* The New TEAM SC Official post *

My next pick-up follows the "AF1 Chronicles of Tyler" pattern, but I figuredI'd switch it up and go new school . . .

And the best part of this shoe for those who are unaware . . .

I can't even recall the last time I purchased a pair of newly released AF1's . . .

So i was having a good day...Then i come in this thread and see what Ty has picked up. Again another quality air force i probably wont ever get my hands on. Sohere Ty this is for you:
Because right now i am hating on you....

Nice Pick Up man....PROPS
tyler with a recent uptown pickup? i'm outta here... hahaha...

off topic: any gamers in here? (non-madden and non-warcraft please.. cuz those arent games they're lifestyle choices hahaha) i'm looking for a streetfighter iv machine in south carolina..
This for u Tyler and ya boy Yeezy. Not my opinion (even though I'm not feeling the new album at all) but something Istumbled across...

Thought Piece Of The Week:
Kanye West And His Recent Release "808 & Heartbreaks", Is The Epitome Of Whats Wrong In Hip-Hop…


Lifted from: Nerd withSwag

Let me preface this entire discussion with this, can "808 and Heartbreaks" even be classifiedas a Hip-Hop album? Kanye is a traditional Hip-Hop artist, well at least in hindsight, but I have a hard time classifying this album as such. But besides thatit's repugnantly disappointing, and that's an underwhelming statement. It sounds like a cacophony of unrefined mashups, a haphazard attempt will you,at reaching across genres. Kanye obviously ignored the level of refinement needed to walk the fine line of execution this requires, especially among us Hip-Hopenthusiasts. He's ignored the status quo set by avant garde producers that have already mastered this craft (e.g. DJ Danger Mouse).

It hurts to say this, but Kanye West is the epitome of what's currently plaguing Hip-Hop, he has successfully bamboozled the masses, myself included andI'll be dammed if he cons me into buying another one of his albums. At the core of any true artist there is a characteristic and unique style, but I dareto you to name Kanye West's. He has yet to create a unique production, or a work that's timeless for that matter. I can't name one individual Iknow that's bumping any of his last albums, or even have "Graduation" in rotation anymore.

His entire persona seems to be nothing but an amalgam of what's made all the people he looks up to unique in their own sense. If Kanye West was asuperhero, he would "Heroes" own Slyar. He must find out how your uniqueness operates, then take it for himself. His production reeks of No Id'ssoulful charisma, his once conscious lyrical overtone was a direct correlation to Kweli and Common. And his pompous attitude and flamboyant predilectionseerily mimic something between Jay-Z, and a child introduced to Toys R' Us for the first time.

It's hard for me to imagine Kayne's current fandom infantdom (and I say this because the mentality of a die hard Kanye fan seems to be composedprimarily of juvenile competency) with out this larger than life dynamic that he loves to portray. Unfortunately these idiosyncrasies that depict Mr. West assome deep introspective artist, are as ludicrous as his claims to that he is the voice of the people. To think that this lone pseudo-radical artist has someclandestine correlation between our culture and our society, is a pure and simple mendacity to our Hip-Hop roots. These phenotypes that paint him as thistroubled and profoundly complicated character just fall short.

Ye' wasn't this anime watching, label whoring, architecture appreciating, tech, toy, and model fanatic when he stepped on the scene. Much like TheBorg, he has assimilated all of these attributes via his environment, simple and plain. Blame Los Angeles and his Ex for his fashion sense, NerdwithSwag.comfor his blog, N.E.R.D. for all of his Japanese affinities (Anime, Muraikami, etc.), T-Pain's auto-tune, and electronic dance purveyors like Justice for hisalbum.

