The NBA Draft Thread

Lonzo was THE guy at UCLA, he made that team go ...he got on the team and everything changed for em, n the best thing bout is he didn't have to get buckets to impact his team just being on the floor made the rest of the squad better ...I got confidence he'll figure something out in the NBA too

I'm suprised by all the fox luv tho , his biggest weakness is probly the main thing u wanna be sure your pg can do at the very least in 2017 ...he CAN'T SHOOT and hasn't shown that he can be trusted to hit an open jumper but y'all more concerned bout Lonzo's weaknesses ? :lol:

You can say what you want about fox, but below average athletic guards who play okay defense and can't create space because they have a slow release tend not to be super successful in the NBA.

Lonzo will be a starter in the NBA but unless he significantly changes his shot he won't become much more than a solid role player.

Everything up until his release is incorrect which causes him to have a slow release and not be able to create shots to his right.
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Lonzo was THE guy at UCLA, he made that team go ...he got on the team and everything changed for em, n the best thing bout is he didn't have to get buckets to impact his team just being on the floor made the rest of the squad better ...I got confidence he'll figure something out in the NBA too

I'm suprised by all the fox luv tho , his biggest weakness is probly the main thing u wanna be sure your pg can do at the very least in 2017 ...he CAN'T SHOOT and hasn't shown that he can be trusted to hit an open jumper but y'all more concerned bout Lonzo's weaknesses ? :lol:

You can say what you want about fox, but below average athletic guards who play okay defense and can't create space because they have a slow release tend not to be super successful in the NBA.

Lonzo will be a starter in the NBA but unless he significantly changes his shot he won't become much more than a solid role player.
And on the flip side Fox won't even play at all if he can't hit a jumper , like he literally would be hurting the team by being on the floor on the offensive end ...what you just described if Lonzo becomes that is a run of the mill back up PG, still can contribute tho :lol:

And regarding his shot even if he can't get it on his own the D at least has to account for his whereabouts cuz he knocking down open /set jumpers on the regular ...I'm taking that any day over somebody that can't shoot at all
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Why the hell would he need to change his shot? It goes in and from distance. Kevin Martin not ring a bell?
Why the hell would he need to change his shot? It goes in and from distance. Kevin Martin not ring a bell?

That's great if 100 percent of his shots are going to be without a defender remotely close to him. Unfortunately, the lakers don't have good shooters so that won't be happening

The guy squares up wrong and brings the ball to the opposite side of his face. This will cause problems trying to create shots on his own.
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You can say what you want about fox, but below average athletic guards who play okay defense and can't create space because they have a slow release tend not to be super successful in the NBA.

Lonzo will be a starter in the NBA but unless he significantly changes his shot he won't become much more than a solid role player.

Everything up until his release is incorrect which causes him to have a slow release and not be able to create shots to his right.
He has very awkward form going to his right but he does have faster than average release 

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Fox's form isn't broken. His problem looks to be confidence and reps more than major reworking in the shot itself. Lonzo though has poor mechanics period which, coupled with his other weaknesses, are a huge red flag. Also see, his ft% compared to Fox. Fox needs to work his shot and that's really the biggest hole. He'll naturally add strength. Probably has the next highest ceiling after Fultz
While Ball doesn't have the greatest shakes or explosion, I think he's a good athlete. He gets up and down the court well given his natural speed and stride.
Yea zo's release isn't slow at all. His mechanics are sound it's just the pull-up that's funky
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Yea zo's release isn't slow at all. His mechanics are sound it's just the pull-up that's funky

I disagree that his mechanics are sound though. His final release may be fine, but as a right handed shooter he brings the ball all the way to the left side of his face which causes the ball to travel more. On top of that, his elbow sticks out way too far because he is bringing the ball all the way across his body which is going to push the ball left/right more than your average shooter. Additionally he doesn't square up straight, he tends to drift to one side toward the defender. That is going to cause issues getting space when a defender is on him.

You can say what you want about Fox's shot, but Lonzo's shot is just as broken and is going to create problems getting space in the nba.
Even as a Lonzo fan, he needs to tweak his shot to a degree imo. Can't recall him shooting a jumper going to his right 
Lonzo was THE guy at UCLA, he made that team go ...he got on the team and everything changed for em, n the best thing bout is he didn't have to get buckets to impact his team just being on the floor made the rest of the squad better ...I got confidence he'll figure something out in the NBA too
I think what I more so mean is that he's not a guy that can just catch the ball at the top of the key and go get you a bucket. Unless I'm drafting someone like Rudy Gobert, I'd be very skeptical to draft someone that hasn't shown that he can do that. There were times this past season where UCLA needed someone to go to, and he just wasn't capable of being that guy. He was definitely the most valuable player on that UCLA team, but a lot of other stuff happened too. Bryce Alford is a REALLY good college shooting guard that was playing out of position as the primary ball handler the year before. TJ Leaf was the #13 recruit in the country. Anigbogu was a solid contributor and is going to be a first round pick. Basically, the pieces that surrounded Ball were perfect complements to him and the system he played in also masked a lot of his deficiencies. I will be very intrigued to see what happens when he's put in a situation that isn't so ideal.
Since when is Lonzo a "below athletic guard"

I dude looks has y'all thinking he not an athlete :lol:. Shorty quick as hell. Got some bounce too.

Wall and Westbrook got y'all thinking every PG gotta have THAT type of explosiveness. Lonzo is a good athlete.
Forgot where I read it, but someone made an interesting point that Lonzo plays very "upright" on both sides of the ball.
Since when is Lonzo a "below athletic guard"

I dude looks has y'all thinking he not an athlete
. Shorty quick as hell. Got some bounce too.

Wall and Westbrook got y'all thinking every PG gotta have THAT type of explosiveness. Lonzo is a good athlete.
Yea he got bounce I ain't gon lie...
Since when is Lonzo a "below athletic guard"

I dude looks has y'all thinking he not an athlete :lol:. Shorty quick as hell. Got some bounce too.

Wall and Westbrook got y'all thinking every PG gotta have THAT type of explosiveness. Lonzo is a good athlete.

I'm not really speaking of his vertical and he is fast, but he isn't very quick and his first step is slow. That's more or less what I'm referring too.
I'm actually surprised by all the takes on Lonzo being the catalyst for UCLA being what they were last year when that's just not the case at all.

Yes, Ball added a much needed dynamic but the addition of Leaf + moving Alford off the ball + maturation of Hamilton/Welsh/Holiday + outbreak of Anibogu led to the perfect situation.

Stop acting like the addition of Ball had Lebron-like affects on that UCLA team :lol:
All the coaches, staff and players said he did come in and change the entire mindset though. Who should we listen to them or you?
I'm actually surprised by all the takes on Lonzo being the catalyst for UCLA being what they were last year when that's just not the case at all.

Yes, Ball added a much needed dynamic but the addition of Leaf + moving Alford off the ball + maturation of Hamilton/Welsh/Holiday + outbreak of Anibogu led to the perfect situation.

Stop acting like the addition of Ball had Lebron-like affects on that UCLA team
not saying Lonzo better than Fultz. Fultz should go #1, but so called Lonzo-like affects on team > Fultz-like afffects on his team 
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