The NBA Draft Thread

Philly would be dumb to pass up on Lonzo if he's available ...a great fit at PG to play with the rest of the young talent they got
Why would you devalue a prospect if you're picking #2 if you're the Lakers?

If it is them leaking the Lonzo slander
It's pretty simple, you don't give Boston leverage to take him number 1 and force you to have to give something up for him. And maybe to make it look like Lavar isn't pulling the strings as well. Everybody and their mama knows Magic loves Lonzo and wants him there, but this is posturing that goes on a lot so the team ahead of you doesn't get a real grasp on what is going on. See Myles Garrett with the Browns and all the smoke there. 
Maybe the Lakers have some legit Intel that the Celtics are really high on Jackson and are trying to hype him up so the Celtics take him instead of fultz. But who knows though. I agree that it is pretty dumb to announce your pick and talk crap about a prospect like that though
I'd believe all of that if Fultz wasn't the clear #1 prospect though.
I don't think he is, at least for the Lakers. And still you don't give away who you're taking. And as many leaks as are coming from these random dudes (besides Ding) there's a lot of stuff about other front offices all but admitting this is a front being put on by the Lakers. 
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An another thought, they could be putting these reports out there to see how Lonzo and Lavar at react. Could just be testing them to see what it is like once a negative report inevitably comes out.
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Lonzo is level headed from all indications and even as these 'leaks' have been coming out the past couple weeks, it hasn't stopped the Big Baller from continuing to run his mouth about his son holding up the purple and gold next Thursday. 
Maybe the leaks are just to get people talking about the Lakers? That's the only concrete thing to come out of this so far
Come on. They're trying to dissuade the Celtics from taking Ball? He won't even meet with them let alone workout for them.

And even if the Lakers really wanted Ball, let the Celtics take him. Fultz is the better player, let the Celtics dig their own hole in that case.

Maybe, just maybe. Lonzo blew it. Or maybe they like a lot of guys.

And maybe come draft night they just go with Lonzo anyway
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Why would you devalue a prospect if you're picking #2 if you're the Lakers?

If it is them leaking the Lonzo slander
It's pretty simple, you don't give Boston leverage to take him number 1 and force you to have to give something up for him. And maybe to make it look like Lavar isn't pulling the strings as well. Everybody and their mama knows Magic loves Lonzo and wants him there, but this is posturing that goes on a lot so the team ahead of you doesn't get a real grasp on what is going on. See Myles Garrett with the Browns and all the smoke there. 

Change back your avi bruh.

Wanna make sure you ready for the biggest disappointment of your life
It's pretty simple, you don't give Boston leverage to take him number 1 and force you to have to give something up for him. And maybe to make it look like Lavar isn't pulling the strings as well. Everybody and their mama knows Magic loves Lonzo and wants him there, but this is posturing that goes on a lot so the team ahead of you doesn't get a real grasp on what is going on. See Myles Garrett with the Browns and all the smoke there. 
Everyone on Earth knows the Celtics are taking Fultz.

maybe the Celts pull a shocker and trade the #1 pick to the Pacers...
Not happening. Pacers don't have that kind of leverage to get a high pick like that anymore. Honestly don't think the Celtics would give up much more than Bradley and Smart or something like that for him. Pacers are going to end up getting 25 cents on the dollar if they do in fact move him.
Lakers are going to get players that are built to one day compete with the Warriors so they can knock GSW off that pedestal.

Concerns with Lonzo's conditioning?  And D'Angelo's sore knees at the age of 21?

Lonzo is NOT that player. And neither is Russell.

Stop fooling yourselves into thinking that these reports are "posturing."
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