The NBA Draft Thread

Go back and look at Kobe tape from 1999-2000 season.

I know what young Kobe did. I'm talking about Devin doing what young Kobe did and I just don't see it.

Even if he had Mamba's mentality I don't think he has the ability to do what young Kobe could do.
Yikes I botched that. Other way around.

I meant to say that Devin plays out of PnR way more than Kobe did at this age. Plays way more with the ball. Forced to make plays way more at this age than Kobe was.

Kobe was the defacto PG for the Lakers starting in 2000 though.
Its success in terms of heading in the right direction. Take the Cavs and Warriors out the equation and neither team will win either. All I'm saying is having players like Booker CJ and Beal as your 2nd best player you're not going anywhere (contending).
LoL comparing Devin Booker to KP or at least the talent ... LMAO

That's why I can't even come to this place ...

Last year Booker was a 22/3/3/.9/.3
Last year KP was 18/7/1/.7/2

There are many ways to impact a game ... Looking at those number I would say KP is still a better player to build around ...

He's going to open the lane on one end and he is going to be a rim protector on another .

But whatever ...

Booker score 70 and now he's untouchable and wouldn't be traded for a player that not only going to make your organization better but has way more recruiting power than Booker (talking about LeBron of course, but I would still trade him for KP as I believe now KP is a better player)...

LMAO ...

But he only has 2-3 good years booker is going to be a lifelong Sun ..

Still to early and everyone coming out the draft has potential but until they are proven I wouldn't wager the house on it ....
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I know what young Kobe did. I'm talking about Devin doing what young Kobe did and I just don't see it.

Even if he had Mamba's mentality I don't think he has the ability to do what young Kobe could do.

Kobe was a bit more explosive I'll give you that and Booker is more crafty but they're literally the same size.
Kobe was the defacto PG for the Lakers starting in 2000 though.
No he wasn't.

There really isn't a PG in the Triangle offense. The Triangle was the PG. He wasn't playing in Pick and Roll, and creating for his teammates, (Which is why I have issues with the triangle,) He was filling a spot on the floor and playing from there.
No he wasn't.

There really isn't a PG in the Triangle offense. The Triangle was the PG. He wasn't playing in Pick and Roll, and creating for his teammates, (Which is why I have issues with the triangle,) He was filling a spot on the floor and playing from there.

C'mon man. That's just false.
Klay is better than Beal, CJ, and Booker. Strictly because he's as good if not a better shooter and a much better defender than all of them. Imagine Klay as a #1 option? That team wouldn't win more than 30 games.
What makes Klay so good isn't that he'd be a good #1 option, it's that he's a superb #2/#3 option.  Probably better than a lot of #1-option types would be in that role.
Well once they shut down Bledsoe they gave him that responsibility more and he proved capable. I think we'll continue to see that maturation process continue.

Yikes I botched that. Other way around.

I meant to say that Devin plays out of PnR way more than Kobe did at this age. Plays way more with the ball. Forced to make plays way more at this age than Kobe was.
Don't agree with that at all.

Being the lead ball handler in the triangle while contending for a title is substantially more complex than anything Booker has been tasked with thus far.

There aren't even any real "plays" in the triangle. Its a read & react kind of thing. You have a million options each trip down the floor. Navigating that as the lead ball handler is much more difficult than just running pnr.
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C'mon man. That's just false.
What? There were a few times in which he did it, but that's not how the triangle works at all. He played in a 2 guard front with like Harper, and Later fisher, and either filled the break 3 position, the corner, or the pinch post.

He was not breaking defenses down off the dribble the way that Booker is doing now. It's so different in fact that this aspect alone makes the Booker / Kobe thing a farce to me.
Don't agree with that at all.

Being the lead ball handler in the triangle while contending for a title is substantially more complex than anything Booker has been tasked with thus far.
Both can be true to me.

Being the Lead ball handler in the triangle can be more complex due to the intricacies of the offense, but you aren't asking the lead guard to do nearly as much in that system. It can be more complex sure, but what Booker is being asked to do right now I'd say is a bit harder.
You're making numbers up man he didn't ignore the triangle 60% of the damn time

Did he freelance a bit? Sure. But 60% of the time is just OD and if you watch any game from the early 2000's, ESPECIALLY 99'-2000' you'll see what i'm talking about. ANY game. You'll clearly see him playing and scoring mostly out of the triangle with a hint of freelance.
KP is better than Booker let's not even try to debate that ...but Book is the best player by far on the suns and somebody u want to pair WITH don't wanna just swap those 2 and give up draft picks cuz that's not making the team any better , the Suns playing it the right way by offering up everybody except the best player they got going forward
ESPN Analytics projections:

Lonzo Ball least likely to be a bust (28.6%)

Frank Nik highest chance of of being an All Star followed by D'Aaron

Lonzo and Issac highest statistical plus minus
Any time the game mattered kobe would high jack it and just start running high pick and rolls. :lol:
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How can Booker even be in the same stratisphere as Porzingis.  Porzingis is 1 of 6 young players in the NBA that has that transcendent potential, only handful of other dudes in the same convo would be Towns, Anthony Davis, Embiid, Giannis and Ben Simmons.  Booker doesn't have the potential to anchor a team on both ends, at best he can anchor a team offensively
How can Booker even be in the same stratisphere as Porzingis.  Porzingis is 1 of 6 young players in the NBA that has that transcendent potential, only handful of other dudes in the same convo would be Towns, Anthony Davis, Embiid, Giannis and Ben Simmons.  Booker doesn't have the potential to anchor a team on both ends, at best he can anchor a team offensively

Lol. Ben Simmons? Towns, AD, and Giannis are the only ones that are looking like sure fire ones.
How can Booker even be in the same stratisphere as Porzingis.  Porzingis is 1 of 6 young players in the NBA that has that transcendent potential, only handful of other dudes in the same convo would be Towns, Anthony Davis, Embiid, Giannis and Ben Simmons.  Booker doesn't have the potential to anchor a team on both ends, at best he can anchor a team offensively
How the hell are were going to put two dudes in there that have played a combined 30 NBA games.  
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