The NBA Draft Thread

Wizards have zero picks in the '16 draft, but have only 6 players under contract going into next season. There will probably be one undrafted rookie that makes the squad. I've got my eye on Georges Niang. That being said, knowing how many roster spaces that are available, there will most likely be some big names playing for the Wizards SL team.
Wow... Why did that happen all of a sudden after years of Mock Draft's and great insider articles?

becuase some idiot ruined it for everyone by requesting an article every 3 seconds, which was compounded by the title of the thread being changed to reference the over requesting.

the eye sauron turned onto this thread and warnings were given.
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Wizards have zero picks in the '16 draft, but have only 6 players under contract going into next season. There will probably be one undrafted rookie that makes the squad. I've got my eye on Georges Niang. That being said, knowing how many roster spaces that are available, there will most likely be some big names playing for the Wizards SL team.
He makes Enes Kanter look like Olajuwon on defense.
Dragan Bender is a prospects that shows the ADVANTAGES of AAU basketball.

Dragan has the talent to be a great player, but his rigid european basketball up bringing might limit him to being a do it all complimentary piece rather than some one you can build around.
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Wizards have zero picks in the '16 draft, but have only 6 players under contract going into next season. There will probably be one undrafted rookie that makes the squad. I've got my eye on Georges Niang. That being said, knowing how many roster spaces that are available, there will most likely be some big names playing for the Wizards SL team.
could always buy a pick
Lakers want Jah for #2?
Where'd you get this from?
hell to the nah...nah nah nahhhhhhh
Hmmm I'd probably rather have Avery Bradley for his play both ways
Word. Was listening to a Celts podcast with Jeff Goodman earlier and he threw the idea out there of moving Smart (or Bradley I guess) for Nerlens and then drafting Dunn with #3.
Word. Was listening to a Celts podcast with Jeff Goodman earlier and he threw the idea out there of moving Smart (or Bradley I guess) for Nerlens and then drafting Dunn with #3.

I'd probably do that just because I think Jahlil and Noel won't be here

I don't think Noel has all that much value as far as high picks so I'd def take Bradley
Last edited: I hearing this right? You guys are talking about a straight trade Noel for Bradley? I just want to make sure I am hearing this right before coming to conclusions. I hearing this right? You guys are talking about a straight trade Noel for Bradley? I just want to make sure I am hearing this right before coming to conclusions.

I assume Boston would throw in some kind of future protected pick but the pick would probably be late in the 1st round anyway

There's no way both Noel and Jah are on this team by October IMO
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I love how people are scared of cocky players nowadays. Mackensie Alexander was probably one of the 10 best players in the NFL Draft this year and fell all the way to the 2nd round cause he was cocky. Give me a player with Jaylen Brown's confidence any day of the week over some timid kid that just wants to blend in.

I think it was his 0 career ints at Clemson that had teams second guessing
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