The NBA Draft Thread

Don't Hayward and brown play the same position?
Yup. Both can play 2-4 in Stevens' offense. No reason they can't play side by side. Brown is going to be taking Crowder's spot in the starting lineup sooner rather than later anyways.
Sixers fans: Would you deal #3 to LA for Russell?

I would. But I don't follow college ball close enough to understand the value/potential of a lot of these guys.

I love Russell and he'd be a perfect fit with what we need and how he's able to play off ball with Simmons and knock down shots but idk...its risky cause I think Josh Jackson has huge potential as a two way player
Nah, Philly goofed the Noel/Okafor situation IMO, here's the chance to keep the "process" on track. Trading #3 for a vet does nothing for Philly right now.
Don't really think draftingTatum or Jackson does anything for them either

Does much more for them than a vet with an expensive contract who's likely not going to want to stay in Philly long term.
Fultz is bigger than Ball in terms of basketball size since he has a 6'10 wingspan vs Ball's 6'7 wingspan
Idk why people think #3 for Russell is anything that LA should or would seriously consider :lol:

Kinda intrigued by Fox at 2 instead of Ball. Bigger risk though
What's the average draft slot of all those picks, like 25? (I'm not gonna do the math). I mean, there are 2 picks in the top 15. :lol:
BKN trade about to net a core of 3 all-stars in their primes once the Bron era is up.

Ainge >>>>
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Celtics fans are a little too high on Jaylen. Same thing happened with Smart. Both solid rotation players but nothing more.
What's the average draft slot of all those picks, like 25? (I'm not gonna do the math). I mean, there are 2 picks in the top 15. :lol:

I didn't see too many Bostonians saying this before drafting more busts than Paula b Slater
Celtics fans are a little too high on Jaylen. Same thing happened with Smart. Both solid rotation players but nothing more.

I'm back and forth on him. Definitely has talent but dudes with big mouths like him don't often live up to their own hype
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These next 2 years gonna bail Ainge out for really screwing the pooch
How exactly did Ainge "screw the pooch"?

Eh screw the pooch might be a little harsh / wrong. I take that back.

I guess what I meant to say is despite his efforts to create narratives, he had a whole lotta nothing. The Brooklyn trade really is mind blowing though.
I didn't see too many Bostonians saying this before drafting more busts than Paula b Slater
I'm back and forth on him. Definitely has talent but dudes with big mouths like him don't often live up to their own hype
This. Dude has the talent, can play off the ball and do the intangibles, but big chat brings nothing but extra shame in defeat.
This. Dude has the talent, can play off the ball and do the intangibles, but big chat brings nothing but extra shame in defeat.
It's definitely dumb that he's yapping. But he's also the only one on the team that has actually come to play this series.
Utah>>>Boston as far as "situations" go.

Hayward is playing with the best center in the league whose young as hell. A good coach, and some interesting pieces and a system. He should stay in Utah
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