The Movie Red Tails...Go support your people.

Originally Posted by tokes99

Originally Posted by LDJ

nawlinsjunkie wrote:

Let me be honest here: Many people (including me) have a negative view towards movies with an all/majority black cast not because of racism, but because dudes like Tyler Perry have ruined their reputation. Madea, Barbershop, the Friday sequels (so unnecessary to ruin a classic), and those bull @#$% dramas that make no sense. Also, when these movies have casts including people that have no reason to be on screen ( like Chris Brown in some movie that came out last year), it's very hard to take them seriously. However, this movie is a historical one and won't be including any foolishness, so I'll be checking it out.

All-black cast movies used to be the @#$%. I went to a 80% white high school, and our social science teachers showed us movies like Boyz in the Hood and Friday (even though it's a comedy, it's also a satire with social commentary in many ways). Nowadays the only ones that are good are usually the ones with big name actors (Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, etc)

Its not just movies specifically tyler perry. Im just stating in general. like i used video games for example... out of the what about 50k video games that were ever made only 1 stars a black character and its stereotypical is it not. So when metal gear solid was made, how exactly would the gameplay etc... be different if snake was any other race but white?

How would uncharted be a different game if drake was black, asian, mexican? Are ppl saying in the 35 yr history of video games the thought of a main character being anything other then white never crossed a game creators mind? That my friends would be called bias. So c.o.d couldnt have soilders of any other race. Are ppl really gonna sit here and state that it is waaaaaaaaaaaaay out the realm that a soldier could be any other race but white?

Reason why all these games and movies are predominantly white is cause majority yes i said majority of ppl conciously or subconciously place certain races in certain positions, or view certain races in certain roles and to change this most ppl wouldnt know how to react or deal with it.

Im still waiting for examples and while at it explain how twlight wouldve been just as big of a movie it is now if the two main characters were replaced with lets say a idris alba and derek lee. And please dont say because the actors they got now are sooooooooooooo far better actors lol. Or how bought transformers... how much different would the movie have been if shia and the chick with feet for hands were replaced with will smith and lets say a beyonce...

Are ppl really gonna sit her and say they cinematography, the acting, etc... would have fell off so drastically? Cause i gotta tell ya the ppl who were playing the roles werent exactly on some johnny depp, denzel washington steez either.

none of things would be markedly different, but they would probably appeal to less people and that is what this thread is REALLY about...asian, black & brown folk have long been willing to see films with that do not star their a-alikes (and even if that weren't the case, we're still the minority) but that has not historically been the case for white folk.

that is why you have be, regardless to how you feel about perry's flicks or criticism of him, disappointed on the "feuding" going on between "black intellectuals" and the tyler perry, as stated earlier in one of these topics, instead of getting together and creating something of an alternative to hollywood...they have made so that everyone is picking sides...

thats what i am sayng and the reason they would appeal to less is because many ppl view certain races/genders/sexuality in certain roles aspects and once its outside that realm its foreign to them and their for not welcomed with open arms quite as well, or even at all.

Like i used twlight before. if the movie was the exact same except the love interest were gay men, lets not kid ourselves and say the movie would still do the numbers it did.

It would be ppl whether conciously or otherwise, have the notion of hey the gay guys suppose to be the sassy hot chic confiding side kick and work in some office, or be a seamstress, wedding planner. But conciously and out loud they would say something like oh i just didnt find the movie interesting. The subject or basis of the movie is something im not interested in.

i mean lets be foreal... no racist but look at fast and furious. lets not kid ourselves and say tons of majority of women esp white who sees the films are big action flick watchers, or are heavy into cars. they went to see what stereotypically is seen as the hot young stud. you take those so called hot heartthrob dreamy white guys in the film and inserts others, that movie flops like fresh fish in a frying pan... and everyone knows it or lying to themselves.
Originally Posted by Put em up

%!#: why are you in this thread?

