The Movie Red Tails...Go support your people.

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by cguy610

LDJ keeps saying that the movie Red Tails is crap and hasn't even seen it. Dude is just arguing just to argue. Of course DoubleJs is going to come in to cosign because DoubleJs is against anything that is positive for Blacks.
Please show me my track record that even remotely suggests that I am against all things positive for Blacks. 

All this because I don't care to see this movie
....we've actually had good discussions on this in another thread (and this one), but all it takes is one dude to get his panties in a bunch and get all sensitive to derail that. 
Then how'd I know you were gonna be hating on the movie and co-signing LDJ before even reading your reply.  All I had to do was reload General section and see the last reply was DoubleJs and already knew it was gonna be hating on the movie. 
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

There's so many rich black celebrities though.. They can fund these movies without their bank account breaking a sweat. Why doesn't anyone talk about that?
That is pretty telling too. I don't think black people realize how powerful they (we) can be, especially ones who are in the limelight.
The top 3 black players from every NBA team could do wonders with stuff like that.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by cguy610

LDJ keeps saying that the movie Red Tails is crap and hasn't even seen it. Dude is just arguing just to argue. Of course DoubleJs is going to come in to cosign because DoubleJs is against anything that is positive for Blacks.
Please show me my track record that even remotely suggests that I am against all things positive for Blacks. 

All this because I don't care to see this movie
....we've actually had good discussions on this in another thread (and this one), but all it takes is one dude to get his panties in a bunch and get all sensitive to derail that.
Then how'd I know you were gonna be hating on the movie and co-signing LDJ before even reading your reply. All I had to do was reload General section and see the last reply was DoubleJs and already knew it was gonna be hating on the movie.
Um...I co-signed the dude because he echoed what I was talking about in another thread. And because I agreed w. him, I obviously don't support anything for the black cause, right?
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

You guys are missing the point. No one wanted to support it NOT ONLY because it's an all black film but because it looks boring.

When I first saw the trailer I knew it was going to bad and probably tank. It looks like a History Channel movie.

Using Transformers and this is laughable and warrants no discussion.

"most people white people are subconsciously racist"

Thinking like that makes you subconsciously racist...
Racism will never end.

There's so many rich black celebrities though.. They can fund these movies without their bank account breaking a sweat. Why doesn't anyone talk about that?

If anybody its YOU who are missing the point.

 thinking like that does not make you subconsciously racist.its simply the truth..unconscious racism is exactly what it says it is..unconscious of itself as racism
...meanwhile you can't place a people completely under a racialized context and expect them not to respond equally

Of course this movie is boring to a culture and people that don't truly value history or education....If its not sex and murder it must be boring! Right?

this movie is important because everything in hollywood shows the black man from the white directors point of view...blacks are always playing the same stock characters...the Tuskegee narrative is one most people are familiar with but the point is this opens the door for more black films.
Originally Posted by cguy610

LDJ keeps saying that the movie Red Tails is crap and hasn't even seen it. Dude is just arguing just to argue. Of course DoubleJs is going to come in to cosign because DoubleJs is against anything that is positive for Blacks.

I never said it is crap. Reading is FUNdemental. I said i can see black ppl supporting and cosigning the movie if it is indeed crap, and i can see black ppl saying it is good solely on the basis it has an entire black cast and has a positive message. And if it is garbage how is garbage positive for blacks?
 I can assure you, no yet promise you, it is going to be tons of black folks who are uninterested in the movie, dislike the movie, dislike the acting and will still protest that the movie is the second comming of malcom x, or roots. And they will be doing it solely cause its black. If you think otherwise you are fooling yourself.

Like i used music in another example ill use it again. Like rap i will support a mos def, a pac etc... not because they rapped with a positive message, but because it was a positive message but more importantly because of the quality of the music. This would be like supporting birdman, not cause he made a good cd, or could rap, but because he changed his life and came out with a positive album.

A message is cool and all, but for me I watch movies as a form of enteratinment. I want to see good movies, hear good music, play good games. the message is cool and all but, hell in this instance.. If you wanna know the story/background about the movie... As crazy as it sounds... you could read the book. Now I know some folks are thinking, books+black folks=kryptonite.

And this whole everything black gotta the positive have a message.. etc is bs. Im all for movies of this nature. But how bout this.. Why dont blacks just make movies that are good quality and enteratining period? Every movie aint gotta be roots, and every tv show aint gotta be the cosby show. this notion of only putting out things with a message is foolish. Like what are you trying to prove show?