Style is the area where opposing definitions clash with the most dramatic force. But to those that understand true artistic flair, you look for the catalystbehind creation, the dream before the manifestation, and it just not existent in Kanye. Hip-Hop is all about style, not emulation, it's about creatingprovocative ways of expression through the culture. Not branding ourselves for the sake of "appearing" complicated. I know that this all sounds a bitbiased, and I will be honest, I am a bit staggered. Voice of the people? Advocate for African Americans? Negro please we are the number one black owned techblog for 2 years consecutively, and aren't big by any means, what-so-ever, and he hasn't even mentioned us once. And it's not for the fact that oursite is incredibly fly - as people of color we have grown accustomed to being marginalized. But for the fact that he's just up and taken innumerousarticles from us, which definitely hampers the hard work it takes to run a multifaceted site such as this. The Willy Lynch methodology lives through KanyeWest, and that's just one more aspect to his demeanor.

Subsequently though as a Hip-Hop fan I am left. Looking for music that gives me that feeling like the first time I was introduced to Hip-Hop, and itsdefinitely not coming from Kanye West, its coming from artist like Janelle Monet, Foreign Exchange, Q-tip and Jay Electronica…

Is Kanye West's Career Officially Over?

* Perhaps, although Ye's congregation of sheeple would walk off a cliff with him, while wearing stronger shades.
Thanks for the kind words on the recently acquired pick-up everyone.

Chico - I was forced not to read what you just posted about Kanye. I'll just assume that my most recent pick-up spawned you to post something negativeabout one of, if not the greatest artists out right now.

Good day, sir.


I had to come back and read this article after seeing the title(about the only thing the person who wrotethis article did right).

Upon further review, it seems like the writer of this article has a personal vendetta against Mr. West. Whomever wrote this actually states how they're biased. This whole article just seems to be more of an attempt to bash the artist, rather than critiquehim. The author of this "article" says something about not knowing anyone personally that listens to Ye's older albums anymore. Does he/she notknow anyone else in this world, but himself/herself?

I can't stand when people take this pseudo-high road as a means of trying to give off this falseallusion that they're better than everyone else. You really want to know what's wrong withHip Hop? I'll tell you(and this even goes against what Kanye says) . . . Soulija Boy.
Originally Posted by spacej23

Thanks for the kind words on the recently acquired pick-up everyone.

Chico - I was forced not to read what you just posted about Kanye. I'll just assume that my most recent pick-up spawned you to post something negative about one of, if not the greatest artists out right now.

Good day, sir.

Lol, I think you're looking at it the wrong way fella. I knew you're a Ye fan and just thought it was somethingu might be interested in reading is all. To be honest, I really didn't pay attention to that pickup post... Sorry
Haha, I didn't take it wrong man. I was just talkin' sh!+ back because I thoughtyou were just kidding around too.

I personally will never be interested in an article that is published by someone who is biasedthough.


And you know you paid attention . . . don't lie.
hmm read the review... it sounds like he's accusing kanye of taking something and making it his, making it better.. maybe it's just me, or maybe itscuz i'm asian... but that sounds a lot like..


see Pop Culture, Fashion, Toys, Cartoons, Horror Movies, Electronics, and Automobiles.

last i heard... japan was effing dope...

(btw - found a SFiV machine locator... nothing even close to SC... so i'll stick with Super SF II Turbo HD Remix on PS3 Network... SONIC BOOM !!! )
spacej23 wrote:
I can't stand when people take this pseudo-high road as a means of trying to give off this false allusion that they're better than everyone else. You really want to know what's wrong with Hip Hop? I'll tell you(and this even goes against what Kanye says) . . . Soulija Boy.

heres were your wrong buddy, yea he makes sorry music or in your opinion he may not be whats
"hip-hop" but you have to respect his hustle. he bascially came from nothing, you have to respect
that. in this business now a days all that really matters at the end is money and he is making
alot of it. Kanye even gives soulja boy props and that should say alot....
It's all good Ty. No offense taken. I did go back and peep those 1's and they are dope. Rarely get new oneslike that now a days...

I don't think there's anything wrong with someone feeling the new Kanye. Just not my cup of tea. I respect everyone's taste in music. I just thinksometime he's feeling himself way too much and considers himself some sort of musical genius or something, which I disagree with. Loved his first 3 albumsthough. I'm from the old school so I consider people like Prince musical geniuses because they are the ones who actually "make" music (i.e. writemusic, play instruments, understand sheet music, etc). They make music from real instruments and not from computer programs and things like that. Just myopinion though.