There you go again, asking people why they're in this thread if they have a conflicting opinion

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by tokes99

Originally Posted by LDJ

Its not just movies specifically tyler perry. Im just stating in general. like i used video games for example... out of the what about 50k video games that were ever made only 1 stars a black character and its stereotypical is it not. So when metal gear solid was made, how exactly would the gameplay etc... be different if snake was any other race but white?

How would uncharted be a different game if drake was black, asian, mexican? Are ppl saying in the 35 yr history of video games the thought of a main character being anything other then white never crossed a game creators mind? That my friends would be called bias. So c.o.d couldnt have soilders of any other race. Are ppl really gonna sit here and state that it is waaaaaaaaaaaaay out the realm that a soldier could be any other race but white?

Reason why all these games and movies are predominantly white is cause majority yes i said majority of ppl conciously or subconciously place certain races in certain positions, or view certain races in certain roles and to change this most ppl wouldnt know how to react or deal with it.

Im still waiting for examples and while at it explain how twlight wouldve been just as big of a movie it is now if the two main characters were replaced with lets say a idris alba and derek lee. And please dont say because the actors they got now are sooooooooooooo far better actors lol. Or how bought transformers... how much different would the movie have been if shia and the chick with feet for hands were replaced with will smith and lets say a beyonce...

Are ppl really gonna sit her and say they cinematography, the acting, etc... would have fell off so drastically? Cause i gotta tell ya the ppl who were playing the roles werent exactly on some johnny depp, denzel washington steez either.

none of things would be markedly different, but they would probably appeal to less people and that is what this thread is REALLY about...asian, black & brown folk have long been willing to see films with that do not star their a-alikes (and even if that weren't the case, we're still the minority) but that has not historically been the case for white folk.

that is why you have be, regardless to how you feel about perry's flicks or criticism of him, disappointed on the "feuding" going on between "black intellectuals" and the tyler perry, as stated earlier in one of these topics, instead of getting together and creating something of an alternative to hollywood...they have made so that everyone is picking sides...

thats what i am sayng and the reason they would appeal to less is because many ppl view certain races/genders/sexuality in certain roles aspects and once its outside that realm its foreign to them and their for not welcomed with open arms quite as well, or even at all.

Like i used twlight before. if the movie was the exact same except the love interest were gay men, lets not kid ourselves and say the movie would still do the numbers it did.

It would be ppl whether conciously or otherwise, have the notion of hey the gay guys suppose to be the sassy hot chic confiding side kick and work in some office, or be a seamstress, wedding planner. But conciously and out loud they would say something like oh i just didnt find the movie interesting. The subject or basis of the movie is something im not interested in.

i mean lets be foreal... no racist but look at fast and furious. lets not kid ourselves and say tons of majority of women esp white who sees the films are big action flick watchers, or are heavy into cars. they went to see what stereotypically is seen as the hot young stud. you take those so called hot heartthrob dreamy white guys in the film and inserts others, that movie flops like fresh fish in a frying pan... and everyone knows it or lying to themselves.
people say Tokyo Drift was the best of series and it has like 2 white people in it
Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by doyung9

Forget all the underlying conspiracy theories I'm hearing out here. Beside the movie's positive message, can someone please tell me something they saw positive out of this movie? Because I didn't see it. Mind you, I paid to see this at a MIDNIGHT premiere.

It isnt a theory its a fact. If it wasnt this whole thread wouldnt even be in existance. Why would there even be a thread about this if it werent true? So theories are things that are evident and proven with facts now? There isnt a such thing as roles by certain races or sex playing certain roles? This is all made up huh.....So I guess its my imagination that the only video game not dealing with sports or a famous person of color to ever exist, is grand theft auto. So how many majority asian/korean etc.... cast movies that didnt involve martial arts were blockbusters exactly. Or better yet exist in the history of american film?

Since what i am saying is fictional and theory im sure ppl can easily post all the great examples.... ill wait.

ps i never even said white ppl... like i said a hurt dog will hollier, the thought that i specifically meant white shows that in your thought process there wasnt even a thought about other races existance. I couldve easily been talking about asian/mexican/ or even black ppl. see...... blacks reactions and non support of a movie like posse.