Blacks can make a hangover... a napoleon dynamite, a notebook etc... a transformers, they can also make a ray, a jimi hendrix etc movie also. My point is one. lets not pigeonhole blacks into making one type of movie, two lets not try to only portray one aspect of blacks, and three lets not settle for anything so long as the intent was to be good. Lets just make and support good quality, enteratining movies of any subject matter, of any genre with blacks in prominant roles PERIOD.

The idea that alot of black folks have of this, ill support a movie like this if its garbage and horribly written, and cheap quality is ok cause it has a message. But let it be a good quality movie, excellent writing, and high quality lets not support it because it doesnt show blacks positive. Or isnt on some impactfull steez is just as ridiculous.

End of the day blacks should support this movie, or any movie for that matter... based on the quality of the film, the writing, and the entertainment value. Not on some yea it looks like it was shot with a viewmaster, the writing is on some quality of a 4th graders update status on facebook, and it is boring dull and lackluster. but ill say its good and support it cause hey they went in trying to tell a good story, and make black ppl look good in the eyes of other races.

And my point is im afraid thats what many hell ill go a step further and say that most black ppl mindset will be going in to see and then reviewing the movie. With that mindset the in result will be movies on the caliber/quality of a "belly 2" but with a positive message, in a cheap/poor ploy to paint black folks in a positive light, at a sad and pathetic attempt to show other races, hey we all aint crooks etc.. we did do good things in history, we do positive things etc..

Trust me hollywood and movie goers arent that ignorant, they for lack of better words just dont give a hits. And a 2 hr movie of garbage isnt going change that thought either. So instead of just puttin out bs trying to spread a message shed light, how bout just making a good quality entertaining movie? If it does provide a message shed light great. But the movie has a better chance of doing this if it is actually a good movie, then if it simply sucks, but just have predominately one race in the movie.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Like I said in the other thread, any and every black person needs to go see this movie. Some black people get it and some black people dont.

Can you explain what you mean? Get what? If someone decides they don't want to see it does that mean they don't get it? I am confused.
Originally Posted by cguy610

LDJ keeps saying that the movie Red Tails is crap and hasn't even seen it. Dude is just arguing just to argue. Of course DoubleJs is going to come in to cosign because DoubleJs is against anything that is positive for Blacks.

I never said it is crap. Reading is FUNdemental. I said i can see black ppl supporting and cosigning the movie if it is indeed crap, and i can see black ppl saying it is good solely on the basis it has an entire black cast and has a positive message. And if it is garbage how is garbage positive for blacks?
 I can assure you, no yet promise you, it is going to be tons of black folks who are uninterested in the movie, dislike the movie, dislike the acting and will still protest that the movie is the second comming of malcom x, or roots. And they will be doing it solely cause its black. If you think otherwise you are fooling yourself.

Like i used music in another example ill use it again. Like rap i will support a mos def, a pac etc... not because they rapped with a positive message, but because it was a positive message but more importantly because of the quality of the music. This would be like supporting birdman, not cause he made a good cd, or could rap, but because he changed his life and came out with a positive album.

A message is cool and all, but for me I watch movies as a form of enteratinment. I want to see good movies, hear good music, play good games. the message is cool and all but, hell in this instance.. If you wanna know the story/background about the movie... As crazy as it sounds... you could read the book. Now I know some folks are thinking, books+black folks=kryptonite.

And this whole everything black gotta the positive have a message.. etc is bs. Im all for movies of this nature. But how bout this.. Why dont blacks just make movies that are good quality and enteratining period? Every movie aint gotta be roots, and every tv show aint gotta be the cosby show. this notion of only putting out things with a message is foolish. Like what are you trying to prove show?

Blacks can make a hangover... a napoleon dynamite, a notebook etc... a transformers, they can also make a ray, a jimi hendrix etc movie also. My point is one. lets not pigeonhole blacks into making one type of movie, two lets not try to only portray one aspect of blacks, and three lets not settle for anything so long as the intent was to be good. Lets just make and support good quality, enteratining movies of any subject matter, of any genre with blacks in prominant roles PERIOD.