As far as hip hop, I love all of it. I don't look at regions. From Jeezy, Common, TIP, Nas, 3000, Scarface, east, west, midwest, texas, south, whatever. Aslong as I can relate to it, then I rock to it...
Originally Posted by Executive76

He's a Duke fan so he's good in my book

MBen32 -they're a size 10...Ross is like a low budget TJ Maxx or Marshall's

where you live in sc?? i need to get to my local ross and see if i can pick up a pair of goadomes, i stay in sc now..but im from the dmv, which can helpexplain my infactuation with $49.99 beef and brocoli goadomes..
TY-NICE AF1 s Krinks sh*t you killin the game those are like those NY YAnkees jointsthey are cold

*I calll S&M in Orangeburg and the pack is going to be on sale there Saturday.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]MBen32 - I'm in Columbia


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]DAtRENDSETTA[/color] - Areyou talking about this Saturday 12/13???
yea thats what the girl said on the phone

personally I dont think she knew what she was talkin about but my brother lives up there he let me know so I will let you know whats good
Originally Posted by bigmo1002

spacej23 wrote:
I can't stand when people take this pseudo-high road as a means of trying to give off this false allusion that they're better than everyone else. You really want to know what's wrong with Hip Hop? I'll tell you(and this even goes against what Kanye says) . . . Soulija Boy.
heres were your wrong buddy, yea he makes sorry music or in your opinion he may not be whats
"hip-hop" but you have to respect his hustle. he bascially came from nothing, you have to respect
that. in this business now a days all that really matters at the end is money and he is making
alot of it. Kanye even gives soulja boy props and that should say alot....

Well, I guess that's where you and I differentiate. To me, Hip Hop/Rap isn't justabout making money. Yeah, I respect his hustle(somewhat), but being a good "hustler" doesn't justify you good for Hip-Hop/Rap. Kanye did givehim props, and I acknowledged that, but even I don't always agree with what he says 100% of the time.

Mike - Very good point, sir. It's like if you haven't invented somethingequivalent to the telephone nowadays, it's automatically looked down upon. In the words of Larry David:

"I'm not an inventor. I'm an improver. I don't come up with new things, I improveflawed things."

The truth is, "Nothing is new under the sun. It's not what you do, but how it'sdone."

Chico - It's all good man, and thanks.

Marty - I appreciate the kind words homey.
Originally Posted by spacej23

Originally Posted by bigmo1002

spacej23 wrote:
I can't stand when people take this pseudo-high road as a means of trying to give off this false allusion that they're better than everyone else. You really want to know what's wrong with Hip Hop? I'll tell you(and this even goes against what Kanye says) . . . Soulija Boy.
heres were your wrong buddy, yea he makes sorry music or in your opinion he may not be whats
"hip-hop" but you have to respect his hustle. he bascially came from nothing, you have to respect
that. in this business now a days all that really matters at the end is money and he is making
alot of it. Kanye even gives soulja boy props and that should say alot....

Well, I guess that's where you and I differentiate. To me, Hip Hop/Rap isn't just about making money. Yeah, I respect his hustle(somewhat), but being a good "hustler" doesn't justify you good for Hip-Hop/Rap. Kanye did give him props, and I acknowledged that, but even I don't always agree with what he says 100% of the time.

and i couldnt agree with you more, all im saying is that in the end he is just a kid and we as fans of
good music cant deem him the reason that the game is messed up, honestly hip hop was in trouble
long before this dude came along. i personally dont have a problem with him i just stay away from
his music....
so much reading....so little attention span......

mben- welcome, yea bruh i hear about u dmv cats and your nike boots and DUKE ALL DAY!!!!!

ty- the good part about most of your pick-ups is that i get to see them in person....dope $#% shoe

about that article and the music discussion......