I just want to know what about this movie was good. Tell me the acting was good. The writing, dialogue. That's what I'm asking. I know Hollywood doesn't like to cast all minority casts. Hence why 21 didn't have all Asians, like it REALLY was. Hence why Better Luck Tomorrow is a good movie, yet most people probably haven't seen it. I'm just saying Red Tails sucked.

and i could same about a majority of the movies i listed. what was so steller about twlight? 50 first dates, the animal, ghosts of girlfriends past, charlie and the chocolate factory, confessions of a teenage drama queen, hell date movie, dickie roberts former child star, elf, epic movie, even almighty, herbie reloaded.

All did better then a vast majority of some of the aforementioned movies i listed such as boyz in the hood, hotel rwanda, poetic justice, above the rim, higher learning.

Explain to me the mindset cause im boggled when you say hey man that epic movie looks like it will be great... But um this love jones iuno....

Please explain to me how cool runnings is an overall better movie then jungle fever, then mo better blues, then hurricane... Or that freddy got fingered is so above juice? or antwan fisher.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

your comparing jersey shore to this movie
jersey shore is entertaining. this does not look entertaining to alot of people and rotten tomatoes doesn't like this either. and white people have been the main race used in this topic so yeah im gonna think you are talking about white. your using those certain people on why this movie wont succeed. those certain people are like what 3% at most of every one in this country.
it sounds to me that you think people should see this movie no matter what because its message and not for the entertainment factor. reality check. actors in movies are entertainers, movies are entertainment. if it doesnt entertain me it sucks regargless of the message or not

u lost all cred with the jersey shore ... its entertaining because um... its award winning script.. um u do know that they are acting? poorly acting but acting nonetheless. i see why you thought i was thinking mainly white ppl... sees jersey shore as captivating your interest and mind. again like i said what was so stellar about encino man, waynes world, meatballs, bill and ted excellent adventures, hell the animal, paul bert mall cop.... i mean either your are of some sub intelligence or it clearly is a racial bias aspect to it... cause all those movies broke the bank.

so are you really gonna say i shot andy warhol was a better movie then boyz in the hood, then missisippi burning, shawshank redemption. or that super mrio brothers was sooooooooo much better then mo better blues, poetic justice. or weekend at bernies just blows friday out the water...

Iuno maybe you would... i mean you find instead of living real life, sit home and watch a bunch of ppl who some aint even italian play themselves living life and doing a horrible job at even doing that.
look at what your saying. nothing makes any sense and your talking out your #%*. oh yeah shawshank is my favorite movie of all time. its entertaining
i dont know what it or any other movie you listed has to do with jersey shore or red tails.
let me guess if you dont support obama you also hate black people and can't stand to see a black in the white house

im talking ppl in general... you do know sales go by ticket purchases right. oh i forget you dont go out and experience real life you watch others do a bad job acting like real life. how does howard the duck generate more sales then juice. how is a movie that is ranked by many the worst movie of all time gross more? how does 30 first dates blows poetic justice out the water... cause it did in sales. hell how does a auto biography of justin beiber beat out one of 2pac...
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by tokes99

none of things would be markedly different, but they would probably appeal to less people and that is what this thread is REALLY about...asian, black & brown folk have long been willing to see films with that do not star their a-alikes (and even if that weren't the case, we're still the minority) but that has not historically been the case for white folk.

that is why you have be, regardless to how you feel about perry's flicks or criticism of him, disappointed on the "feuding" going on between "black intellectuals" and the tyler perry, as stated earlier in one of these topics, instead of getting together and creating something of an alternative to hollywood...they have made so that everyone is picking sides...

thats what i am sayng and the reason they would appeal to less is because many ppl view certain races/genders/sexuality in certain roles aspects and once its outside that realm its foreign to them and their for not welcomed with open arms quite as well, or even at all.