The idea that alot of black folks have of this, ill support a movie like this if its garbage and horribly written, and cheap quality is ok cause it has a message. But let it be a good quality movie, excellent writing, and high quality lets not support it because it doesnt show blacks positive. Or isnt on some impactfull steez is just as ridiculous.

End of the day blacks should support this movie, or any movie for that matter... based on the quality of the film, the writing, and the entertainment value. Not on some yea it looks like it was shot with a viewmaster, the writing is on some quality of a 4th graders update status on facebook, and it is boring dull and lackluster. but ill say its good and support it cause hey they went in trying to tell a good story, and make black ppl look good in the eyes of other races.

And my point is im afraid thats what many hell ill go a step further and say that most black ppl mindset will be going in to see and then reviewing the movie. With that mindset the in result will be movies on the caliber/quality of a "belly 2" but with a positive message, in a cheap/poor ploy to paint black folks in a positive light, at a sad and pathetic attempt to show other races, hey we all aint crooks etc.. we did do good things in history, we do positive things etc..

Trust me hollywood and movie goers arent that ignorant, they for lack of better words just dont give a hits. And a 2 hr movie of garbage isnt going change that thought either. So instead of just puttin out bs trying to spread a message shed light, how bout just making a good quality entertaining movie? If it does provide a message shed light great. But the movie has a better chance of doing this if it is actually a good movie, then if it simply sucks, but just have predominately one race in the movie.
That Lucas admitted he had trouble getting it off the ground because cast was an extremely powerful statement.

Shout out to Melody Hobson.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Does anyone else agree with these thoughts below?
[h6][h6] Abdullah-Johnson
Umar Abdullah-Johnson

No offense, but you've been hanging on this guy's every word in a bunch of threads for some time now...
...and I'm really not a fan of this guy.

Any explanation behind this? 

Oh and LDJ, I think you're hit or miss sometimes, but your comment below makes sense, this time.

Co-sign all of that 100%. Well said.

The problem is we don't really support our good movies either.

See Miracle at St. Anna's.
Actually I am not hanging on his every word. I have simply posted his thoughts and asked for opinions. I haven't seen the movie. Even go to the thread I posted about him originally, I left many of my personal thoughts out of it and asked for opinions. Think before you type Putty.
I know you aren't a fan of his, he called homosexuality a mental disorder. You made that clear before. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Actually I am not hanging on his every word. I have simply posted his thoughts and asked for opinions. I haven't seen the movie. Even go to the thread I posted about him originally, I left many of my personal thoughts out of it and asked for opinions. Think before you type Putty.

I'm not saying you wear his t-shirt to bed or anything, nor am I trying to call you out on anything.

I'm just saying that i've seen you reference his opinions and services SEVERAL times in a variety of threads...There is no denying this.

I wanted to know why you chose to quote him here and how those feelings aligned with your own.

And no, i'm not a complete fan of him. He comes across as somewhat close-minded, homophobic, and xenophobic...and he lied about his credentials. But that aside, I think he has some good points from time to time. 

I just think that as much as you reference him, it would be no problem for you to say why you chose that review in general. I think its a fair question.

I'm just curious. I appreciate new perspectives and want to make sure i'm not missing something, especially as much as you refer to his material.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

you fools need to prove these studios wrong...

you sure talk about tyler perry but thats all your gonna get along with the stereotypical hood movies AND Big mommas house part 6 if you dont support this

Honestly, as long as we aren't in control of our own distribution, that is what we will see. I don't think us going to see Red Tails will change that. You can call it a defeated attitude, but if I was on the other side of the power struggle why on earth would I let the world see that my opponent isn't as dumb and incapable as we have previously told them?
I think what it is, that even though these movies depict a part of our history...its still our history in a subordinate position. I want to see films that capture our modern sentiments and continue the historical narrative based on history like Tuskegee.

The problem with these films is they are still in the box and lend credit to the dominate master narrative...

Thats why I expect the new Tarantino to be a lot more of what Im lookin for from black film.

 We need imagination, creativity, and a revisionist narrative that will help people understand our current social order more clearly.

But most of all we need the medium to be able to be creative and liberated from the dominant master narrative, and that's what the back story behind this film is all about.

The lameness of white Hollywood and the media continuing to carry on the same stereotypical stories which feature a white hero saving everybody
. When our media reinforces that type of thinking you see the psychological ramifications it has on the world. It is truly unfair for peoples who have been victims of European aggression, chauvinism, and jingoism. Then the average watcher, stuck in the American middle class cycle living pay check to pay check, of course has no qualms with the details behind these movies. He just wants to have a nice weekend, watch a couple explosions, and end the night with his chick. Politics as usual.

