The official '20 NYK thread, Nate jersey retired

Metta World Peace for head coach?

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    Votes: 9 34.6%
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It’s not weird that Frank is by far the worst player on the team but gets the most love and is talked about and wrote about more than any other Knick.?And if you talk bad about him cats come out the woodwork with the craziest stats/arguments as to why we need to keep him?
I’m pretty confident 99% of Frank content is played up for jokes to get reactions out of people like yourself who take it way more seriously than it’s supposed to be

You really think dude running the Knicks social media accounts is blind to how fans feel about Frank? He gets reactions and that’s what they want

I’d challenge you to find a single Knicks fan that would call Frank an untouchable asset and I doubt you’d be able to

And I’m not really tryna get into a serious Frank debate but if you objectively looking at this roster and can say with your chest he’s by far the worst player then idk what to tell you

I’ll just let you rock with that opinion :lol:
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I think its because Frank is real low key but actually wants to try and improve. He doesn't complain much so it seems like he gets a pass.

Its time for him to show and prove though.
I’m pretty confident 99% of Frank content is played up for jokes to get reactions out of people like yourself who take it way more seriously than it’s supposed to be

You really think dude running the Knicks social media accounts is blind to how fans feel about Frank? He gets reactions and that’s what they want

I’d challenge you to find a single Knicks fan that would call Frank an untouchable asset and I doubt you’d be able to

And I’m not really tryna get into a serious Frank debate but if you objectively looking at this roster and can say with your chest he’s by far the worst player then idk what to tell you

I’ll just let you rock with that opinion :lol:
Never said anyone said or thought he was untouchable. And Knox and DSJ are Def Better than Frank no matter what you believe but all Frank’s fans come back to this mythical defense that he has that other teams wouldn’t even give a 2nd round pick for. His shortcomings FAR outweigh his “legendary” defense.
No pick in Knicks History has been cut as much slack as Frank and it’s confusing. I get he’s quiet and says good things but so does a majority of rookies. People on here wouldn’t give Josh Jackson a second Chance but are willing to give Frank a 4th chance and he’s literally has shown nothing.
Knox and DS Jr do absolutely nothing well

Frank at least locks in and has all world defensive potential

Those bums are not better than our best bum Frankie Buckets
I hate to say it but You know how cats try to push something on you and it makes you dislike the product or person more for really no reason? I think that’s where I’ve been at with Frank and I don’t want to be like that.
The argument can be made that DSJ does nothing well, but everything else donewithjs donewithjs said is accurate af. There’s a reason Frank’s name isn’t in trade talks. And it’s because no one wants him 😩. Boy skiddish to shoot, shoots in slo-mo in real time & always looks surprised when he makes it. The offensive deficiencies, for me at least, far outweigh the defensive gauntlet some make him out to be. What was his ceiling coming into the draft anyway? I doubt his slow *** mixtapes warranted a top 10 pick even as a reach.

With all that said, I currently believe there’s a rightful place on the Knicks bench for him.

And I do think Knox’s ceiling is higher than Frank’s.

So if one current scrub has to go, I’d rather *****lina. He’d do well by going to the Spurs.
Everything Frank does defensively is a positive. Anything he provides offensively is a surprise and ill take it. Outside of RJ and Taj he’s the only player on this team with an actual basketball IQ. Plus he doesnt gloat or say anything outside of “I’ll do w.e is best for the team” or “I gotta do better”“ Y’all lying to yourselves when you say no team would take him. Every single team in the league would take him. Accept him for who he is, a defensive high IQ guard that is inconsistent on offense. But NYC fans are stuck on dumb fancy dribbles and high volume chucking. That’s not him.

The organization itself destroyed his value so much from the constant coach and FO changes that it’s absolutely not worth trading him at his lowest value. Them not giving him a G league stint further proves how terrible of a FO we had. So trading him for a 2nd round pick would be such a Knick thing to do, 75% of second rounders don’t even stay in the league. Plus no team wants to pay 8 mill a year to a second rounder only off potential. But his actual value multiplies on a good team. You are lying to yourself if you think he wouldn’t be legit off the bench and get minutes on the Raptors or Heat. Point is he has an actual strength that every team would want in today’s NBA. Youll see his true value when he’s a unrestricted FA.
Thibs gonna turn Frank into a dog watch. Gonna play him hella minutes and he's gonna eat defensively

Unless he’s packaged for a star player, I’m looking forward to this. Competent coach that focuses on defense, Frank gotta take advantage of this opportunity.
Done with Frank and Knox. Hopefully they have good first few months of the season and then they get traded.
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Wiseman might be out of the picture for the Knicks. A great draft world be Melo & this kid. Tbh, this draft is very interesting outside of the top 3.

edit: my guy
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