Like i used twlight before. if the movie was the exact same except the love interest were gay men, lets not kid ourselves and say the movie would still do the numbers it did.

It would be ppl whether conciously or otherwise, have the notion of hey the gay guys suppose to be the sassy hot chic confiding side kick and work in some office, or be a seamstress, wedding planner. But conciously and out loud they would say something like oh i just didnt find the movie interesting. The subject or basis of the movie is something im not interested in.

i mean lets be foreal... no racist but look at fast and furious. lets not kid ourselves and say tons of majority of women esp white who sees the films are big action flick watchers, or are heavy into cars. they went to see what stereotypically is seen as the hot young stud. you take those so called hot heartthrob dreamy white guys in the film and inserts others, that movie flops like fresh fish in a frying pan... and everyone knows it or lying to themselves.
people say Tokyo Drift was the best of series and it has like 2 white people in it

no they dont cause it did a 3rd of the sales that all the other fast furious movies did. So who were these ppl? they damn sure werent ticket purchasers. matter fact it barely did over breaking even.

yea it was so good that the movie flopped lol. That out of the entire series its the only one not to reach the 150 mil mark barely hitting 60 mil
Originally Posted by lildisciple111

but ummm was this movie good?

I just looked up the reviews. 33% on Rotten Tomatoes. Guess I'm not gonna watch it after all (well I'll watch it but for free). Should have known better to expect so much from a movie with Ne-yo
I guess this makes me a racist then
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by lildisciple111

but ummm was this movie good?

I just looked up the reviews. 33% on Rotten Tomatoes. Guess I'm not gonna watch it after all (well I'll watch it but for free). Should have known better to expect so much from a movie with Ne-yo
I guess this makes me a racist then

i stated that if it sucks it just sucks my point was its some ppl who will say it will suck because its not their type of movie, but with a change of cast members they would atleast go see it before saying it sucks.
...these 'armchair activists are enough to make a persons %*# itch.

.......again i ask:

.....still looking for an answer to what movies on that list arent positive:
Originally Posted by RetroSan

about half of those "positive" black films weren't even positive
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by lildisciple111

but ummm was this movie good?

I just looked up the reviews. 33% on Rotten Tomatoes. Guess I'm not gonna watch it after all (well I'll watch it but for free). Should have known better to expect so much from a movie with Ne-yo
I guess this makes me a racist then
Successful troll reviews are successful then.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

...these 'armchair activists are enough to make a persons %*# itch.

.......again i ask:

.....still looking for an answer to what movies on that list arent positive:
Originally Posted by RetroSan

about half of those "positive" black films weren't even positive

i mean atl isnt exactly glory. i mean it isnt rally a negative film but lets not act like its some awe and amazing feat for black folks to be able to skate and show up to school. and well those madea films aint exactly uplifting either. Just because something isnt negative doesnt make it positive. I mean it definetly could have been a few better films on that list. im surprise that aintie jemammie movie the help aint on the list.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by LDJ

   Or maybe there are ppl who will say things like this to hide what they truly feel. Like i stated someone would come and say and do the very thing you said and did.

i mean lets be serious for someone to come and use that excsue all the while they looking at some mindless braindead entertainment like jersey shore. And i never said hate but ppl do have certain ways aspect they view certain racist...period. if you dont think so either you are one who thinks that way, or are a complete idiot.

So i guess it is asinine that a movie like lets say star wars/star trek with a all black cast came out.... some ppl wouldnt find that out the norm or peculiar? yea thats so unbelievable.