Thats what this is about...there is nothing to argue over...its clear as day...these people control everything and its not right.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Actually I am not hanging on his every word. I have simply posted his thoughts and asked for opinions. I haven't seen the movie. Even go to the thread I posted about him originally, I left many of my personal thoughts out of it and asked for opinions. Think before you type Putty.

I'm not saying you wear his t-shirt to bed or anything, nor am I trying to call you out on anything.

I'm just saying that i've seen you reference his opinions and services SEVERAL times in a variety of threads...There is no denying this.

I wanted to know why you chose to quote him here and how those feelings aligned with your own.

And no, i'm not a complete fan of him. He comes across as somewhat close-minded, homophobic, and xenophobic...and he lied about his credentials. But that aside, I think he has some good points from time to time. 

I just think that as much as you reference him, it would be no problem for you to say why you chose that review in general. I think its a fair question.

I'm just curious. I appreciate new perspectives and want to make sure i'm not missing something, especially as much as you refer to his material.
How many times have you posted the same stuff over and over tho? How many threads have you posted Krauss " A universe from nothing" video?
Op should've anticipated this reaction.

If a thread titled, "questions for my brothas" was made...nvm..
Movie was bad.

Acting was bad.

Pacing was bad.

George Lucas should be ashamed of himself. I seriously doubt him finding funding had anything to do with the all black cast and more so that the people whom he let look at the script probably saw that the movie was wack.

Mind you, no, I am not black, African-American, etc. I am an Asian born, American citizen via adoption. But color shouldn't decide whether or not this movie is good. Like LDJ said, I fully expect there to be a consensus of black people who will say this was a good movie because of the cast and the message, but that's wrong. This movie was downright bad. They could have had an all-white cast with Tom Hanks playing the role Cuba had and Aaron Rodgers guest starring as the German and this movie still would have been wack.

This movie was about as serious as G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra. There was zero character or plot development. Stuff just happened. No build up. No suspense. No connection to any of the characters or events.

I wanted more for and from this movie. But it was just bad.
And I don't knock Tyler Perry's movies unless he is doing that damn Drag Routine Madea. Other than that, I have no issue with him at all. His movies are fine I guess.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And I don't knock Tyler Perry's movies unless he is doing that damn Drag Routine Madea. Other than that, I have no issue with him at all. His movies are fine I guess.

I think that we all know that Hollywood is okay with Black movies that,
have black people killing each other,

have black people selling drugs,

have black people, mainly black women, hailing Jesus at the end of a movie,

having light skinned blacks as heroes,

having darker skinned blacks looking as buffoons,

and with Tyler Perry, he gives you all of it within one movie.

Here's the thing, my man Don Cheadle has been sitting on a script for a movie about MILES DAVIS for years!

Miles was notorious for telling White people about themselves in their faces, and then living on his own terms.

They made Ray, because Ray Charles never made white people feel uncomfortable, but Miles?


All I am going to say is this, I hope that at least I get to see the movie made in MY lifetime, even an independent version.

Hollywood has always feared a strong black male personality on the screen. As an actor, they're letting Denzel hang for a minute, he's bankable. But he didn't get the nod until he played a Drug Dealer.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Actually I am not hanging on his every word. I have simply posted his thoughts and asked for opinions. I haven't seen the movie. Even go to the thread I posted about him originally, I left many of my personal thoughts out of it and asked for opinions. Think before you type Putty.

I'm not saying you wear his t-shirt to bed or anything, nor am I trying to call you out on anything.

I'm just saying that i've seen you reference his opinions and services SEVERAL times in a variety of threads...There is no denying this.

I wanted to know why you chose to quote him here and how those feelings aligned with your own.

And no, i'm not a complete fan of him. He comes across as somewhat close-minded, homophobic, and xenophobic...and he lied about his credentials. But that aside, I think he has some good points from time to time. 

I just think that as much as you reference him, it would be no problem for you to say why you chose that review in general. I think its a fair question.