Chico- thats prolly the smartest and most truthfull thing ive heard anyone say musically in a while.....Prince is a Genius...(honestly as far as music goes heis on level with michael)

the person titled the article saying that ye was what was wrong with rap.....after he does an album completely as far away from rap as you can be......

and what is really wrong with hip-hop is that everyone is a critique.... i realize that people have

opinions on stuff and have the right to voice them but honestly i feel if you don't like do not listen

to it.....im trying to improve myself on bashing artist....its there and someone likes it.... i no

longer want to sit and argue about music i dont like..... i just wont listen to it, the people that like
it can listen to it and enjoy it all they want and i wont bother them from now on lol......since

everyone is such a critique, it has forced some artist to become soooo cliche because they are

worried about the public opinion, you must realize that these people make a LIVING off of what

they do, its their job, how they feed their families....you honestly cant hate people for doing their
job....i may not like the meter maids but they are just doing what they can do to make a living,

just like these artist....so since people are critiquing sooo hard, they are tailoring to whats in, instead of

having true artistic expression (for the most part)

i am beginning to think that you guys that dont like the new cd forgot what kanye is all bout... what he built his whole legacy on...

he isn't trying to conform... he isnt trying to tailor his sound to what is considered popular... he is doing what he did from the beginning: TAKE A SOUNDTHAT ISNT WIDELY CONSIDERED POPULAR AND MAKE IT MAINSTREAM.. he isn't trying to BE popular.... he's trying to be "the definition" of whateverpopular is....

College Dropout - take the soul sound which was reserved for backpack heads, and mix it with mainstream artists.. be the bridge between underground and thecharts.. EVERYTHING IN HIP HOP tried to copy this afterwards

Late Registration - take the progessive alt-rock PRODUCTION and mix it with hip hop... which is why he needed Jon Brion's co-production so heavily.. Briondefined it with Fiona Apple... NOTHING IN HIP HOP SOUNDED LIKE THIS AND NEVER WILL... because of Jon Brion i believe... they couldnt copy Brion and theycouldnt use him either cuz Ye already did.. for the most obvious examples listen to these tracks again: Roses, Bring me Down, the synthesizers on the last 1:30of Hey Mama, horns on Crack Music and We Major, and pretty much ALL ORCHESTRAL STRINGS on Gone and in the beginning of hidden track Late. You can TELL which ofLR's songs were made during his soul phase and which were Jon Brion's. after analyzing like this...easily MY FAVEORITE KANYE CD... doubt me? figure outwhat "LATE ORCHESTRATION" is and come see me..

Graduation - i see this cd as his introduction to take an even more mainstream approach by involving pop and electronica... anyways..... a collab with ChrisMartin from Coldplay?! the only other cat to try to introdruce effing Coldplay to the streets was Hov.. who admittedly stole the idea from Ye

808s - so with this CD... 808 an arguably dated drum machine (calm down manny fresh) mixed with synth pop.. drop the autotune argument.. he isnt copying t-painstyle.. he just happens to be exploitng his tools to provide the sound a cohesive feel... the equivalent of electronic voices used in 80s synth pop

you may not dig the new CD... but it's definitely NOT straying from what he does... and what he's known for... GIVING MAINSTREAM HIP HOP FANS A TASTEOF THE WORLD OUTSIDE THE RADIO STATION.

i don't see how he is trying to fit in or stifle his own artistic creativity... when everyone is actually trying to catch up... i mean come on... isnt thatthe reason he comes off like a real dooshbag?
Mike - Are you interested in becoming my official spokesman?

Maurice - Yeah, he's not the sole reason for why I think Hip-Hop isn't as good as it use to be. If you really wanted to, you could put that blame on all the ignorant folk who think he's the best rapper out there. When it all comes down to it though,it takes two. I feel as if he's taking advantage of the ignorance of the younger generation for his financial purposes.