Couldn't agree with you more, especially in regards to who you were replying to.
you have come at me multiple times and talked alot of *#++ but fail to say anything that would make me think your above 14 years old
I haven't talked a lot of &@^#, I've only brought to your attention what should be obvious to anybody reading your type of responses. Like I told you in one of the threads
a couple weeks ago, your responses always come off as somebody who's either blindly/naively racist, or someone who's racist but does a very bad job of hiding it. No, I can't

go weeks/months back and dig up the exact threads and your exact responses to lay it all out on the table and prove it to you, but I wouldn't come at you unless it was true. Plus

it's not at all hard to remember SNs and avys. So until you either wake up and be cautious of your words and not be a fool, I'll continue to tell you something that should already

to you and anybody else reading your responses. 
Originally Posted by McRaptor

Originally Posted by jolly2

No, I'm not black.. but I am a minority who felt the need to support this movie. I went to the premiere last night in Toronto with Cuba Gooding Jr. and Kevin Weekes (NHL Network). The movie was pretty good. Best part for me was seeing how nervous Cuba was during the opening scene. He kept turning to us and asked,"looks good right? You think it looks good?" 

Overall, good to see the dude is still humble and I only wish success for this movie. Go support it so more movies like this will be made.

oh, and for the duck tales...

If you don't mind me asking, how did you get tickets for the premiere?
I own a sports marketing business in Toronto that represents Kevin Weekes. He wanted us to roll with him to the premiere.  Small operation, but we've expanded a whole lot in 8 months.
Im big on black history... so I was going to support regardless being that there are never major films like this. With that being said... it was just ok. Nothing special. I felt like it needed some more action scenes, maybe expanded some more on the POW part. Being rated PG-13, they couldnt possibly capture the horrors and true racism that went on. I like seeing realism. I Felt like i was watching a Disney movie. Nice effort, but with all that money being put into it... it could have been alot better.
I posted earlier in this thread and thing played out as I expected. Saw Underworld Friday and Haywire Saturday with a group of friends who showed more interest in seeing these movies before Red Tails. I'll be watching it sometime this week on my own because I want to.

For that Rotten Tomato as the authority reasoning, Haywire was not worth it's 82% rating or whatever it's at right now. It was pretty predictable and boring in my opinion. The cast HAS to be a major reason for getting such high marks, which only adds fuel to some of the arguments in this thread.
Originally Posted by LDJ

tokes99 wrote:

LDJ wrote:

nawlinsjunkie wrote:

Let me be honest here: Many people (including me) have a negative view towards movies with an all/majority black cast not because of racism, but because dudes like Tyler Perry have ruined their reputation. Madea, Barbershop, the Friday sequels (so unnecessary to ruin a classic), and those bull @#$% dramas that make no sense. Also, when these movies have casts including people that have no reason to be on screen ( like Chris Brown in some movie that came out last year), it's very hard to take them seriously. However, this movie is a historical one and won't be including any foolishness, so I'll be checking it out.

All-black cast movies used to be the @#$%. I went to a 80% white high school, and our social science teachers showed us movies like Boyz in the Hood and Friday (even though it's a comedy, it's also a satire with social commentary in many ways). Nowadays the only ones that are good are usually the ones with big name actors (Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, etc)

Its not just movies specifically tyler perry. Im just stating in general. like i used video games for example... out of the what about 50k video games that were ever made only 1 stars a black character and its stereotypical is it not. So when metal gear solid was made, how exactly would the gameplay etc... be different if snake was any other race but white?

How would uncharted be a different game if drake was black, asian, mexican? Are ppl saying in the 35 yr history of video games the thought of a main character being anything other then white never crossed a game creators mind? That my friends would be called bias. So c.o.d couldnt have soilders of any other race. Are ppl really gonna sit here and state that it is waaaaaaaaaaaaay out the realm that a soldier could be any other race but white?

Reason why all these games and movies are predominantly white is cause majority yes i said majority of ppl conciously or subconciously place certain races in certain positions, or view certain races in certain roles and to change this most ppl wouldnt know how to react or deal with it.

Im still waiting for examples and while at it explain how twlight wouldve been just as big of a movie it is now if the two main characters were replaced with lets say a idris alba and derek lee. And please dont say because the actors they got now are sooooooooooooo far better actors lol. Or how bought transformers... how much different would the movie have been if shia and the chick with feet for hands were replaced with will smith and lets say a beyonce...