I'm just curious. I appreciate new perspectives and want to make sure i'm not missing something, especially as much as you refer to his material.
How many times have you posted the same stuff over and over tho? How many threads have you posted Krauss " A universe from nothing" video?
Posting one video (of many) to answer a question as to "where does all this stuff come from and whats the current scientific understanding on the "big bang?"" is different from
"Umar Johnson says this, that, and the other" about being black and opinions on the stuff.

One is supported with testable and verifable evidence that attempts to be objective, the other is merely a pundit sharing his thoughts on society and culture.

And its cool if you think Umar is the basis of black thought etc, in the community, but I just want to know what it is that he particularly aligns with.

Because unlike Lawrence Krauss, the information Krauss presents can be presented by anyone. Krauss is merely a vehicle to the information...scientific data that will exists whether or not Krauss is the one clicking powerpoint slides or not. Umar however has a stance thats unique to Umar. 

I only ask because I think DC usually has some really valid stuff to say and offers a lot through his posts from time to time. 

Again, its about perspective and gaining it, so don't think i'm trying to "pull people's cards" etc, but I honestly found it interesting that as of late, Umar Johnson, as controversial as he is, constantly gets referred to by the same names.

I'm trying to see if i'm missing something.

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And I don't knock Tyler Perry's movies unless he is doing that damn Drag Routine Madea. Other than that, I have no issue with him at all. His movies are fine I guess.

I think that we all know that Hollywood is okay with Black movies that,
have black people killing each other,

have black people selling drugs,

have black people, mainly black women, hailing Jesus at the end of a movie,

having light skinned blacks as heroes,

having darker skinned blacks looking as buffoons,

and with Tyler Perry, he gives you all of it within one movie.

Here's the thing, my man Don Cheadle has been sitting on a script for a movie about MILES DAVIS for years!

Miles was notorious for telling White people about themselves in their faces, and then living on his own terms.

They made Ray, because Ray Charles never made white people feel uncomfortable, but Miles?


All I am going to say is this, I hope that at least I get to see the movie made in MY lifetime, even an independent version.

Hollywood has always fears a strong black male personality on the screen. As an actor, they're letting Denzel hang for a minute, he's bankable. But he didn't get the nod until he played a Drug Dealer.

Originally Posted by doyung9

Movie was bad.

Acting was bad.

Pacing was bad.

George Lucas should be ashamed of himself. I seriously doubt him finding funding had anything to do with the all black cast and more so that the people whom he let look at the script probably saw that the movie was wack.

Mind you, no, I am not black, African-American, etc. I am an Asian born, American citizen via adoption. But color shouldn't decide whether or not this movie is good. Like LDJ said, I fully expect there to be a consensus of black people who will say this was a good movie because of the cast and the message, but that's wrong. This movie was downright bad. They could have had an all-white cast with Tom Hanks playing the role Cuba had and Aaron Rodgers guest starring as the German and this movie still would have been wack.

This movie was about as serious as G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra. There was zero character or plot development. Stuff just happened. No build up. No suspense. No connection to any of the characters or events.

I wanted more for and from this movie. But it was just bad.

Dont say this outloud around black folks.... might just cause the second comming of the rodney king verdict...... i kid i kid... as if the generation would actually physically get up and do anything.. i meant dont type this in area of predominant blacks or expect a bombardment of viscious post of hate and disgust via twitter and or facebook.

Lord knows if you went to see the movie unbias and gave it a true evaluation then you are a hater, or worst a RACIST.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And I don't knock Tyler Perry's movies unless he is doing that damn Drag Routine Madea. Other than that, I have no issue with him at all. His movies are fine I guess.
I have to sort of disagree with you on this. The majority of his movies seem to be extremely interchangeable. You can swap out every character from every movie
and the plots are basically the same.
I hope the "B" movie feel was done on purpose. It was ok.

I'm just glad they got the story on the big screen.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And I don't knock Tyler Perry's movies unless he is doing that damn Drag Routine Madea. Other than that, I have no issue with him at all. His movies are fine I guess.
I have to sort of disagree with you on this. The majority of his movies seem to be extremely interchangeable. You can swap out every character from every movie
and the plots are basically the same.
I never said his movies were good. 

I am just saying that the Blackface only really comes out with Madea and her foolishness. 
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Hollywood has always feared a strong black male personality on the screen. As an actor, they're letting Denzel hang for a minute, he's bankable. But he didn't get the nod until he played a Drug Dealer.

Won best Supporting in 1989 for Glory.
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