Ryan -
Thanks man.
After reading everyone's compelling arguments. I have concluded this. SC sneaker heads, arent just your average:tongue:opular shoe rocking, trendy listeningmusic, hypebeastish kinda of people. Man eveyone brought some very thought out arguments. I mean people in Colorado called me crazy when i was a senior in highschool and i said the College Dropout was in my top 3 CD's of all time. They clowned me for loving Kanye since he was considered a "White Boy"since he rocked Polos, and didnt wear his jeans 10 sizes too big and didnt wear du rags. I mean the thing Kanye always did...Was he put out what he wanted, henever once put something out because he was deemed "ok" by society. Its something that i always have took from his music and applied it to my life. Iuse to get clowned by my boys for wearing polo's, owning an ungodly amount of shoes, and i was considered a NERD for doing well in school. But I took fromKanye is who cares...I am me and i am only going to do me. And i believe thats what 808s and Heartbreaks is. He doesnt care what mainstream says, he is doingwhat he feels is good music. Not many artist are doing that, look at Diddy who is doing the now so trendy Autotune album, look at 50, even look at Wayne. Theyare doing what people think sounds good, not what they feel in there heart like Yezzy does. But i respect each and everyones opinion. But in my view, yezzy didhim and wasnt concerned what we thought.

Mike-Once again you took us to Church, it aint even Sunday and i heard great Sermons.

Ty-I feel your passion about Yezzy trust me, but i learned a lot of people dont . But what do they know huh
?They are listening to Souja Boi and Mike Jones and giving them 5 MICS in vibe.Critics aint nothing these days.

Ryan-Wow man...that was a beautiful piece of literature you put together. Oh by the way my girl still is mad at you, and hopes you dont get your size 12 strapssince she couldnt/
uhh mike....you totally misunderstood me on that one....

i was supporting kanye for once on that one.....i know shocking...

"(for the most part)" meant that kanye isnt the one that is trying to follow popular opinion or hold backexpression, others are....

and at the top i was disagreeing with the article because how can he be whats wrong with hip-hop after doing an album thatisnt hip-hop?....

i'm not feeling the new cd because of some of the music, and im not basing this cd on his whole career

i mean the dynasty pretty much sucked....but blueprint and black album make you slightly forget.

he comes off as a douche because he is a cocky mofo that likes to control everything and thinks that EVERYTHING he does isgreat.....

this is what makes him good and what makes him a bad little brat.....he couldnt be more wrong though...cuz no one is great100percent of the time....

i feel that sometimes he doesn't know when to fall back for a second let the smoke clear and hit the haters withsomething harder, but he will learn.

but even at that, he still is not the biggest douchemcgee in music...diddy is, and as long as the money is rollin, theycan continue to be that way.......(can't stop won't stop ehh ehhh)
hahahha... if i misunderstood you, my bad... but i still stand by what i said...

contrary to how my Kanye sermons sound, I am not trying to "convince" people to like Kanye or the new CD... i just want to make sure they know wherehe's coming from.. cuz honestly i know a lot of people are like "@## does this cat think he's doing?"

my musical taste are pretty diverse.. and im a pop culture freak... and the one thing i LOVE is when people succeed outside of their avenue... justintimberlake (not just musically but in comedy).. pac man (an asian rated #1 pound for pound boxer by all major circuits?! damn!).. good will hunting(hahahahha).. tiger woods... child prodigies... underdogs.. the roots (and to a smaller extent, gym class heroes).. female lead singers to rock bands .. scottstorch (even though he played himself)... crossover appeal.... the remake or planet of the apes (if you dont like that ending, then you probably didnt getit)... baz luhrmann movies ... all that junk fascinates me

and its HARD to see people like that being misunderstood or under-appreciated... so i dont care if Ye is loved or hated... as long people understand whatthey're loving/hating about him

personally... i hate david lynch and stanley kubrick... but no one ever really broke em down for me... so here i sit... HATING. hate hate hate hate hahahahahah

edit - Jason - just read your post... i think thats the meat n potatos right there... he makes music he likes FOR HIMSELF... he wanted to be a star on beats hereally could get into ,so BAM he started producing in his bedroom in chicagp and thats all she wrote
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