Are ppl really gonna sit her and say they cinematography, the acting, etc... would have fell off so drastically? Cause i gotta tell ya the ppl who were playing the roles werent exactly on some johnny depp, denzel washington steez either.

none of things would be markedly different, but they would probably appeal to less people and that is what this thread is REALLY about...asian, black & brown folk have long been willing to see films with that do not star their a-alikes (and even if that weren't the case, we're still the minority) but that has not historically been the case for white folk.

that is why you have be, regardless to how you feel about perry's flicks or criticism of him, disappointed on the "feuding" going on between "black intellectuals" and the tyler perry, as stated earlier in one of these topics, instead of getting together and creating something of an alternative to hollywood...they have made so that everyone is picking sides...

thats what i am sayng and the reason they would appeal to less is because many ppl view certain races/genders/sexuality in certain roles aspects and once its outside that realm its foreign to them and their for not welcomed with open arms quite as well, or even at all.

Like i used twlight before. if the movie was the exact same except the love interest were gay men, lets not kid ourselves and say the movie would still do the numbers it did.

It would be ppl whether conciously or otherwise, have the notion of hey the gay guys suppose to be the sassy hot chic confiding side kick and work in some office, or be a seamstress, wedding planner. But conciously and out loud they would say something like oh i just didnt find the movie interesting. The subject or basis of the movie is something im not interested in.

i mean lets be foreal... no racist but look at fast and furious. lets not kid ourselves and say tons of majority of women esp white who sees the films are big action flick watchers, or are heavy into cars. they went to see what stereotypically is seen as the hot young stud. you take those so called hot heartthrob dreamy white guys in the film and inserts others, that movie flops like fresh fish in a frying pan... and everyone knows it or lying to themselves.

i see what you are saying, but that isn't really my point...

sure there are people who may not be into a particular flick because their notions of gender/race/sexuality will not allow them to accept things that do not fit in the box(es) they have created for them (to this day i refuse to watch a friday sequel, spiderman, x-men movie because i hated the casting for them). what i was really getting at was, particularly for films that could be termed "black" or "brown" and prolly to a much lesser extent w/asian flicks (though i'm not sure i've ever heard any film refered to as a "white movie" in mainstream media), that these movies are somewhat 'alien' to others; they are maybe a little harder to 'relate' to. though the themes may be universal the context definitely is not, i mean it is the reason that vast majority big budget flicks that get made have a name actor/director/producer attached to it. people in general want to see familiar faces, that is one reason will smith has been so successful...

it is business, and the object is to get the biggest return on the investment possible, so studios are VERY risk adverse...
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by LDJ

u lost all cred with the jersey shore ... its entertaining because um... its award winning script.. um u do know that they are acting? poorly acting but acting nonetheless. i see why you thought i was thinking mainly white ppl... sees jersey shore as captivating your interest and mind. again like i said what was so stellar about encino man, waynes world, meatballs, bill and ted excellent adventures, hell the animal, paul bert mall cop.... i mean either your are of some sub intelligence or it clearly is a racial bias aspect to it... cause all those movies broke the bank.

so are you really gonna say i shot andy warhol was a better movie then boyz in the hood, then missisippi burning, shawshank redemption. or that super mrio brothers was sooooooooo much better then mo better blues, poetic justice. or weekend at bernies just blows friday out the water...

Iuno maybe you would... i mean you find instead of living real life, sit home and watch a bunch of ppl who some aint even italian play themselves living life and doing a horrible job at even doing that.
look at what your saying. nothing makes any sense and your talking out your #%*. oh yeah shawshank is my favorite movie of all time. its entertaining
i dont know what it or any other movie you listed has to do with jersey shore or red tails.
let me guess if you dont support obama you also hate black people and can't stand to see a black in the white house

