucas.

I saw it and i honestly cant say it was good but i at least gave it a shot. will i say ok see it its cood cause support minorities.... hell no. but at least see it and judge it for its on merits. but when movies i mentioned which i listed clearly show they will suck.. give it a chance. yea i would watch this movie before i would before bs that has did alot better. and at least you saw my point. so many ppl these days try 2 put makeup and a wig on a hog and say it aint a pig...

as far as what you are saying we are in cahoots but doesnt change the fact of what is true. ppl will watch a hot white guy balance a ball on his nose before a minority who does something worthwhile solely cause hey hes white and ppl are acting like this is some bs.

end of the day the sales tell the truth. you cant convince me weekend at bernies is far superior then antwan fisher although the ticket sales says it does.

I didn't know this...George Lucas is married to a successful sista...Mellody Hobson...
[table][tr][td]1 [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]Underworld: Awakening (2012) [/td] [td]$25.3M [/td] [td]$25.3M [/td] [td]1 [/td][/tr][tr][td] 2 [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]Red Tails (2012) [/td] [td]$18.8M [/td] [td]$18.8M [/td] [td]1 [/td][/tr][tr][td] 3 [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]Contraband (2012) [/td] [td]$12M [/td] [td]$45.9M [/td] [td]2 [/td][/tr][tr][td] 4 [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011) [/td] [td]$10M [/td] [td]$10.7M [/td] [td]5 [/td][/tr][tr][td] 5 [/td] [td]
[/td] [td]Beauty and the Beast (1991) [/td] [td]$8.78M [/td] [td]$33.6M [/td] [td]2 [/td][/tr][/table]
Better and worse than I thought it'd be.

The sad thing is, the cgi is great. Well directed, thought out, rendered, all that. It's just everything else.

It feels like George Lucas directed it, because it's got all those little signature style touches of garbage from the new Star Wars movies.

A shame.
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