im talking ppl in general... you do know sales go by ticket purchases right. oh i forget you dont go out and experience real life you watch others do a bad job acting like real life. how does howard the duck generate more sales then juice. how is a movie that is ranked by many the worst movie of all time gross more? how does 30 first dates blows poetic justice out the water... cause it did in sales. hell how does a auto biography of justin beiber beat out one of 2pac...
thats just advertisements my dude. and justin bieber over tupac is an easy explanation. bieber is hot now. when tupac ressurection came out you didnt see girls wearing his shirts and life size stand ups of him at all electronic stores 
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Couldn't agree with you more, especially in regards to who you were replying to.
you have come at me multiple times and talked alot of *#++ but fail to say anything that would make me think your above 14 years old
I haven't talked a lot of &@^#, I've only brought to your attention what should be obvious to anybody reading your type of responses. Like I told you in one of the threads
a couple weeks ago, your responses always come off as somebody who's either blindly/naively racist, or someone who's racist but does a very bad job of hiding it. No, I can't

go weeks/months back and dig up the exact threads and your exact responses to lay it all out on the table and prove it to you, but I wouldn't come at you unless it was true. Plus

it's not at all hard to remember SNs and avys. So until you either wake up and be cautious of your words and not be a fool, I'll continue to tell you something that should already

to you and anybody else reading your responses. 
because what i said was racist
quit exaggerating trying to twist words around
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

you have come at me multiple times and talked alot of *#++ but fail to say anything that would make me think your above 14 years old
I haven't talked a lot of &@^#, I've only brought to your attention what should be obvious to anybody reading your type of responses. Like I told you in one of the threads
a couple weeks ago, your responses always come off as somebody who's either blindly/naively racist, or someone who's racist but does a very bad job of hiding it. No, I can't

go weeks/months back and dig up the exact threads and your exact responses to lay it all out on the table and prove it to you, but I wouldn't come at you unless it was true. Plus

it's not at all hard to remember SNs and avys. So until you either wake up and be cautious of your words and not be a fool, I'll continue to tell you something that should already

to you and anybody else reading your responses. 
because what i said was racist
quit exaggerating trying to twist words around
I didn't say you were, but apparently you can't read or have a problem with logical comprehension.
Also, what you said here wasn't nearly as bad as stuff in other threads, but I wouldn't expect you to figure that out since 

you have a problem with simple logic.
Saw this movie on Friday and it sucked. Flight scenes were cool but the acting was atrocious (Ne-Yo), story was EXTREMELY choppy, Terrence Howard's entire script was "insert motivational speech here", and the character development did not exist.

For a movie that was two hours long they coulda built the characters a hell of a lot more, didn't learn much of anything about them

BTW I'm black if it matters
Originally Posted by Mr Everywhere

Im big on black history... so I was going to support regardless being that there are never major films like this. With that being said... it was just ok. Nothing special. I felt like it needed some more action scenes, maybe expanded some more on the POW part. Being rated PG-13, they couldnt possibly capture the horrors and true racism that went on. I like seeing realism. I Felt like i was watching a Disney movie. Nice effort, but with all that money being put into it... it could have been alot better.
^ Thanks for the assessment. I'll wait for the DVD
. In terms of real, Hollywood will NEVER allow them to show the realness of what went on.

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Peep Game

I haven't talked a lot of &@^#, I've only brought to your attention what should be obvious to anybody reading your type of responses. Like I told you in one of the threads
a couple weeks ago, your responses always come off as somebody who's either blindly/naively racist, or someone who's racist but does a very bad job of hiding it. No, I can't

go weeks/months back and dig up the exact threads and your exact responses to lay it all out on the table and prove it to you, but I wouldn't come at you unless it was true. Plus

it's not at all hard to remember SNs and avys. So until you either wake up and be cautious of your words and not be a fool, I'll continue to tell you something that should already

to you and anybody else reading your responses. 
because what i said was racist
quit exaggerating trying to twist words around
I didn't say you were, but apparently you can't read or have a problem with logical comprehension.
Also, what you said here wasn't nearly as bad as stuff in other threads, but I wouldn't expect you to figure that out since 

you have a problem with simple logic.
unless you have facts everything you say makes you a lying idiot
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